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Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy — Chapter 127 Tony Stark Missed the Show

In order to load more weapons and not worry about power, Obaday designed the Iron Monger into a giant, with a height of nearly five meters.

The huge body made him say goodbye to the word “flexible”. What about Skye’s armor? Eric designed it completely according to her height, which was less than 1.5 meters. In addition, the anti-gravity system designed based on the gravitational field allowed Skye to dance in the air.

Looking at Skye diving down, Obaday raised his other arm and aimed at Skye. This arm began to deform rapidly, and turned into a dark muzzle, and immediately flashed with electric sparks.

“Miss, we are locked by the electromagnetic gun.” Future reminded her in time, and Skye hurriedly started to respond.

Skye, who was in the air, suddenly became erratic, sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right, sometimes up, and sometimes down, as if avoiding Obaday’s aiming, but the diving speed did not decrease at all.

“Idiot!” Obaday sneered, and the armor auxiliary computer began to automatically lock Skye’s position. Iron Monger does not have artificial intelligence assistance, but it does have basic computer assistance.

The fist-sized projectile is accelerated by the electromagnetic field and reaches a speed of Mach 4 at the moment of launch. At such a high speed, the distance between the two is no different from being right in front of them.

Before the sound of the cannon came, the cannonball had already hit Skye, but, very strangely, Skye was not affected at all by the cannonball. Not only did his speed not decrease, he did not even shake. He was still dodging and approaching quickly.

“What’s going on? Did it miss?” Tony Stark poked half of his head out from behind the broken wall, carefully observing, and asked Jarvis through the wireless headset.

“Sir, the electromagnetic cannon did not miss, but the electromagnetic field around Miss Teddy Bear is very chaotic. The light is affected by the magnetic field and refracted. Iron Monger only hit the shadow.”

“Faraday effect? ​​No, it should be the magnetic dichroism effect. The designer of the armor is really a genius. He is just a little bit away from catching up with me.”

“Sir, I think Miss Teddy Bear’s armor is more advanced than your Mark II.”

“Shut up, Jarvis…”

After missing the first shot, Obaday fired dozens of electromagnetic cannons in succession, and in just two seconds, all the projectiles stored in the armor were fired out, but except for a few noises, there was no effect at all.

Skye suddenly stopped when he was five meters away from Iron Monger, made a belly laugh, pointed at Obaday and shook his head repeatedly. Such a contemptuous action made Obaday furious.

But before he could start other weapons again, Skye flashed past Iron Monger and moved behind him. His slender little hand aimed at the back of Iron Monger’s head, and an invisible shock wave was emitted, catching Obaday off guard.

The shock wave silently penetrated Iron Monger’s armor and hit Obaday’s head directly, making him dizzy and spurting two blood arrows from his nose.

Obaday was horrified. He never thought that the opponent could ignore Iron Monger’s thick armor and attack him directly, but he was not a vegetarian. He endured the discomfort caused by the shock and hit his chest hard with both fists. The chest armor opened and revealed a large pot cover.

Skye saw this large pot cover and couldn’t help but curl his lips, “Electromagnetic guns, sonic guns, and Ark reactors are all our family’s things. Can’t this bad guy design some weapons himself?”

“Miss, his IQ is less than half of Mr.’s.” Future was heartbroken at the right time, but unfortunately Obaday didn’t hear it.

Skye’s mouth curled up when she heard this, and her eyes were full of blind admiration for Eric, “That’s right, Eric is the smartest person in the world.”

While praising her father, Skye’s hands were not slow. She knew the power of the sonic cannon very well. Although it could not break her defense, it was not pleasant to be hit.

While Iron Overlord’s sonic cannon was not ready, Skye adjusted the vibration frequency of the ring and sent vibration ripples to the sonic cannon.

But Iron Overlord seemed to have been prepared for this. He held the high-frequency vibration blade in his hand in front of his chest and used the vibration of the blade to interfere with Skye’s vibration ripples. Although it could not be completely offset, it also completely destroyed the frequency of the vibration ripples, making it unable to cause enough damage to the sonic cannon.

“Future, didn’t you say he was stupid? How could he know how to use vibration to interfere with shockwave?”

“Miss, his armor has an auxiliary computer.”

“There is an auxiliary computer?” Skye’s eyes lit up, “Then why don’t we just hack into the computer directly? Why do we have to fight him?”

Future didn’t answer immediately, and delayed for a few seconds before answering: “Miss, its auxiliary computer is not connected to the Internet.”

Eric, who was hiding in the laboratory and peeping at the screen, heard his daughter’s question and couldn’t help rolling his eyes. He gave Future an order not to hack into Iron Overlord’s auxiliary computer.

“My daughter, Iron Overlord is here to increase your combat experience. You paralyzed him directly, so what’s the point?”

With the high-frequency vibration blade, Iron Overlord gained precious seconds, and the sonic weapon was deployed. Obadiah ignored the blood in his mouth and pressed the launch button with a grim smile.

Accompanied by the harsh sound, a steady stream of sonic attacks hit Skye. Skye shuttled in the air and danced, bringing her flexible characteristics to the extreme. No matter which direction the sonic weapon moved, she could always dodge it just right.

“Haha, so exciting! So fun!” Skye had completely let go and devoted himself to the battle. Facing such a dangerous weapon, he was not afraid but very excited.

After dodging for a while, Skye suddenly made a fake move, and it seemed that he was going to dodge to the left. Iron Monger’s auxiliary computer controlled the sonic weapon to move to the left, but Skye suddenly changed direction and rushed to Iron Monger from the right.

Before Iron Monger could adjust the direction again, Skye had already flexibly flashed past Iron Monger, hid in the blind spot of the sonic cannon, adjusted the vibration frequency of the ring, and attacked one of Iron Monger’s combat boots.

The high-frequency vibration ripples hit Iron Monger’s combat boots, and the various parts inside it soon couldn’t bear it, and began to collapse from the smallest part. In a moment, one of Iron Monger’s combat boots began to emit black smoke and could no longer move.

“Damn it!” Obaday roared, and while it was not yet destroyed by Skye’s shock wave, he activated the thruster on the other foot. Iron Monger’s single foot was emitting flames, pushing him up into the sky.

“Hey, don’t run!” Skye yelled, and flew out as well, relentlessly sending waves of shock waves behind him.

Watching the two armors flying farther and farther away, slowly disappearing from sight, Tony Stark was distracted for a moment.

At this time, Jarvis suddenly reminded: “Sir, Mark 1.5 is complete.”

Tony Stark: “…”

The enemy and the reinforcements have all run away, what’s the point of building it now?

Tsk tsk tsk, am I being a little unfair to torment Stark like this?


Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Status: Completed Author:


Eric: "Who said Magneto must be a villain? I want to be a superhero!"
Ancient One: "You robbed the Illuminati at the beginning!"
Eric: "Uh..."
Stark: "Although you saved my parents, the person I hate the most is still you, no one else!"
Eric: "Huh?"
A stewed egg: "Although you are a jerk, no one will deny that you are a superhero."
Eric: "Oh..."
La la la, the new book has been released, the title is "There is always a Taoist who wants to join me", a food article in the guise of prehistoric times, want to know whether ginseng fruit is better as candied fruit or pickled vegetables? Want to know whether Kunpeng is better roasted or stewed? Want to know how to make raw dragon slices, tea phoenix eggs, and braised Pleiades star officials? Everything is in "There is always a Taoist who wants to join me"!


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