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Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees! — Chapter 223

In the battlefield at the moment.
Except for the place where the City of Rui Beast is located, the other surrounding lands have shattered, turned into boulders, and floated into the air, as if they have been attracted by something formless and insubstantial!
Hundreds of millions of miles of earth, all shattered, this extremely shocking scene, in the live broadcast room also aroused countless exclamations!
“It’s too shocking, it’s too terrifying, is this the power of beautiful girls?!”
“This loli please give me a dozen thanks!”
“Unexpectedly, there is no need to seal the heavens at all, his beautiful girl Loli will directly seal all the hundreds of true god-level existences! What a terrifying force is this?! ”
“The first time I saw the Star Casting Dragon, it was only a thousand meters long, and the current Star Casting Dragon’s body was hundreds of millions of miles across, which was too shocking!”
At this moment, Xiao Xi has completely transformed into a star-casting dragon, and his body is shining with the luster of countless stars, hovering in the sky for thousands of miles.
In the sky.
Illuminated by countless stars, like silver ridges, stretching to infinity.
That is the incomparably great body of the Star Casting Dragon!
Count Tous couldn’t hold back at the moment.
Not only hundreds of True God-level subordinates, but also all his millions of extraterritorial Heavenly Demon armies were all sealed in the hundreds of stars in the sky.
Moreover, those stars are still attracting the floating stones around them, becoming even bigger!
Now, except for the bronze city at his feet, Count Tus has been completely reduced to a light pole commander.
Originally, he was also preparing to observe on the wall, and all of it was handled by his subordinates.
But now it seems that he can’t do it if he doesn’t make a move.
“Well, that’s fine. Since you are strong enough, then it is worth the help of a strong man of the Star God Realm!” ”
“Kill you, I will dig out all the secrets on your body.”
“Look at why you can not only master the power of the three thousand avenues, but also have the favor of the top law!”
The expression on Count Toss’s face turned hideous, and he stood up from the black bench below him.
The body hundreds of meters tall is full of strangely shaped eyes.
Those originally closed eyes are all open at this moment!
A bloodthirsty glow radiates from inside!
The momentum around Count Tuss suddenly changed, as if the air around him had been completely emptied, and an extremely powerful sense of oppression erupted from him!
Those bright red eyes carried one of the most powerful laws mastered by Count Tuth:
The Law of Medin: The Law of Divine Pupils!
The law of divine pupils controls all pupil techniques, and Count Tuss has the power of this law to comprehend all pupil techniques that exist in this world at the same time.
Every time he comprehended a pupil technique, an extra eye would grow on his body, and the law of child prodigy would become more powerful!
This is a very rare law power that can grow, and the highest can grow to the upper law!
And now, Count Tus has mastered thousands of pupil techniques, evolving the law of divine pupils to the law of mediation!
“Hmph, even if the top-level law is powerful, after all, it is just a dragon clan that has just been promoted to the true god level.”
“I have been advancing to the Star God Realm for thousands of years, and I have already commanded the power of my own laws, so let you appreciate the gap between the Star God Realm and the True God Realm now!”
After that, Count Tus’s eyes suddenly burst out with an incomparably brilliant light, and the pupils in each pupil changed into different shapes and used different pupil techniques!
In an instant, hundreds of pupil techniques attacked towards Ling Feng at the same time!
The angel Yan beside Ling Feng unfolded the twelve golden wings behind him and soared up, seemingly turning into a small sun, emitting thousands of glows!


Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Status: Ongoing Author:


The era of national lords has begun, and billions of people have crossed the continent to compete for hegemony.

As an orphan, Ling Feng got 300 billion world tree seeds at the beginning!

Dragon World Tree, planted with ancient candle dragon, mysterious frost dragon, blue-eyed white dragon, true red-eyed black dragon…

The blood follows the bounded world tree, planting the eye of reincarnation, kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, tense eye, dust escape, wood escape…

The cultivation method world tree, planting the idols to suppress the prison, the evil spirits, he transforms the free method, the idea of ​​​​chaotic gods and demons!

The bloodline world tree of all worlds, planted with supreme bones, heavy pupils, invincible body, and ancient sacred body!

When all the lords were still struggling with hunger and monsters, Ling Feng had already become a supreme god, leading the army of dragons, the army of demons, and the army of angels to conquer the endless planes!


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