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Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy — Chapter 108 God's Judgment

After a long night of talking and some indescribable exercise, Maya Hansen’s view of Eric has changed a lot.

She originally thought that Eric was as greedy for her body as Stark, but she didn’t expect that Eric was as greedy for her body as he was for her brain…

The Extremis Virus is her favorite work. It is still in the development stage and has only been tested on plants. However, after Eric saw the samples and data, he directly pointed out its shortcomings and proposed to her Lots of suggestions.

Each of these suggestions hit the point, and Maya Hansen was enlightened and wanted to get back to the laboratory immediately.

But Eric stopped her, directly stated that he wanted to hire her, and also prepared a big gift for her. It was this big gift that made her change her mind and decide to follow Boss Ai firmly in the future.

On the first day of the 21st century, the two of them had breakfast, boarded Eric’s private plane, and flew to the Sahara Desert, where a cross-era product launch conference would be held.

Space-based weapons have become a reality on the first day of the 21st century and are no longer a dream.

The characteristics of space-based weapons have delineated their consumption targets. The US government will never allow private ownership of such weapons. Therefore, those who came to the press conference were all big guys from the military. The representative from the Air Force was still General Ross. He had worked with Eric for many years, and since it was such a grand occasion, General Ross would definitely come to support it.

“General Ross, long time no see!” Eric hugged General Ross warmly, and did not neglect the other big guys.

Skye Industries now not only provides the military with finished weapons and equipment such as sonic series weapons and electromagnetic gun series weapons, but also provides them with a large number of semi-finished products such as Ark reactors, graphene batteries, normal temperature superconducting materials, etc. Eric and the military Several of Fang’s generals had intersections.

Everyone greeted each other and complimented each other a few words. Maya Hansen acted as the background with a sweet smile, and the picture was quite harmonious.

After the pleasantries, we went directly to the topic. We are all big men, what’s the point of grinding and grinding? Serving hard dishes directly is the way to go.

General Ross commanded his men to drive twenty vehicles in all directions, two vehicles in a group, with random routes and self-determined goals. They could stop whenever they wanted. After stopping, they would throw away the next vehicle and all the soldiers would take another vehicle. The car comes back. The cars left behind are the targets of this display.

Then, it was Eric’s performance time. He proposed a metal box the size of a briefcase, entered a password, and verified fingerprints, irises, and voiceprints. After a series of operations, the metal box was opened, and there was only a built-in computer with a keyhole on the left and right of the computer keyboard.

Eric took out two keys from his pocket, gave one to General Ross, and held the other in his hand.

The two of them inserted the key into the keyhole and turned it half a turn. The computer screen automatically lit up. After entering a long series of passwords again, they finally entered the operating system.

Several big bosses in the military nodded secretly. Only such a luxurious and complicated security system can be worthy of such a heavyweight weapon…

The operating system is simple and clear. Enter the coordinates, manually fine-tune, wait for the satellite to be in place, and then confirm the launch.

A dazzling white light fell from the sky, as if a punishment from heaven was coming to penetrate the earth, and fell straight on a car. Even with sunglasses on, the big guys still squinted their eyes due to the dazzling white light.

Then, in less than five seconds, there was another white light, hitting another car, and then the next one…

Ten cars, ten targets, the entire attack took less than a minute.

Simple, fast, efficient, and powerful.

Eric took several big guys to the target location and checked them one by one.

The effect was very good. Judging from the traces at the scene, the attack range of the space-based weapon was exactly a circle with a diameter of ten meters, and all ten cars were in the center of the circle.

The main part of the car has been completely vaporized, leaving only some remaining engine fragments, but they have also been melted into disarray. It is difficult to see what this thing is.

Not only that, within an attack range of ten meters, the ground collapsed several meters, and all the sand was melted, forming a layer of glass-like material on the ground. People who walked up could even see their own reflection.

“The accuracy is good, but is the power a little too low?” General Ross and several bosses whispered for a while and asked Eric this question. In their view, a high-end weapon like a space-based weapon must be as powerful as a nuclear bomb. Isn’t it a bit too weak to make a large crater with a radius of ten meters?

Eric rolled his eyes after hearing this. Look, this is because he was tricked by Skye Industries’ powerful weapon!

“Everyone, I only adjusted the power of the launch just to 1%.” Eric stretched out a finger and waved it in front of everyone, “If you are not satisfied with the power, you can continue to increase it, and, Not only the power, but also the attack range can be adjusted, ranging from ten meters to a thousand meters in diameter. The smaller the range, the more concentrated the energy, and the greater the power.”

Several big guys nodded secretly, that’s pretty much it, “What about energy consumption?”

“The satellite collects the energy of the sun through the energy collection device and stores it in the battery. The energy consumed by the ten attacks just now takes almost a week to accumulate.”

“A week? Isn’t it a bit too long?” General Ross frowned and looked at the sky.

“Not long, not long, not long at all!” Eric waved his hands hurriedly: “Think about it, space-based weapons are not used every day. It can be said that they will only be used once in a long time. During this idle time, it is storing energy, and Skye Industrial has installed a large enough battery for it that can store energy for at least half a year!”

“Half a year, that is to say, it is full of energy and can fire 260 consecutive attacks just now.” A general was very good at mathematics and quickly calculated the result. Overall, he was quite satisfied.

“Everyone, you are not planning to deploy only one space-based weapon around the world, are you?” Eric looked around at the bosses in feigned surprise, causing everyone to laugh.

“Okay, now that the main meal is finished, it’s time for some dessert!” Eric took out the metal box again and smiled mysteriously at everyone, “Do you know why I chose the Sahara as the experimental location? Because it’s the only place where I can display it. The ultimate power of space-based weapons!”

After that, without waiting for anyone to ask questions, Eric opened the box and did the same operation again. Finally, he turned the two keys three times. The operation interface changed into a different scene, and the entire screen turned blood red.

“You are right. If it is not as powerful as a nuclear bomb, how can it be called a space-based weapon? Let’s take a look at the ultimate power of a space-based weapon. I named it, ‘God’s Judgment’!”

Want to see indescribable sports? Hehehe, just make up your own mind ( ̄▽ ̄)

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Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Status: Completed Author:


Eric: "Who said Magneto must be a villain? I want to be a superhero!"
Ancient One: "You robbed the Illuminati at the beginning!"
Eric: "Uh..."
Stark: "Although you saved my parents, the person I hate the most is still you, no one else!"
Eric: "Huh?"
A stewed egg: "Although you are a jerk, no one will deny that you are a superhero."
Eric: "Oh..."
La la la, the new book has been released, the title is "There is always a Taoist who wants to join me", a food article in the guise of prehistoric times, want to know whether ginseng fruit is better as candied fruit or pickled vegetables? Want to know whether Kunpeng is better roasted or stewed? Want to know how to make raw dragon slices, tea phoenix eggs, and braised Pleiades star officials? Everything is in "There is always a Taoist who wants to join me"!


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