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Marvel becomes a knight starting from Drive — Chapter 72

However, after Stark pondered for a moment, he directly unfolded Ixa’s blueprint.

“Mu En, I was thinking just now that Ixa still has room for upgrade.”

Mu En was also stunned when he saw Stark’s operation, thinking about Ixa’s upgrade direction.

Chapter 103, Stark and Memory

The three people gathered in front of the test bench and quickly finalized the subsequent upgrade plan for Ixa. During this period, Stark once again refreshed their understanding of his knowledge. His ability to accept new knowledge was really unexpected.

According to normal circumstances, the more knowledgeable a person is and the more in-depth he or she has studied a certain scientific system, the less likely it is for a person to accept and recognize the inner knowledge system. As the top scientist, Stark was able to accept the different scientific systems of knowledge from Mu En and Kulim over a period of time.

In the end, Mu En could only sigh and express that he was indeed a man cursed by knowledge.

“That’s almost it. In this way, we can unleash all the capabilities of the Ixa system.”

Stark made the final modifications to the Ixa blueprint. In theory, the new Ixa is more than twice as powerful as the original Ixa. Moreover, it has been adjusted according to Eric’s body, which can accommodate Eric’s vampire power while exerting more powerful power. It can be said that Ixa is now the most perfect expression of violent aesthetics.

Looking at the blueprint in front of him, Mu En was silent for a long time. In fact, it was not that he had not thought about further upgrading Ixa, but since Eric became Rook, the number of times he used Ixa began to decrease. On the one hand, it was because Another aspect of his own strength may be that Eric is forcing himself to accept this new self.

“Okay, I think we can take a little rest first.”

Stark slumped in his chair. Although he was very excited when he was learning and researching new knowledge, now that the excitement period was over, the feeling of fatigue came back again.

“Hey man, can you give me something to drink? I’m tired and thirsty right now.”

Mu En clapped his hands.

“Izzy, get Mr. Stark a cup of coffee.”

Izzy’s voice sounded in the laboratory.

“Good master.”

A smart trolley slowly drove in front of Stark. The side of the trolley opened and a cup of freshly brewed coffee was poured for Stark.

“Wow, artificial intelligence butler, I know this one well. Thank you for the coffee, the eight-point sugar is really good.”

Stark took the coffee and took a sip, approving of Izzy’s craftsmanship.

Mu En also got himself a drink. Although he didn’t really like drinking this stuff, it wasn’t completely unacceptable.

“Tony, can you give me some advice on artificial intelligence?”

Stark raised an eyebrow.

“Can I take a look at the code?”

Mu En pressed the bracelet, and an extremely complex code was projected in the laboratory.

Stark drank coffee and watched from beginning to end.

“Beautiful, very perfect program. I said we are the same kind of people. Although yours is only the first version of the code, I think I can’t give you any more suggestions.”

Stark praised Mu En’s talent without hesitation.

“Obviously you have your own ideas. I think you just need to continue to upgrade according to your ideas. That’s my suggestion.”

Mu En shrugged while sipping his coffee.

“But Tony, I always feel that Izzy still lacks something compared to Jarvis.”

Stark put down the coffee cup and changed into a comfortable position to sit on the sofa.

“I know, you want to say personality, right? Listen man, Jarvis is not just an artificial intelligence, he was made by me after my father’s butler Jarvis. I think what you mean is missing something, maybe it’s Compared to Jarvis, Izzy lacks a character template.”

After hearing this, Mu En suddenly realized that this was the case. No wonder he always felt that Izzy was cold and did not have the feeling of a personal butler like Jarvis.

“By the way Tony, I have one more thing to ask you.”

“If you have anything to ask, just ask. I’m in a good mood today and will try my best to answer you.”

Stark lay on the sofa and played with the pillows.

“That is, can you help me investigate those people or places that Obadie has been in contact with during the recent period?”


At the mention of this, Stark immediately sat up.

Mu En nodded.

Stark frowned, and he immediately realized what Mu En wanted to do.

“Mu En, you want to investigate the reason why Stan turned into a monster, right?”

“Yes, I think you are actually investigating it yourself.”

Stark was silent for a moment, then acknowledged Mu En’s words.

“Mu En, can you tell me what that is? Stan is not a vampire, and the monster he turned into is not a vampire, so what happened to him? Why did he become such a monster?

I have also read Stan’s autopsy report. The report shows that there is an unknown toxin in Stan’s body, and the ingredients of this toxin are unknown. “

Mu En looked at Stark and saw his gloomy expression. He must have been troubled by this matter for a long time.

After hesitating for a moment, Mu En took out the money memory he had restored.

“This is what turned Obaday into a monster.”

Stark took the memory, and his scientist’s instinct made him feel that this thing was not simple.

“What is this strange USB flash drive? What’s in it? How did he turn Stan into a monster?”

Mu En scratched his head and explained.

“Do you remember the system transformation I told you about?”

Stark suddenly realized.

“You mean the energy stored in this thing?! Was it the energy inside that turned Stan into a monster?”

“It can be said to be energy, but for this kind of memory, I prefer to call what it stores memory. This is my research data, take a look.”

Mu En forwarded an encrypted file to Stark. The file contained Mu En’s understanding of Gaia’s memory in his previous life, as well as his research information on the two memories of Masquerade and Money.

Looking at Mu En’s research information, Stark was silent for a long time. Finally, he closed the information and sighed.

“Mu En, what’s going on in this world? Why are so many strange things happening?”

After reading Mu En’s information, Stark looked increasingly tired.

“Vampires and vampires plus terrorists have come out as a dopant. The most hateful thing is that they are producing and selling memory behind the scenes. I really…”

For a moment, Stark found that he didn’t know how to express his emotions.

Mu En stood up and patted his shoulder, telling him to calm down.

“Relax Tony, don’t make things too difficult, and don’t put all the responsibility on yourself. Aren’t we still here? There’s me, Mr. Belt, Eric, and all of us. ah.”

Stark looked at Mu En, and he suddenly realized that it was great to have a partner fighting alongside him.

“Fight alongside?”

Stark suddenly remembered the braised egg that broke into his mansion that day, and his so-called Avengers plan.

“Mu En, my good friend, I have something to tell you.”

Chapter 104, New Monster

“The Avengers?”

After listening to Stark’s words, Mu En narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he guessed that the black braised egg would go to Stark, Mu En was still a little surprised to hear it from Stark himself.

“So you agree with him and join the Avengers?”

Stark shook his head.

“No, he said that given my character and various behaviors, he still needs to examine me for a while.”

Mu En nodded after listening to Stark’s words. There was indeed such a thing in his memory. The results of this test were not released until Iron Two, and it was very interesting to take it. It seemed that some Iron Man passed, but Tony Stark didn’t pass, and in the end Stark got a part-time job as a security consultant or something.

Stark thought for a while and finally spoke.

“Mu En, I specifically investigated this SHIELD and found a lot of things. Its origin is even related to my father. But as the investigation deepened, I found that this SHIELD seems to have many problems. And it gives me a very uncomfortable feeling. So I’m not sure whether I should join their Avengers project, what do you think, Mu En?”

Mu En put down the coffee cup and rubbed his eyebrows. Stark’s feeling was really accurate. The current SHIELD has a big problem. It is not certain whether the current SHIELD is named snake or god.

After thinking for a while, Mu En spoke.

“Actually, people from SHIELD have tried to contact me before. They also investigated Drive behind the scenes, but I drove them away. I don’t know how to tell you, but Tony, your feeling is right. Yes, SHIELD is in deep water right now.

Although the original intention of this Avengers team is good, if it were me, I would try to stay away from them. After all, if the world really needs me, I will stand up without hesitation, but I don’t necessarily have to join a nominally official organization. “

Mu En is telling the truth. If one day that Luo Dan comes to him and hopes that Drive can join the Avengers, then he will refuse without hesitation. After all, Lu Dan has left a very bad impression on Mu En. , in order to achieve the ultimate goal, he can sacrifice and use anything, including his own life.

This is something Mu En concluded when watching movies in his previous life. In order to unite the Avengers, he can use the death of the good old Coulson. In order to destroy the Hydra hidden in SHIELD, his own life can also be calculated. Including Captain America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye, he would never blink an eye when these people should be sacrificed or calculated. Although he did all this to maintain world peace, Mu En could not accept it.

Mu En’s idea is that you use your own means to maintain your peace, and I use my power to protect everything I want to protect.

After listening to Mu En’s thoughts, Stark also had his own thoughts in his mind.

Just as the two were deep in thought, the door to the base opened, and Eric helped the seriously injured Frank in. Frank’s arm was still bleeding.

“Eric! Frank! What’s wrong with you? What happened?”

Upon seeing this, Mu En immediately stepped forward to help and lifted Frank up and put him on the bed in the medical room.

Untying his tattered windbreaker revealed a hideous wound on his shoulder.

Mu En stopped talking nonsense and started to treat her. After cleaning the wound, stopping bleeding, anti-inflammation, and suturing, Mu En was busy for half an hour before it was finished. Mu En has already summarized his own experience and skills in emergency treatment of trauma.

“Wait a minute, is this?”

After Mu En treated the wound, he discovered that there was a tattoo like a circuit diagram on Frank’s neck. Mu En recognized it at a glance. This was a connection port that would only appear after using Gaia memory.

“Frank, Eric, what happened?”

The weak Frank was about to speak, but Eric spoke first.

“Let me tell you, you should take a rest first.”

Eric took out a photo from his pocket. The photo showed a bald weirdo with gray skin. This weirdo had a mouth full of sharp teeth and had obvious deformities on his body. The weirdo in the photo is sucking the blood of a victim like a vampire.

“What is this?”

“I don’t know, but this guy has the aura of a vampire and a vampire on his body.”

“Wait a minute, didn’t Frank go to investigate adulterants? How could he be related to something like this in the car?”

Mu En now feels like he is two years older than his head.

“Here’s the thing.”

Eric explained.

Frank used his own methods to investigate that a gang was smuggling things that could make super soldiers. Through inference, he guessed that what they were trading were memories. In the end, he followed the clues and found their trading place, and killed the two gangs in one fell swoop.

But the guy with the memory escaped with the power of the memory. Frank naturally would not let him go, so he followed and investigated all the way.

As a result, this investigation really allowed Frank to discover a key clue. These small gangs are just lackeys of a large organization. They use these gangs to help them trade and buy memories, so that even if they are discovered, they cannot be found. Who is the real mastermind behind this?

But they underestimated Frank’s strength. With clues, Frank found the buyer’s location. It turns out there was a chilling answer: the buyer was a vampire.

Fortunately, Frank killed the holder of the memory in advance and prevented the memory from falling into the hands of the vampire.

But at this moment, this monster appeared, and he chased Frank all the way. Finally, as a last resort, Frank used the Masquerade Memory, and as a result, he was seriously injured and killed a monster. But then he realized that the weirdo he killed was just an ordinary person who had been assimilated by the weirdo in the photo.

Fortunately, Eric, who finally realized something was wrong, arrived in time, fought off the guy in the photo and brought Frank back. However, all the clues for Frank to trace the memory were lost.

After listening to Eric’s words, Mu En looked at Frank with surprise. He didn’t expect that Frank would work so hard to find out the power behind the memory, and almost got himself involved.

Frank said weakly on the hospital bed.

“That’s what happened. I’m sorry, Dean, you asked me to investigate the truth about the memory and I couldn’t complete it.”

Mu En shook his head repeatedly.

“No, it’s enough that you can come back safely. The things behind this are beyond our imagination.”

Stark on the side also agreed. He really couldn’t imagine that Frank, who had no powers, could actually do this.

“Just have a good rest and leave the rest to us.”

As soon as Mu En finished speaking, Izzy’s alarm sounded.


Marvel becomes a knight starting from Drive

Marvel becomes a knight starting from Drive

Status: Completed Author:


"Mr. Belt, do you want to regain a body that can move freely?"
"Nani, are you kidding me?"
"Of course not, I'm serious."
In Women's Federation 2, Mu En quietly replaced Jarvis who was supposed to be imported into Vision's body with Kurim.
"That red guy, you're speeding!"
Tony Stark stood in front of many reporters at the press conference.
Mu En watched the TV and felt a little excited.
"Is it finally coming! He is about to say the line that changes the fate of Marvel."
Stark looked at the camera and smiled confidently.
"I am Iron Man, Kamen Rider Iron Man."
After that, he took out a red belt.
In an instant, Mu En was petrified. This world is too crazy.


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