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Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy — Chapter 121

Eric’s life returned to normal. Apart from eating and sleeping, he spent 90% of his time in the laboratory every day.

When the research really started, Eric found that things were far more complicated than he had imagined.

The Mandarin’s ring came from an alien spaceship, but it was a genuine magic ring. They were all first-class scientists, but they were completely clueless about magic.

Eric made a special trip to the New York Temple to ask Master Gu Yi for advice, but the answer he got was still unsatisfactory.

Master Gu Yi was second to none in the field of magic. She only took a glance at the two magic rings and saw through the mystery. From the forging process of the rings to the composition of the magic circuit, she explained everything to Eric in detail.

The only thing Eric could give her in return was a confused look…

We understand science, but this magic seems very unscientific!

Master Gu Yi was in trouble again when she wanted to explain it from a scientific perspective. Although the truth is that the way is simple, different paths lead to the same destination, but if she wanted to explain a magic item completely with science, her scientific cultivation was still a little bit short. Yes, that’s right, just a little bit, the Big Bang point…

Eric was extremely helpless. One of them was blind to magic, and the other was blind to science. It was okay to talk about broad concepts such as the universe, time, and space, but if it really came down to atomic physics such as atoms, protons, and electrons, or theoretical physics such as parity non-conservation, it would be completely irrelevant.

In the end, Eric returned to the laboratory with a lot of magic information. How could Boss Ai be alone in worrying about such a brain-consuming thing? Those subordinates couldn’t let them be idle.

Tony Stark and Obaday, who had just escaped, were also as sad as Boss Ai.

As in the original plot, after seeing terrorists attack him with weapons made by themselves, the first thing Stark did when he returned to civilized society was to shut down the weapons department of Stark Industries.

Stark Industries’ stocks plummeted, and Obaday was so worried that his hair almost grew out.

You said you didn’t sell weapons, what would you sell? According to the original plot, you improved the Ark reactor and could also do new energy or something, but now the Ark reactor is the flagship product of Skye Industries, what else can you sell? Egg pancakes or pancakes?

But there was no way, he was the landlord and he was just a farmhand, he didn’t dare to do anything in public, he could only draw circles and curse Stark over and over again in secret, until his unreliable Middle Eastern partners sent him photos of Mark I, he found the value of life again.

After Stark shut down the weapons department, he locked himself in the laboratory. The electromagnet on his chest had been replaced with a brand new Ark reactor, but the eye-catching Skye Industries logo on it made him feel stuffy in his chest…

However, he would not make a Stark version of the reactor for himself, that would be self-deception, and he would not do such a thing. Unless he can invent a more advanced reactor, he will never take off the Skye Industries logo on his chest, which will be the driving force to spur him to continue working hard.

Of course, this work needs to be done later. The most important work now is his Iron Armor.

The time has been advanced by eight years, but the difficulty of Stark making Iron Armor has increased by more than eight times!

First of all, his artificial intelligence Jarvis has not been completed. Without the assistance of artificial intelligence, whether it is data calculation or armor modeling, he needs to manually type it into the computer, which consumes a lot of his time, forcing him to put the Iron Armor aside and complete the design of Jarvis first.

Then there is his knowledge. Without eight years of knowledge accumulation, his mechanical engineering level is far from the level when he built Mark 2. Originally, he only needed the technology at hand, but at this point in time, he had to design from the drawings little by little, and then model, test, and produce engineering samples…

Fortunately, there is a precedent for metal prostheses. Stark Industries has very complete data calculations on human tissues and has accumulated a lot of technical information, which has saved him a lot of detours. But every time Stark thought of the metal prosthesis also coming from Eric, he would feel humiliated.

“Damn Eric, why is it you every time! You must be sent by God to punish me!”

Time flies, a year has passed quickly, Stark is still in the laboratory studying his steel armor, but Eric has come out.

He sat alone on the roof, looking at the stars in the night sky, drinking beer mouthful by mouthful.

A year of research finally had the final result today.

Two rings, plus the genes of the four-handed Hulk, and experimental data far beyond this era, the result is still failure. He still hasn’t found a way to transform strong and weak forces into his own abilities.

If there is a skill progress bar, his electromagnetic force is estimated to be about 98 to 99%, just one step away from the full level. Gravity is slightly weaker, but it can also reach more than 90%.

As for strong and weak forces, the progress bars of these two forces are estimated to be 80%, but this 80% is in a very embarrassing place.

They are in the middle of the progress bar.

This 80% of the content comes partly from data calculated by several people in the laboratory, partly from the research provided by Comrade Reed, and partly from the genetic research of the two rings and the four-handed Hulk. This part of the progress bar is like the strategy in the game. If you understand it and try it a few times, you will learn it.

The first 10% is the foundation, the primer, just like gravity is related to gravitational ability. The next 10% must rely on one’s own understanding of ability, which is the hard work, commonly known as proficiency.

Eric is now lacking the first 10%. If you don’t even have the skills, what’s the use of reading more guides?

His skill points have been prepared for a long time, and now he just needs to acquire skills…

“Do I really have to use Chen Lu’s method? Infect myself with radiation? But this method is suicide no matter how you look at it!”

Eric drank the beer in the bottle, threw the beer bottle away, and sighed.

The more you have, the more afraid you are of losing it. He is no longer the Magneto who has nothing. Now, he has a company, friends, his precious daughter Skye, Maya who washes dates with him, and things worth protecting…

He is afraid of losing these, so he put all his efforts into scientific research. Using uncontrollable mutations to acquire abilities is the method he least wants to use.

“Introduction, introduction!” Eric stood up and paced back and forth on the roof, carefully searching the memory in his mind.

There are countless superpowers in the Marvel Universe, and there are many involving strong and weak forces, but he can’t remember what he can get now.

“Maybe, I shouldn’t limit the scope so small!” Eric suddenly had an inspiration, “Magnetism and gravity are control, strong and weak forces are destruction, destruction at the molecular and atomic levels!”

“Got it, Fenrir Twins! Damn, why didn’t I think of it before!”

By the way, what exactly is the magnetic field rotation you are talking about⊙⊙?

I really haven’t seen this…

Well, it should be a power system, right? I won’t add this, what we pursue is the original Marvel, and there will be no other power systems, hehe!


Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Status: Completed Author:


Eric: "Who said Magneto must be a villain? I want to be a superhero!"
Ancient One: "You robbed the Illuminati at the beginning!"
Eric: "Uh..."
Stark: "Although you saved my parents, the person I hate the most is still you, no one else!"
Eric: "Huh?"
A stewed egg: "Although you are a jerk, no one will deny that you are a superhero."
Eric: "Oh..."
La la la, the new book has been released, the title is "There is always a Taoist who wants to join me", a food article in the guise of prehistoric times, want to know whether ginseng fruit is better as candied fruit or pickled vegetables? Want to know whether Kunpeng is better roasted or stewed? Want to know how to make raw dragon slices, tea phoenix eggs, and braised Pleiades star officials? Everything is in "There is always a Taoist who wants to join me"!


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