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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 102 Shadow of Death, Holy Cross Medal

After the army returned to the town, the little maid Kress hurriedly heated up hot water for her master to take a comfortable hot bath. Then Rhodes lay down on the thick and soft bed that had been sunburned and fell asleep with her head covered. ,one day one Night.

During this period of time, although I acted calmly and had everything under control, in fact I was under so much psychological pressure that I couldn’t sleep. Even if I managed to fall asleep, I would wake up quickly. Of course, it is undeniable that this is also a way to train myself. process.

Stress and pain, in a sense, accelerate a person’s growth.

Early the next morning, the faint golden sunlight shines into the room.

Rhodes opened his eyes naturally and woke up. He was dazed on the bed for a while, then he stood up, opened the system panel, and checked the store options.

The habits of the previous life are still affecting him, but there are no mobile phones in this world, so Rhodes can only browse the system logs and shops if he has nothing to do.

I had no expectations, it was just a habit.

But as soon as I opened the panel today, the system popped up two prompts:

[Redwood Town’s tax revenue this week is: 121 dinars. 】

[The tax income of Lonely Mountain Castle this week is: 894 dinars. 】

“Hey, today is the day to collect taxes? I was busy with the war before and didn’t pay attention at all.” In any case, it is undoubtedly a happy thing to have profits just after waking up in the morning.

Rhodes also cheered up and browsed the system store after confirming the profit.

The goods in the shop were also updated. Rhodes first bought five bags of cheap salt and a few relatively cheap salted fish in the grocery options, and then switched to the weapons and armor options.

The more expensive products in the system store are often placed at the forefront.

Therefore, Rhodes saw at first glance a black and gray cloak that looked shabby and ordinary, but in fact had extremely gorgeous details:

【Cloak of Death Shadow】

[An unexpected product appears…]

[Enchanting effect:]

[Shadow of Death: The morale and luck of the enemy troops are -20 each. 】

Price: 200,000 dinars.

Special note: It only appeared because of some kind of conspiracy. It would be absolutely difficult for even a noble to come up with such a huge sum of money.

When he saw this cloak, Rhodes was excited, but when he saw the price, Rhodes’ intention to buy it was immediately extinguished.

I am afraid that I have to sell everything I own now, plus Redwood Town and Lonely Mountain Castle, to be able to afford this artifact. But at that time, even if I had nothing, what would I do if I owned this artifact? Waiting to be robbed?

For an ordinary mercenary, an artifact may not be as effective as a full body of sophisticated weapons and armor in improving combat effectiveness.

“Is my system connected to another world? There is some kind of huge conspiracy going on in that world? Even this kind of thing has been thrown out to stir up trouble.”

After thinking like this and making random guesses for a while, Rhodes shook his head, got up and took a shower, no longer wasting his thoughts on his random thoughts.

“Master, you are awake.”

Although Kress has always participated in the city defense battles these days, she is still young and cannot control the overall situation like Rhodes. It consumes a lot of mental and physical energy, so Kress is in good condition today. He also got up much earlier than Rhodes.

“I cooked hard-boiled eggs, oatmeal and some fire-roasted barley bread. You must be hungry after sleeping all night, sir.”

“Thank you Kress, I just don’t know what I would do without you in my life.”

“Well, also ask someone to inform all the generals and officials in the city that we will have a meeting after breakfast today to deal with post-war affairs and plan the future development of the town. Kress, you still have to attend this meeting. “

“Ah, sir, I have no interest in those complicated political affairs. I just feel a headache when I hear it.”

“Then you have to learn, at least have some understanding, otherwise, how can you do it alone in the future? As for the maid’s job, Kress, I’m not saying that you don’t do it well, but it’s too replaceable. We must try our best to become indispensable. Replaceable person.”

“Okay, Master.” Kress was just acting coquettishly. In fact, she also knew that what her Master chose for her was the best and brightest future, not just becoming a considerate and useful maid.

After Rhodes quietly enjoyed his breakfast, the civil servants and generals in the town had also gathered.

It was still the somewhat simple conference room, with a long table surrounded by a group of knights and civil servants in the town:

Fatis, Raymond, Kress, Mad, Su Xiu, Valian, Guido; Qiaolin, Moken, Radhe, Janice and even Goblin Abby.

“Because of the blessing of the gods and the bravery of the kings, we won the final victory in this battle. I think everyone can see who has the most outstanding military exploits in this war. Stand up, Fatis, in There is a proverb in my hometown: ‘Excessive humility is excessive pride’. If there is nothing to doubt, just accept it calmly.”

“No, Lord Rhodes, I think what everyone sees is more of the blessing of the gods under your command.” Although he said this, because his master had already stood in front of him, Fatis could only stand. Get up and accept Rod’s praise amidst the laughter of those around you.

“This battle is the battle of the Lonely Mountain Castle. In a few days, I will order people to make a batch of Holy Cross medals and award them to soldiers who have made great contributions or died in this battle. Their families can get a soldier’s salary pension in the next 20 years.”

In this battle, although Rhodes accumulated a large number of second- and third-level Rhodok crossbowmen, this was at the cost of a large number of auxiliary soldiers being injured and killed. Half of the 500 auxiliary soldiers were killed or wounded, and even a batch of temporary reinforcements were added later.

This is how we defeated the siege of 6,000 coalition forces and captured 1,000 orc warriors.

“My lord, casting the Holy Cross badge for commendation is good enough, but giving the families of all the fallen soldiers a subsidy for up to 20 years is a bit too much. I’m afraid our finances can’t afford it.” Janice frowned slightly at the long table and said so.

“If you can’t afford it for now, you can owe it for now. The income of the serving soldiers will be given priority, but the owed money must be registered. The salary for 20 years cannot be less than a week. At any time, it must be paid according to the current soldier salary standard.”

Janice’s worries are certainly reasonable, but as long as Rhodes has the trust to manage the Lonely Mountain Castle with a superior geographical location into a prosperous city of light and a city on the top of the mountain.

Spending a little money to win people’s hearts and strengthen centripetal force and cohesion is not a question of whether it is worth it or not, but it is absolutely worth it.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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