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Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy — Chapter 137 The Immortal City and the Eternal Man

Looking at the information on the coffee table, Eric looked strange. He stretched out two fingers to pick up the cover and took a look. Then he sneered, shook his head, and drank Coke mouthful by mouthful.

Howard had already left. He threatened him very domineeringly, left this information and walked away arrogantly…

“Okay, another crazy one!”

This is not a pledge of allegiance! This is forcing him to die!

He only took a glance at this information and knew what the task Howard gave him was.

Son of the Stars!

In 114 AD, a female celestial being descended on Luoyang, the capital of the gods. She tried to find a star as a cradle for nurturing her offspring, and the target she chose was the earth.

At that time, the leader of the Holy Shield Brotherhood was Zhang Heng of the Flower Growers. Yes, it was the Zhang Heng we are very familiar with, the one who invented the seismometer.

Zhang Heng used his powerful mouth cannon ability to very cleverly persuade her not to choose the earth or the moon, but the sun. The female celestial being agreed to his request and eventually gave birth to the young celestial being “Son of the Stars” in the sun.

Zhang Heng sealed this incident and only recorded it in the secret files of the Holy Shield Brotherhood.

The Celestials are different from ordinary life forms. It is said that they are eternal creations of the five great gods of creation. They are generally two thousand feet tall, each with his own priesthood, and each with incredible abilities.

The female Celestials gave birth to the Son of the Star in the sun. He is constantly absorbing the energy of the sun and strengthening himself with the help of the sun’s energy. If it is not controlled, the energy of the sun will be sucked dry one day, but everyone is helpless about it.

Until more than a thousand years later, another genius leader of the Holy Shield Brotherhood stood up, he was Leonardo da Vinci.

Da Vinci climbed the sun with the black technology equipment he invented. He originally said that he would kill the Son of the Star, but for some reason he changed his mind halfway. Not only did he not kill him, but he also brought him back to Earth to raise him until now.

The Son of the Star, a juvenile Celestial, converted into human age, he is probably not weaned yet, but that is also a Celestial!

Let him, a mortal, kill the gods? Isn’t this obviously a rip-off!

“Let’s put aside the matter of the Son of the Stars. What’s wrong with Howard? Did he have a brain seizure?”

Yes, Howard’s behavior is too abnormal!

In the face of a powerful savior, not only did he not say a word of thanks, but he also threatened him in a very domineering way. In the end, he left an extremely rip-off mission. What Eric couldn’t stand the most was the sentence, accepting him into the Brotherhood!

What do I care about? Did I say I wanted to join? Not only did you force the strong man to join, but you also wanted the strong man to give you a bad back first. Is this what a human being would do?

Howard didn’t have a brain seizure, he was mentally retarded!

Eric didn’t do it on the spot. Giving him two big slaps was already a very cultured performance.

With a slight movement of his fingers, the information instantly turned into powder, and with another wave of his hand, it disappeared without a trace.

Whoever wants to go on this wicked mission can go! As for the threat of the brain-dead Huo, hehe, is he afraid of him?

“I shouldn’t have saved him in the first place! Look, it’s a disaster!” Eric shook his head, drank the last bit of Fatty’s happy water, and prepared to start the daily conversation task with his daughter.

But just as he stepped out of the living room, Future notified him that there was a call. Eric looked and saw, oh, Tony Stark!

What’s the matter? Brothers fight tigers together, and fathers and sons fight together? Are you going to fight together? No! I won’t serve you!

Unfortunately, he was still a step slower. His good girl Skye had already answered the phone first. Before Skye could speak, Tony Stark’s anxious roar came from the other end of the phone, “Eric, damn it, what happened to my mother? What did you do to her?”

Eric was stunned when he heard this. What can I do to your mother? My last name is Lansheer, not Wang!

“What’s going on?” Eric waved away Skye, who was curious, and closed the door to answer the phone.

“Eric, my mother hasn’t eaten anything except soda since she woke up. What did you do to her?” Tony’s voice was very urgent, and there seemed to be a hint of a woman’s crying in the background.

“Not eating? Why?” Eric felt confused. What a mess! Why did they all come together?

“Oh, God, she said she couldn’t bear to eat! Whether it’s animals or plants, they have lives, and she can’t eat their corpses! Damn, she accidentally stepped on an ant to death this morning, and she has been crying for more than an hour!”

Puff! Eric almost vomited the fat house happy water he had just swallowed!

This is the incarnation of Lin Daiyu! No, it’s more saintly than Lin Daiyu…

What happened? Eric realized the seriousness of the matter. Howard became paranoid and Maria became Lin Daiyu. It can be said that one person’s change can be said to be an accident, but two people together are strange!

“Is it because of that?” Eric suddenly had an idea and looked very strange. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly opened a portal in front of him, “I’d better ask someone who knows!”

Rome, an ancient and majestic city, has now become a world-famous tourist destination, but few people know that deep underground in Rome, there is an even more majestic city, the Immortal City!

The Immortal City, the former headquarters of the Holy Shield Brotherhood, was designed and built by Leonardo da Vinci. It is hidden deep underground in Rome. It covers an area about a quarter of the size of Rome and contains countless black technologies.

Of course, that was all in the past, and now, this majestic underground city has become a ruin.

When Eric descended here and saw the broken eaves and broken walls everywhere, a trace of sadness inevitably arose in his heart, and he sighed softly.

“What are you feeling?” A figure with golden light all over his body suddenly walked out of the void.

Eric stared at him blankly for a while, then saluted slightly, “Hello, respected Michelangelo, the great eternal man, we meet again!”

That’s right, this man who exudes Bigg all over his body is none other than the famous Michelangelo in history, a famous artist, painter, and sculptor during the Renaissance, and the eternal man of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield.

As an adult, he understood the mysteries of parallel universes and non-linear time, dispersing himself into every timeline so that he no longer existed as a linear being.

Time folded around him, and he witnessed with his own eyes the birth of mankind, the first time mankind used tools, the first time mankind crossed the ocean, and the first time mankind landed on the moon and explored the universe…

And the end of the world.

In a sense, he is exercising multiverse-level abilities as a mortal.


Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Status: Completed Author:


Eric: "Who said Magneto must be a villain? I want to be a superhero!"
Ancient One: "You robbed the Illuminati at the beginning!"
Eric: "Uh..."
Stark: "Although you saved my parents, the person I hate the most is still you, no one else!"
Eric: "Huh?"
A stewed egg: "Although you are a jerk, no one will deny that you are a superhero."
Eric: "Oh..."
La la la, the new book has been released, the title is "There is always a Taoist who wants to join me", a food article in the guise of prehistoric times, want to know whether ginseng fruit is better as candied fruit or pickled vegetables? Want to know whether Kunpeng is better roasted or stewed? Want to know how to make raw dragon slices, tea phoenix eggs, and braised Pleiades star officials? Everything is in "There is always a Taoist who wants to join me"!


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