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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 137: Bathing in the flames of war

“We must not be able to defeat the city in the siege. How powerful the Sao Feng tribe was back then. Two attacks on the mountain fortress failed to produce any results. In the end, Sao Feng Raudaremulila died under the wall of that town. The Wind Tribe perished immediately after this battle and was divided among several other tribes. Now there is no longer this surname.”

“However, if you don’t attack the city and just destroy and burn buildings, there will not be as many human soldiers in the mountain fortress as we do. Humans are also at a disadvantage compared to us in terms of individual combat power. In addition, we have noble allies to support us. Materials, we can afford this battle more than humans.”

“The food output of the mountain fortress itself is far from enough to meet its own needs. One year, two years, three years… The wilderness is our territory. No matter how long we persist, we must expel the greedy and evil race of humans. go out!”

Surrounding the bonfire, a humanoid lizard-like creature was sitting beside the fire talking to his companions.

There were gnolls, bears, centaurs, and goatmen at the scene. They all quickly gathered under the influence of a force, because they indeed found that the noble messenger from the north was right:

“Human beings are greedy and shameless and are never satisfied. If we don’t join hands to resist now, all races will lose their homes in the future and all races will become slaves of mankind!”

This is not rhetoric, but an explanation that is close to objective facts, especially after Rodhart, the lord of Lonely Mountain Castle, personally led an army to attack the two major tribes of Rock Hammer and White Stone.

The various tribes around them saw their own tomorrows from the present of the Yanchui and Baishi tribes.

However, even so, if it weren’t for a distinguished guest from the north who was shrouded in a jet black cloak and traveled around to persuade, this multi-tribal alien coalition would still not be able to form. The reason is very simple. In the same living area, There are still competitions and blood feuds between these alien races. Some of them also believe that they can preserve their tribes by surrendering. Under such circumstances, even if the alien coalition can finally gather, it will never be as fast as it is now. , such a large number.

But even with the current number, without a skilled commander, there is still no chance of victory in attacking the mountain fortress, because in the previous war, the human lord has already demonstrated his powerful military capabilities. Corresponding military capabilities, a one or two troop advantage is completely insufficient to defeat the opponent.

“Lord Raza, has the spy returned any latest information?”

At this time, the mysterious man shrouded in black robes asked the troglodyte leader beside him.

His stature is a little thin, and he seems to be different from most northern orcs. However, everyone around the fire maintains considerable respect for this mysterious man, and he also sits in the main seat around the fire. of.

“Sir, the latest news is that the human knight Fatis has returned to the mountain fortress. At the same time, the Gushan Castle has issued an administrative order requiring farmers in the outlying farms to temporarily stop all production and work and return to the town. “

“Very good. It seems that the human lord is still planning to fight a defensive counterattack. I’m afraid he doesn’t know that his opponent this time is different from before.”

“Teacher, please keep an eye on me in the empire. I can create my own achievements without wasting even the life of an empire warrior.”

Of course, the following words are just thoughts in my mind and cannot be said out loud. However, the relationship between the two parties is mutual use. Whether they make it clear or not, the essence cannot be changed.

“Ha, it’s more elite than expected. There are 400 troglodyte heavy cavalry and infantry, at least 500 jackal axemen, about 200 bearmen heavy infantry, at least 500 centaur archers, and at least 500 satyr infantry. Troops of 600. It seems that I am really hated by people in the wilderness. Except for a few tribes here, all the other tribes’ main battle units can be found here. ”

Troglodytes are actually lizardmen, but this nearby tribe of lizardmen has the ability to cultivate large lizards. Therefore, although their own combat power is not very high, they have an average physical fitness close to that of humans plus the ability to ride large lizards. , such a configuration can still be called a strong fighting race in the wilderness.

Therefore, this tribe of lizardmen is called the troglodyte tribe to distinguish it from other ordinary lizardmen tribes, and they are proud of this.

However, many advantages can also become weaknesses. Originally, there was no specific route for these alien coalition forces to lead to Gushan Castle. However, due to the huge size of these large troglodytes, allowing them to cross mountains and ridges would greatly delay their marching speed. Therefore, it is almost inevitable to choose a relatively flat and open road, and there are not many such roads in the wilderness.

When the foreign coalition forces were sitting around a bright bonfire, they were repeatedly planning the battle plan for the next two days.

Rhodes, Fatis, and Kress were already riding on a hillside holding brass telescopes, observing them.

After observing, Rhodes handed the brass telescope to Fatis, then passed it to Kress, and finally asked:

“Fatis, I will take the Dark Swordsman troops and scouts away, and leave the rest to you. How long can you hold on to this nameless mountain at our feet, and how many of them can you hold back?”

“My lord, what do you think?”

Fatis has received a complete military education. Although he is not a military strategist, he can be called a qualified general in terms of military strategy. Therefore, he quickly followed up after Rhodes gave him a hint. .

“In such a mountainous terrain, the heavy cavalry that the troglodytes are proud of cannot exert its power. The only ones that need to be feared are the jackal axemen and the bear-like heavy infantry. But this time, those who followed us are all the most elite warriors, and the force is We are not inferior to them… Sir, please leave this task to me. I can hold them back for more than seven days and at least 1,500 people!”

After Rhodes took away the Dark Swordsman troops and scouts, what remained in Fatis’s hands was a force of just over 200 people. Fatis wanted to use this army to fight against an enemy that was nearly ten times his own. The alien coalition forces.

“I will still be with you in the initial surprise attack. If we cannot cause enough damage to them in the first surprise attack, it will be difficult to make them feel real pain.”

Standing on the hillside, Rhodes once again raised the brass telescope in his hand. At this moment, two flames seemed to be burning in his eyes, which were the flames symbolizing war.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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