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Marvel becomes a knight starting from Drive — Chapter 262

After understanding this, Amazons, the snapping turtle, raised his hand and punched Connors in the chest.

Connors, who was inexperienced in fighting, was directly thrown away.


Connors smashed the ground angrily and rushed towards the opponent again.


The snapping turtle Amazons also roared in anger. He could smell it. Connors was exuding the breath of Amazons, but he didn’t understand why this strange species of the same species was attacking him.

But it couldn’t help it think too much, Connors had already pounced in front of it.

He has no fighting skills and relies solely on his wild wild instincts to fight.

Connors was like a wild beast, biting the snapping turtle Amazon with every punch and claw, trying to kill the opponent with all his strength.

Amazon, the snapping turtle, doesn’t tolerate Connors and bites him right away.

The sharp beak, like a hydraulic pliers, bit into Connors’ shoulder, twisting his head and tearing off a large piece of flesh.


Connors let go of the snapping turtle in pain, and looked at his left shoulder where blood was pouring out. Murderous intent surged in his scarlet eyes, and his ferocity was fully aroused.

Regardless of the injury on his shoulder, he launched another attack on the snapping turtle Amazon.

This battle, full of primitive and wild blood, was thrilling to watch. Even the hunting team who had been through life and death countless times had their eyelids twitching.

“Captain, what should we do? Should we support the green guy, or eliminate them together.”

Although the green guy who suddenly appeared saved a crazy girl, the behavior and appearance of this guy showed that he was too similar to those monsters.

“Don’t act rashly yet!”

The military assassin narrowed his eyes and stared at Connors’ back. His eyes rested on a belt around Connors’ waist.

“That belt…”

His words attracted the attention of others, and they also discovered that there was an extremely wild-shaped belt around Connors’s waist. It looked like the eyes of some kind of creature, but it also had something like a motorcycle handle. Grip.

“Captain, is there something wrong with that guy’s belt?”

Jun Ci thought for a moment and said.

“Don’t you think his belt looks similar to those of Kamen Riders?”

“Indeed, but there seems to be no such guy among the known knights.”

Jun Ci said disapprovingly.

“It’s hard to say. At the beginning, Stark was the only one who revealed his identity as a Kamen Rider. Later, those knights also appeared one after another.”

Listening to Jun Ci’s words, one of the team members asked.

“Then we support him?”


Jun Ci waved his hand.

“We can’t confirm his identity, so I think we shouldn’t act rashly for now and wait until the battle between them is over to make a judgment.”

Another team member nodded.

“The captain is right. Let these monsters fight each other first. When they are exhausted, it will be beneficial to us no matter whether they are friends or foes.”

After making the decision, the members of the hunting team immediately dispersed, limiting Connors and the snapping turtle Amazon within a controllable area.

The battle between Connors and Amazon, the snapping turtle, is also coming to an end. Although Amazon has extremely strong self-healing ability, compared with Connors, the former lizard man, Amazon, the snapping turtle, has no self-healing ability at all. Just not enough.


Connors grabbed the snapping turtle’s shoulders, raised his legs and kicked wildly, and let out an almost crazy roar.

The snapping turtle Amazon’s eyes were already shrouded in fear. He couldn’t believe what was causing this guy to kill himself even if he didn’t care about his own life.

But even rabbits will bite people when they are anxious, not to mention the man-eating Amazon.


The snapping turtle let out a final roar, broke away from Connors’ sharp claws, and punched Connors’s breastplate with a direct punch, causing the breastplate to shatter in an instant.

Connors also punched out, but his punch grazed the snapping turtle’s neck.

The snapping turtle was a little lucky. Did this guy finally lose his strength? Even his fists missed.

However, the next moment, it froze. On Connors’s monster-like face, it actually saw a strange smile.


On Connors’ arm, a sharp thorn blade popped out and he pulled hard.

The sharp thorn blade directly cut through the snapping turtle’s skin, which was covered with a thick cuticle, and dirty blood spurted out.


Connors used his strength again and kicked Amazon the snapping turtle away.

His blood-stained arm grabbed the guard of the belt and twisted it hard.

“Violent Punish!”

A low electronic sound sounded from the belt, and Connors stepped forward, raised his hand and punched out.

The two figures intertwined with each other, and an arc of light lit up.

Connors stood behind Amazon, the snapping turtle, and the snapping turtle froze in place.

“what happened?”

The hunting team looked at the silent battlefield with confusion.

“Look at that guy’s belly!”

Everyone rushed to the belly of the snapping turtle, but a ferocious cut appeared on the hard turtle shell. Blood spurted out. The whole person fell backwards, and the entire Amazon was cut into two pieces with one knife. .

“What a terrifying destructive power!”

Everyone looked at Dr. Connors with disbelief. Connors slowly turned around, his pair of scarlet compound eyes looking extremely horrifying at this moment.


After Jun Ci gave the order, everyone was on guard, fearing that they would become his next target.

Connors looked around at everyone, jumped up, and disappeared among the high-rise buildings into an afterimage.

“Is that guy gone?”

“Nonsense, I’m not blind!”

“Captain, what should we do?”

Everyone looked at Jun Ci, waiting for him to come up with an idea.

Military Thorn stared at the direction where Connors disappeared, and then said.

“Clean up the battlefield and go back to base. Did you record the battle just now?”

“It’s recorded.”

“Very well, let’s leave this matter to the director to decide.”

Who is this green guy? Friend or foe? Is he also a Kamen Rider?

Although the assassin is very confused, as an agent and a soldier, his mission is to eliminate Amazon. As for these troublesome problems, he should leave it to Nick Fury.

Chapter 378: Injured Spider-Man, Peter Parker loses his abilities?

New York City Urban High School.

After the war in New York, after a period of repairs, the troubled school finally opened again.

Before this time, Mu En had to admire the perseverance of these teachers and students.

I really have not forgotten my original intention. Living in this city where super criminals are everywhere and superheroes are flying everywhere, I can still keep the school open.

The students who returned to school were also extremely excited, and everyone was discussing the battle that shocked the whole world.

Wherever you go, you can hear people discussing who is the coolest among the Avengers.

The core points of the dispute focus on Steve and Stark.

“Of course Captain America is the leader of the Avengers, he is the captain!”

“But pull it down, it was Stark who saved us. I saw with my own eyes that Stark killed a big monster with his head.”

“But Captain America is the commander of normal battles, and it is the task he assigns to every Avenger.”

“But he’s just down there fighting a dozen monsters. Iron Man is still more powerful.”

The two people were arguing about who was more powerful, and they started to argue with red faces.

Listening to the argument between them, Mu En shook his head helplessly.

Good guy, no matter which universe you are in, there will always be people quarreling over who is the real core of the Avengers, Steve or Stark. In the previous life, fans online were quite divided over this matter.

Just when the two were arguing happily, another classmate on the side intervened weakly.

“I think Hulk is the most powerful. He can knock over a big monster with one punch.”

“Hulk? He’s just a big, stupid guy covered in muscles. Thor is the strongest Avenger. Didn’t you see the lightning that blocked the wormhole? How many monsters did he destroy by himself?”

“No, no, I think Stark is better…”

Mu En really couldn’t listen anymore, so he quickly quickened his pace, walked through the corridor and finally returned to the classroom where he had been away for a long time.

“Huh~! Finally, it’s back again!”

Sitting in his seat and looking at the familiar classmates around him, Mu En breathed a sigh of relief.

“Hey Mu En, long time no see.”

Harry walked into the classroom and said hello to Shepherd.

Mu En also waved his hand and returned jokingly.

“It’s been a long time since we last saw each other. I almost thought the school wouldn’t be open anymore? After that battle, the school was basically unscathed.”

Although the school was located quite a distance from the center of the battlefield, that battle affected the entire New York. If you are unlucky, it is not impossible that the school will be blown up during the battle.

Harry also laughed after hearing Mu En’s words.

“That’s for sure. You must know that in that war, besides the Avengers, many heroes emerged. Especially Bat Wing, who also showed off his talents.”

He said with a confident expression on his face.

Mu En also laughed when he looked at Harry who almost had “I am a bat wing” written on his face. However, for Harry who had the courage to stand up at that moment, Mu En also admired him very much and praised him without hesitation.

“Yeah, it’s really awesome, awesome.”

“You two came back quite early.”

Gwen arrived at the classroom carrying her schoolbag and greeted the two of them.

“Long time no see, Gwen.”

“haven’t seen you for a long time.”

As Peter’s good brother, Harry discovered that Peter, who had always arrived the earliest, hadn’t arrived yet.

“Hey Gwen, isn’t Peter with you?”

Gwen also shook her head.

“No, my house and Peter’s house are not in the same direction.”

“Long time no see everyone!”

Say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will arrive. Just as they were talking about why Peter hadn’t arrived yet, Mary Jane helped Peter and walked in.

But it looked like something was wrong with him, his face was pale and his voice was weak. The most important thing was that he actually walked into the classroom on crutches and needed Mary Jane to support him.

“Oh my God, Peter, what’s wrong with you?”

As Peter’s girlfriend, Gwen was immediately stunned. She didn’t care to compete with Mary Jane and stepped forward to support Peter and asked with concern.


Marvel becomes a knight starting from Drive

Marvel becomes a knight starting from Drive

Status: Completed Author:


"Mr. Belt, do you want to regain a body that can move freely?"
"Nani, are you kidding me?"
"Of course not, I'm serious."
In Women's Federation 2, Mu En quietly replaced Jarvis who was supposed to be imported into Vision's body with Kurim.
"That red guy, you're speeding!"
Tony Stark stood in front of many reporters at the press conference.
Mu En watched the TV and felt a little excited.
"Is it finally coming! He is about to say the line that changes the fate of Marvel."
Stark looked at the camera and smiled confidently.
"I am Iron Man, Kamen Rider Iron Man."
After that, he took out a red belt.
In an instant, Mu En was petrified. This world is too crazy.


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