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Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees! — Chapter 140

In the live broadcast room.

The battlefield is uneven, wave after wave, a magnificent scene.

Let the various barrages in the live broadcast room also continue to fly, expressing the shock of the heart.

“Sleeping, it’s a big scene again! Now my screen is filled with all kinds of crazy elemental light! ”

“In the panoramic mode of the live interface, I feel like I am immersive, and the power is too terrifying…”

“Looking at this earth-shattering battle, I feel like I’ve burned up!”

“The Ten Thousand Dragons Army of the Heaven-Sealing God is really still awesome, and it can produce such a terrifying power as the [Ten Thousand Dragons Fusion Skill]! How can those silver beamons be blocked? ”

“Yes, the current battlefield is already a sea of manic elements! In the constant impact and strangling of various huge elements, even if Silver Beamon is stronger, it will definitely not be able to resist! ”

“Ten Thousand Dragons Fusion Technique, this is a forbidden technique! I believe that it will never come without a cost to use…”

“Heaven-sealing god is awesome! Dragon loli awesome! The Ten Thousand Dragon Legion is awesome! Walk up! ”

As a result, the barrage at this moment has become rows of repeaters.

Awesome triple in various colors, brush non-stop!

“Guys, don’t take it too lightly. Look at the silver Beamon below, they are all formed into a formation totem! ”

“Did you find it, this silver totem is somewhat similar to the totem I saw in the battle live broadcast of the Heaven Sealing God a few days ago.”

“But it’s bigger and more exaggerated!”

“Hey, you guys click the interface carefully, there will be a detailed introduction about this totem!”

At this moment, in the interface of the live broadcast room, the relevant information of this totem has been displayed.

“This formation totem is actually a fusion skill, called [Silver Oath]! Hundreds of Silver Beamon Generals launched at the same time, coupled with the magic infusion of tens of thousands of Beamon elites, this fusion skill was able to summon the power of the Silver Law! ”

Seeing this, a heart that many lords had just put down hung again.

Originally, I thought that the Ten Thousand Dragons Fusion Technique was already very powerful.

But in the face of the Silver Oath, which can summon the power of law, the two collided, and the result is still unknown!

In fact.

Whether it is the Ten Thousand Dragons Fusion Technique or the launch of the Silver Oath, there is a huge price.

The Ten Thousand Dragons Fusion Technique will burn the lives of tens of thousands of dragons at the same time, and every second this Auspicious Forbidden Technique is activated will consume ten years of the life of each dragon.

Therefore, even if the life span of the dragon family is very long, it cannot withstand this level of consumption.

And the Silver Oath is at the cost of the lives of more than 10,000 Beamon elites!

However, these things are not known to the Beamon elites.

For their own sake, the Silver Beamon generals chose to sacrifice all the elite troops of Beamon to launch this Law Array, summon the Silver Law, and thus compete with the Ten Thousand Dragons!

“Look! The totem formation [Silver Oath] of the Silver Beamon Army has taken shape! ”



In the battlefield at this moment, countless elemental storms turned into countless colorful dragons.

These colorful dragons converged to form a much larger, purely elemental dragon.

The elemental dragon hovered in the sky for a while, and the soaring dragon head rushed straight towards the ground!

And on the ground at this moment, the silver oath totem formed by ten thousand Beamon has also been completely formed!

The huge [power of the Silver Law] was continuously condensed from the formation, becoming a silver spear with a handle of thousands of meters!

The Law of Silver is a branch of the Law of Destruction, and the destructive power controlled by this branch is:

[Destruction through]!

The two huge and incomparable power systems collided fiercely together in the next instant!

The silver spear depicting the meaning of the law of silver, each of which is thousands of meters long.

Thousands of miles in the sky, the colorful dragon rushing down, straight through!

On one side is the fusion of the power of the seven elements.

On one side is the power of the Silver Law that runs through destruction.

The collision of the two forces instantly stirred up countless turbulence in the space!

The silent explosion turned the battlefield into a blinding white light!

The land within a radius of thousands of miles was instantly turned into nothingness in this explosion!

And at the moment when the explosion came.

Ling Feng controlled the floating battle city and began to retreat rapidly until he withdrew from the center of the explosion.

On the other side, King Beamon and his men did the same.

This explosion directly doubled the scope of the battlefield.

Some border cities in the Rune Kingdom were affected by the explosion and were easily destroyed!


“Sleeping, I guessed that this was definitely a heaven-shattering explosion, but the final effect was more terrifying than I imagined!”

“In the center of the battlefield, a large pit with a depth of ten kilometers has appeared!”

“My mother, look, the clouds in the sky have been blown out of a hole!”

“Is this the power of [Upright Forbidden Arts] and [Law Power]? I’ve already stopped in Bengbu and I’m scared to pee! ”

“Don’t ask me why I’m kneeling in front of the screen, it’s because of worship! In fact, I can’t stand up with weak legs…”

“Don’t ask me why I’m in tears, just because I’m excited! I was actually blinded by the terrible explosion rays…”

“I just don’t know, this battle, is it won by the Dragon Legion, or is Silver Beamon won?”


A full quarter of an hour later.

When all the smoke cleared, everyone could see the situation in the center of the battlefield clearly.

On the ground, all the Beamon elites have all died!

General Silver Beamon also lost most of the battle, leaving only a dozen of the strongest Silver Beamon generals, still lying dying on the ground.

No, now it should be said that lying at the bottom of the big pit!

And in the sky, at this moment, a bright red totem appeared!

In the center of the totem is a red dragon thousands of miles long.

Alex Tasa, the dragon of life!

And that totem is the inheritance of Tasa’s king:

【Wheel of Life】!

Just after the explosion, she had already unfolded this wheel of life.

The life breath of all the dragon clans is recorded in it.

At this moment, Tasa raised the dragon’s head, let out a long groan, and silently recited the dragon mantra:

“[Wheel of Life: Reversal Technique]!”


The huge red totem in the sky began to rotate counterclockwise.

Infinite life force, emanating from the totem!

Originally, the elemental dragons of the Dragon Clan Legion were under the rapid consumption of vitality and the power of the Silver Law.

All are already dying, and some have become corpses.

However, since the wheel of life recorded their breath during their lifetime,

Then, Tasa performs the reversal of the Wheel of Life.

The huge life force was re-injected into their bodies by the wheel of life.

In less than a minute, all the elemental dragons woke up one after another, flew high in the air again, and restored all their vitality!

This is the most perverted place for the dragon of life as a king dragon species.

As long as there is a battlefield where the dragon of life is located, it is difficult for your own side to have any core force casualties!

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (Yanzu, ask for subscription, ask for customization, ask for data~!!) )


Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Status: Ongoing Author:


The era of national lords has begun, and billions of people have crossed the continent to compete for hegemony.

As an orphan, Ling Feng got 300 billion world tree seeds at the beginning!

Dragon World Tree, planted with ancient candle dragon, mysterious frost dragon, blue-eyed white dragon, true red-eyed black dragon…

The blood follows the bounded world tree, planting the eye of reincarnation, kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, tense eye, dust escape, wood escape…

The cultivation method world tree, planting the idols to suppress the prison, the evil spirits, he transforms the free method, the idea of ​​​​chaotic gods and demons!

The bloodline world tree of all worlds, planted with supreme bones, heavy pupils, invincible body, and ancient sacred body!

When all the lords were still struggling with hunger and monsters, Ling Feng had already become a supreme god, leading the army of dragons, the army of demons, and the army of angels to conquer the endless planes!


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