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Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees! — Chapter 142

In the battlefield at the moment.

Covered in dust and scars, Targaryen Mundell got up from the bottom of the pit.

As the leader of General Silver Beamon, he failed to fulfill His Majesty’s orders,

Therefore, although he was seriously injured, he could only kneel on the ground trembling again.

Ask for forgiveness from the eleven strongest beings of the Rune Kingdom above the sky at this moment!

“Your Majesty, there is also the patriarch, the subordinates are incompetent, and the sin deserves death!”

Mondell knelt at the bottom of the pit, constantly kowtowing to the sky and repenting.

His voice was also extremely trembling, showing the fear in his heart at the moment.

One of them, Golden Beamon, looks seven points similar to Mondell.

At this moment, he said indifferently:

“You stand down first.”

“The rest of the matter will be left to me and Your Majesty to solve. As for your sins, when this war is over, it will be handed over to Your Majesty. ”

“Yes… Patriarch. ”

Targaryen Mundell replied in a trembling voice, and then walked towards the rear of the battlefield.

“Damn, damn it… I turned out to be the loser of the war! ”

“As a Beamon warrior of the Ten Great Saint Families, I’m afraid that the patriarch will be very embarrassed in front of His Majesty now, right?”

“The patriarch will definitely not let me go!”

“However, my fate will be decided by Your Majesty…”

“Next, I’m going to see how the other side died! I want to watch the tragic death of those abominable alien invaders to relieve the hatred in my heart! ”

Facing His Majesty at the True God level, there were also the ten Saint Clan leaders of the Rune Kingdom.

Each of them has super strong and superb talents, and they are all demigod-level existences, touching the threshold of a certain law!

“It is absolutely impossible to defeat just a mere otherworldly invader!!”

“I want to watch Your Majesty and the Patriarch and avenge me!”

Mundell’s eyes were bloodshot and full of hatred.

Looking into the distant sky, the golden floating battle city cursed.

And at this moment, the gate of the floating battle city just opened.

Ling Feng led several angel girls under his command to step out of the sky from the floating battle city!

Facing the King of Golden Beamon and the ten Golden Beamon Generals, the powerful coercion emanating from the surrounding body was not afraid at all, and they faced off from afar in the sky!


“It’s the Heaven Sealing God, the Heaven Sealing God has appeared!”

“Sleeping, I haven’t seen you for a few days, and the God of Heaven Sealing has become handsome again!”

“Beside him, and the angelic beautiful girl that I miss in my heart! Quickly pull into the camera and let me admire the peerless face of the beautiful girl inch by inch! ”

“Watch out upstairs, your pants tripped me!”

“I’m here to see the Heaven Sealing God, the Heaven Sealing God is dead, I want to give him a monkey!”

“No, looking at him I feel pregnant, could it be that he injected me with seeds through his eyes?”

“Chicken coop warning! Female lords, let’s all make faces, are you ashamed of the public? ”

“Okay, shut up! Appearance is very important, but not the most important! ”

“The next battle is a moment of life and death!”

“The lineup on the opposite side is very strong, you see, some basic information has been given in the interface of the Golden Beamon King and the Top Ten Golden Generals.”

Therefore, all the lords stared intently at the information displayed on the interface.

Soon someone exclaimed!

The talents of the ten golden Beamon generals are:

The Tagg Holy Clan, Tagg Rensar, has the talent [Power of Plunder]!

You can forcibly plunder the nature, characteristics and partial abilities of all living or non-living things around, and the threshold of the law that you touch is the [Law of Deprivation]!

The Ron Holy Clan, Ron Chris, has the talent [Spirit Wheel Tomb]!

You can detach your soul from your body and enter a spirit world, and inflict damage on enemies or launch cursed attacks in a spirit manner.

The threshold of the law touched is [Soul Law]!

The Targarian Holy Clan, Targaryen Daurel, has the talent [Strangle the Holy Wheel]!

You can instantly build countless roulette wheels that can strangle any living organism in space through the intersection of your own eyes and attack the enemy!

The threshold of the law touched is [Hanging Law]!


The disciple saint, disciple Levier, master the talent [Devil’s Covenant]!

The golden Beamon of this holy family will make a contract with the devils of the other world, summon the devils to fight for themselves in battle, and the summoned devils often have a variety of very strange abilities!

The threshold of the law touched is [Summoning Law]!

In addition, the ten golden generals also have the talent [Heavenly Body], [Void Maker], [Instantaneous Phantom] and so on.

The laws touched also include [Law of Overlords], [Law of Void], [Law of Space] and so on!

In a word, strong outrageous!

For these golden generals who have touched the power of the law.

The battle just now was indeed like a family!


“Crouch, these ten golden Beamon generals all have such perverted talents! It is worthy of being the top ten holy clans of the Rune Kingdom! ”

“Yes, it’s too perverted, they have all reached the demigod-level existence and touched the threshold of the law!”

“With such a powerful and perverted talent, I am afraid that the battle of the Heaven Sealing God will be difficult!”

“Not only that, but there is also a real lower true god on the other side, a lower true god with a [violent] godhead!”

“It’s a pity that we can’t see all kinds of data of the current Heaven Sealing God, otherwise we can make a general judgment.”

“In short, now I am not optimistic about the Heaven Sealing God!”


However, Ling Feng, who was hanging in the air at this moment, looked very indifferent.

“Demigod level, have you mastered the existence of some kind of law threshold.”

“Huh… There is a difference of 108,000 miles between touching the threshold of a certain law and thoroughly mastering this law. ”

The demigod level wants to cross the threshold and become a true god.

Gather enough will and faith to be able to cross it.

However, if you want to become a true god with a godhead from a true god, you must master at least one complete law power!

Therefore, these demigods are not even true gods, and the power of the law they touch is only less than one billionth of the power of the law.

Some arrogance, to understand the golden Beamon of the [law of superiority], with their talent,

Perhaps this long life will not be able to master the power of a complete law.

For example: [Law of Time], [Law of Space], and [Void Law], which are indeed more high-end than [Law of Kendo].

However, it is extremely difficult to master them, and it even takes hundreds of millions of years of effort!

And these golden generals are far worse than that, in Ling Feng’s eyes!

Just touching the little fur of the law, no, maybe not even a fur, dare to stand there and look at him with a mocking look?

“Hehe, what a fearless ignorant.”

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (Ask for data, ask for customization~~!!) )


Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Status: Ongoing Author:


The era of national lords has begun, and billions of people have crossed the continent to compete for hegemony.

As an orphan, Ling Feng got 300 billion world tree seeds at the beginning!

Dragon World Tree, planted with ancient candle dragon, mysterious frost dragon, blue-eyed white dragon, true red-eyed black dragon…

The blood follows the bounded world tree, planting the eye of reincarnation, kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, tense eye, dust escape, wood escape…

The cultivation method world tree, planting the idols to suppress the prison, the evil spirits, he transforms the free method, the idea of ​​​​chaotic gods and demons!

The bloodline world tree of all worlds, planted with supreme bones, heavy pupils, invincible body, and ancient sacred body!

When all the lords were still struggling with hunger and monsters, Ling Feng had already become a supreme god, leading the army of dragons, the army of demons, and the army of angels to conquer the endless planes!


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