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Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy — Chapter 123 Chapter 120 The guilty comrade Obaday prepares to go to war

When the first ray of sunlight at dawn broke through the sky and sprinkled on the earth, New York ushered in a brand new day.

Stark Industries held a press conference again. This was the countless press conference of Stark Industries in more than a year.

Since Tony Stark capriciously closed the weapons department a year ago, Stark Industries’ stocks have continued to fall, all in the red, and every day is refreshing the historical low record.

At first, some people still had hope for Tony Stark, believing that this genius president could turn the tide and save the Stark Industries stocks in their hands from the water and fire. Unfortunately, what they waited for was Tony Stark’s disappearance for a whole year.

During this year, Tony Stark was in seclusion to build Mark II, but the outside world didn’t know! So all kinds of rumors began to spread wildly. Some said that he had post-war psychological syndrome and lived in anxiety and fear every day; some said that he was hit in the head by terrorists and his IQ had dropped to single digits; and some said that Tony Stark was dead…

In short, no statement was positive. No matter how hard Obadiah and Pepper tried to control it, these statements still popped up like mushrooms after rain.

In more than a year, the market value of Stark Group evaporated by nearly half, and Tony Stark even handed over his title of the world’s richest man to Eric Lansherr, who came later.

In countless press conferences over the past year, Pepper and Obadiah were trying to save the nearly collapsed situation. Every few days, Stark Industries would have new products, including advanced medical equipment, intelligent irrigation systems, and automated production lines…

The new products involved various industries and brought a lot of profits to Stark Industries, but unfortunately they still couldn’t make up for the deficit of closing the weapons department.

Stark Industries started out by selling weapons, and the development of almost all departments was inseparable from military funds. Now Stark personally overturned the foundation of his own company. How could the superstructure be stable?

Today’s press conference was still packed. Hundreds of reporters and photographers, carrying cameras and coffee, walked leisurely to the Stark Industries conference room, without any urgency to grab the news. They are now almost permanent residents of Stark Industries. The seats for each press conference have long been determined. They are very familiar with each other. Some reporters even found their love here…

“Oh, my God! Tony Stark!” The first reporter to enter the conference room exclaimed, and the coffee in his hand fell to the ground, but he didn’t bother to clean it up. He ran to the front of the lecture to grab the most advantageous position.

This is Tony Stark’s first appearance in more than a year! There must be big news today!

Hearing her exclamation, the reporters behind her suddenly became anxious and pushed and shoved into the conference room, completely disregarding their image.

Stark smiled, and the somewhat cramped Pepper and the vigilant bodyguard Happy sat next to him, but Obaday was nowhere to be seen.

Stark seemed to be in a very good mood for a few days. Looking at the reporters scrambling for seats, he still smiled without any impatience.

“Damn it, why didn’t you tell me Tony was coming to the company?” The reporters were in chaos inside, and Obaday was in chaos outside. He had just received the news, and he didn’t even bother to wash his face before running towards the conference room, shouting at the secretary beside him as he ran.

When he opened the door of the conference room, Stark had already finished his opening remarks. Seeing him come in, he moved his fingers slightly, indicating that he should just listen from behind and not come forward.

“Everyone, here, I have an important announcement!” Stark looked around, and deliberately stayed at Obaday’s face for two seconds, smiled at him, and said: “My father, Howard Stark, is still alive!”

The conference room was silent at first, and then a flash flood broke out. The reporters stood up excitedly, and the microphones in their hands almost hit Stark’s nose. They screamed and asked all kinds of questions. If Happy hadn’t stopped them, they would have wanted to kidnap Stark!

“WTF!” Compared to the excited reporters, Obaday felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his face was pale, and cold sweat flowed down his bald head. In his mind, he recalled Stark’s meaningful smile just now, “Tony doubted me! He knew! Damn, he must have known! Otherwise, if Howard woke up, he would definitely notify me!”

Obaday’s mind turned over and his expression gradually became gloomy. He looked around and found that no one was paying attention to him, so he quietly slipped out of the meeting room.

After leaving the meeting room, Obaday pretended to be indifferent, walked quickly to the Iron Overlord Ru0026D Center of his secret organization, pushed open the door violently, and walked straight to the Iron Overlord armor, “Dress me up!”

“But, sir, the armor is not yet…” A researcher wanted to explain something to Obaday, but was slapped to the ground by him.

“I said, equip me with Iron Overlord! Now!”

Obaday walked too fast and did not catch up with the more explosive news. After Stark briefly answered a few questions from reporters, he announced the next key project of Stark Industries, anti-aging potion!

That’s right, it’s anti-aging!

Howard and his wife have already awakened, and they will definitely be exposed to the public in the future, so how to explain their younger appearance?

Tony Stark prepared several plans for this, but they were all rejected by Howard. He directly wrote down a formula and told Tony to publicize it to the outside world. This formula is his secret to regaining youth and is also the key project of Stark Industries in the future.

This is a byproduct of Howard’s research on super soldier potion. The side effects are great, but don’t forget that he has another identity, a member of the Holy Shield Brotherhood! With the advanced technology of the Holy Shield Brotherhood and the super brains of two Starks, eliminating the side effects is a piece of cake.

All that needs to be said has been said. Stark did not leave time for reporters to ask questions again, and left quickly under the protection of Happy.

Seeing the main person leave, the reporters immediately rushed out of the door and ran to their own TV stations or newspapers. While running, they contacted the editor-in-chief to leave themselves the best reporting position.

“Howard Stark is still alive!”

“The Howards have been missing for nine years. Is it a farce directed and acted by themselves? Or a deliberate conspiracy? What are they hiding?”

“Stark father and son joined forces to invent a magical potion that delays human aging.”

“A miracle in the human medical field! The human life limit will be increased by 20 years!”

“At the time of Stark Industries’ crisis, Howard Stark has returned strongly. What will the two Starks bring to the world? Is it a disaster or salvation?”

The whole world is in chaos!

I just found out that the title of a previous chapter has been swallowed up and I can’t add it, emmmmmm…


Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Status: Completed Author:


Eric: "Who said Magneto must be a villain? I want to be a superhero!"
Ancient One: "You robbed the Illuminati at the beginning!"
Eric: "Uh..."
Stark: "Although you saved my parents, the person I hate the most is still you, no one else!"
Eric: "Huh?"
A stewed egg: "Although you are a jerk, no one will deny that you are a superhero."
Eric: "Oh..."
La la la, the new book has been released, the title is "There is always a Taoist who wants to join me", a food article in the guise of prehistoric times, want to know whether ginseng fruit is better as candied fruit or pickled vegetables? Want to know whether Kunpeng is better roasted or stewed? Want to know how to make raw dragon slices, tea phoenix eggs, and braised Pleiades star officials? Everything is in "There is always a Taoist who wants to join me"!


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