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Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy — Chapter 125 Miss Teddy Bear?

“Future, tell me, what can this armor do?” On the plane, Skye looked at himself reflected in the mirror, his face darkened.

“Your safety can be guaranteed, miss.” Future tried to keep smiling.

“Other than that?”

The future paused for a moment and said one word, “Good-looking…”

“Good looking?! Ah! Bastard Eric!” Skye screamed and punched the back of the seat.

“Sir said, leave the battle to him, you just need to be cute and cheer up…” After obtaining enough permissions, Future is already on the verge of rebellion, and Eric strictly prohibits Skye from doing a lot of things. What she said.

“He’s the one who’s being cute, and his whole family is being cute!” Skye was so angry that she mistook the backrest for Eric, punching and kicking him. Unfortunately, with her little strength, the backrest didn’t even move.

“Miss, it seems that Mr.’s family only consists of you and him.”

“In the future, when did you learn to prick your heart…” Skye sat down weakly, holding her chin in her hands, extremely depressed.

Isn’t her armor strong? Of course not. Designed and built by Eric himself, this suit of armor is ridiculously strong. However, the strength is in terms of defense. It is made of vibranium, with additional magnetic shields, gravitational shields, light refraction, stealth modules, and repulsion. Field, energy shield…

Anyway, Eric has installed all the defensive measures that can be installed on it. As for the attack methods, well, as the future said, she can just be responsible for being cute. Why does it need attack power?

And the armor is really good-looking. It is white and pink all over. The helmet is in the shape of a cute rabbit. Two long ears hang down behind the head. There is a pair of white wings on the back. There is a teddy bear doll slung around the waist. It is a An independent magnetic shield generator that can be remotely controlled within a five-kilometer range.

No wonder Skye was depressed. Putting on this armor, it didn’t look like he was going to fight, but more like he was going to a comic exhibition to show off his cuteness…

Obadai’s Iron Overlord is huge in size and has many weapons and accessories. In order to drive this behemoth, more than twenty Ark reactors are installed. It took him nearly half an hour to put on the Iron Overlord suit. After such a long time, Tony Stark had already gone home from the press conference.

When Skye arrived, the Iron Overlord had already transformed into a demolition team and demolished nearly half of Tony’s villa. Tony relied on the various rooms in the villa and a large number of luxury cars as cover to delay the move for several minutes, but it seemed that he could no longer hold on.

“Tony, you should really listen to me! We were originally on the same team, but it’s a pity that you insist on acting childish!” Two Gatling guns rose up from behind Obadiah and fired wildly at the wall where Tony Stark was hiding. , but instead of directly hitting where he was hiding, he kept shrinking the range of his movements until Tony Stark could only shrink his body into a ball.

“Hahahaha!” Obaday laughed crazily. Seeing that Tony Stark was cornered by him, his face was full of joy. He raised his arm and pointed it at Tony. The arm armor on his arm opened, revealing a small missile, “Tony , you are just a chicken that lays golden eggs, but you don’t want to stay in the henhouse! Goodbye, Tony!”

The missile was launched. Tony Stark heard the gunshots stop and wanted to put his head out to retaliate, but saw the missile getting closer and closer. His eyes were filled with despair and regret. If he had known this, he would have It’s time to start early and kill Obadei!

It’s a pity that there is no medicine for regret in the world. He designed the missile himself, and he knew its power clearly. He knew that he had no chance of surviving!

“It seems I came at the right time!” A clear female voice suddenly entered the battlefield, and with it, a teddy bear fell from the sky.

After the teddy bear fell to the ground, a burst of blue light burst out instantly, and a shield could be vaguely seen protecting Tony Stark in the center.

“Teddy bear?” Stark and Obaday were shocked at the same time, looking at the teddy bear on the ground in a daze, forgetting about the missile that was about to explode.

“Boom!” The missile accurately hit the shield created by the teddy bear, but did not cause any damage to the shield.

“What a strong defense. Is it an energy shield? No, no, it’s a magnetic field! Jarvis, record the changes in the magnetic field of that teddy bear. I want to install this on the Mark II.” The scar has healed and the pain has been forgotten. , Tony Stark had just escaped from danger, and in the blink of an eye he was studying Skye’s teddy bear.

“It’s already being recorded, sir, but I think it’s better for you to solve the immediate trouble first.” Jarvis is more reliable.

“Oh, thank you for reminding me. How long will it take for Mark 1.5 to come out of his shell?” It was Mark 1 who rescued Tony Stark from the Ten Rings Gang. What he was building was Mark 2. Oba’s arrival was too sudden. , Mark II is still a pile of parts, and there are still many technical problems that have not been solved. In order to deal with the crisis, Stark can only remove a lot of the envisioned functions and let Jarvis temporarily assemble a suit of armor, temporarily named Mark. One point five…

“Sir, it will take ten minutes and twenty-four seconds before the assembly of Mark 1.5 is completed.”

“Okay, let’s see if our teddy bear lady can hold off for us for ten minutes.”

“What is this? Tony? Your new toy?” Although the missile was blocked, Obadiah did not panic at all. The most powerful weapon on the Iron Overlord is not the missile!

“That’s a teddy bear! Uncle bad guy!” Skye canceled the invisibility module and suddenly appeared in the air. A look with a strong comic atmosphere appeared among the broken eaves and broken walls. The strong sense of disobedience made Obadiah And Tony Stark was stunned again.

They were both stunned, but they didn’t know that Skye in the armor was also a little stunned. It was not obvious on the screen and in the air, but when he flew closer, he found out, how could Iron Monger be so big? ! It must be five meters tall, right? And the various weapons on it make people feel uneasy.

“Miss, it’s 4.8 meters. I’ve shown you the data.” Future immediately corrected her mistake and sent the data chart of Iron Monger to the screen in front of her.

“Future! Move away, I don’t have time to look at these things now!” Skye was a little panicked when the screen in front of her was occupied.

“Miss, it’s not that you don’t have time to look, but you don’t understand it.”

Future, don’t hurt me anymore…

“Who are you?” Obaday showed his weapon vigilantly, and the two Gatling gun barrels on his back rotated at high speed, ready to fire at any time.

“I am, uh…” Skye was just about to say his name, and suddenly remembered that the heroes in the movie all had a loud nickname, but never said their real names!

“Future, what should we call ourselves?” Skye’s little brain worked very fast in terms of hacker technology, but when it came to naming, she was confused and hurriedly discussed with Future in a low voice.

“Mr. Stark just called you Miss Teddy Bear.”

“That’s stupid, I don’t want it!”

Today is the CET-4 and CET-6 exams, how did you do? Hehe


Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Status: Completed Author:


Eric: "Who said Magneto must be a villain? I want to be a superhero!"
Ancient One: "You robbed the Illuminati at the beginning!"
Eric: "Uh..."
Stark: "Although you saved my parents, the person I hate the most is still you, no one else!"
Eric: "Huh?"
A stewed egg: "Although you are a jerk, no one will deny that you are a superhero."
Eric: "Oh..."
La la la, the new book has been released, the title is "There is always a Taoist who wants to join me", a food article in the guise of prehistoric times, want to know whether ginseng fruit is better as candied fruit or pickled vegetables? Want to know whether Kunpeng is better roasted or stewed? Want to know how to make raw dragon slices, tea phoenix eggs, and braised Pleiades star officials? Everything is in "There is always a Taoist who wants to join me"!


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