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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 169: Real Sword Duel, Rodhart

“What a weird sword skill, this little guy has something special!”

The leopard girl Sang Zhuo, who has experienced hundreds of battles, will not despise any opponent, because she has seen too many companions die because of despising their opponents.

Because Sangzhuo seems to be unruly, but in fact he is calm.

It was precisely because of this that West chose to let her fight.

Although Kress’s quick attack was fierce, Sandra dodged and retreated several times. After he could no longer avoid Kress’s pursuit of the sword, he quickly jumped into the air.

She actually jumped onto the stone wall beside her, and the five-fingered iron claws of her left hand were hammered into the stone wall, making her whole body hang like a giant gecko, motionless, with only the muscles of her left arm swelling.


The opponent suddenly left the range of her sword, but Kress’s offensive did not stop at all. She directly threw her scimitar, then quickly switched weapons, drew out the bloodthirsty spear and continued to attack.

Clang, clang, clang, clang!

Sang Zhuo, the leopard girl who hung her whole body on the wall with the power of her left arm, drew out the scimitar on her back with her right hand and struck several times in succession. With her suddenly dilated pupils, she was able to kill all the throwing weapons flying in front of her. open.

The personal combat racial value of the orcs surpasses that of humans. This phenomenon will become more and more serious after the rise of the extraordinary.

Of course, humans also have their own advantages in cultural inheritance, which can offset this disadvantage. The low-end combat power of orcs is often stronger than that of humans, but they are not as good as the mid-to-high-end combat power… The most typical point is that orcs are extremely difficult Although the human wizards are only one in a thousand, they are still better than the orcs.

“Probably, you have run out of skills, right?”

After deflecting the machete and several spears thrown by the opponent, the leopard girl Sandra noticed Kress’s gradually rapid breathing.

However, after avoiding a spear thrown by the opponent.

Sangzhuo found that the other party was panting with intense physical exertion and suddenly calmed down. At the same time, she discovered that the end of the last throwing spear was hung with a fine iron chain.

“This is?”

The next moment, the little girl in front of her suddenly burst out with strength that she shouldn’t have. She pulled the chain with one hand and flew forward quickly.

“How is this possible, with her age and physical strength? That is… the blood of the beasts!?” With his excellent dynamic vision, Sandra could clearly see Kress’s beastly eyes. At the same time, she also understood the source of the other party’s amazing physical strength.

Hero characteristics: Berserk. After activating Berserk, all attributes are doubled (force-sensitive combat attributes), weapon proficiency is doubled, and intelligence attributes are halved.

Sensing the opponent’s activated rage, he becomes unstoppable.

Sang Zhuo decisively let go of his left hand and fell down, causing the violent Kress to miss him. Sang Zhuo fled sideways after landing.

Instead of confronting the rage activator head-on, unless the opponent is seriously injured, delaying the duration of the opponent’s rage is the best tactical choice.

Sandra had seen too many orc warriors in a violent state. Even if he died, he would cut his opponent with a knife. It would be too stupid to fight against such a madman.

However, while Sangzhuo was retreating quickly, she suddenly heard exclamations and excited shouts from the people around her. At the same time, she only felt her whole body tightening, and a slender fine iron chain suddenly appeared. wrapped around himself.

“How is this possible? When was this?”

The leopard girl Sandra looked up and down, only to see that a throwing spear was nailed to the spot where Kress was just now, and the other one connected to the iron chain was avoided by herself. It was these two throwing spears that were connected to the iron chain. , blocking his retreat first.

Because the leopard girl Sang Zhuo retreated so quickly and with great force, the two throwing spears were pulled at this moment, flying around her body and binding her.

This kind of restraint can be released in a short time. However, Kress rushed down quickly, giving her no time to release the restraint, and hit Sandra’s lower abdomen with a heavy shield impact.

When Sandra recovered from the severe impact pain, his throat had been pressed by a sharp short spear, and the skin at his throat was sharpened, causing a tremor.

“How is it possible? How could you still arrange such a tactical plan in a violent state!?” Leopard Girl Sandra asked in disbelief.

Because of her origin, she has seen a lot of orcs become violent, but those guys become stupid once they fall into violent transformation. Apart from being able to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, what is left is just the desire to kill and destroy.

“I’m born smart, can’t I?” Kress said with some pride after calming down the surging blood in his body and winning.

“Why do you have the nerve to say this? I teach you a few math problems, and you want to kill me with a knife. You can do anything but refuse to learn. If I hadn’t put all your upgrade attribute points on intelligence, and taught you since childhood You play chess and card games…are you born smart? Then there are no fools in this world.”

Not far away, the thoughts in Rhodes’ heart seemed to be sensed by Kress. The little girl turned her head and puffed up her face little by little, like an angry bun.

“It’s really strange. She is so keen on this kind of thing, but she can’t even solve a junior high school math problem. Forget it, don’t think about it anymore, otherwise the little bun will be rogue again later.”

Kress’s victory brought cheers from all around. After the leopard girl Sandra returned to her own mission, she directly removed one of Cass’s arms and threw it to Kress, regardless of Cass’s resistance.

As for this, West did not show any strangeness, but clapped his hands and praised: “I am also the first warrior who can maintain rationality after entering the berserk state. It’s amazing. I wonder how he did it?”

“Ah, it’s nothing. In fact, it’s because Kress is naturally smart and can restrain himself after falling into berserk.”

At this moment, Rhode was not talking nonsense. Falling into berserk increases agility, but intelligence is halved. Most orcs have only about three or four points of intelligence. Once they fall into berserk, the remaining one or two points of intelligence are really useless and almost zero.

But Kress is different. After Rhode’s full training, her intelligence attribute can be maintained at a considerable level even if it is halved. In this way, there is a foundation for tactics that can still be used after falling into berserk.

This belongs to the kingly way (attribute) improvement, not with the help of any tricky external force.

West thought for a moment, but got nothing. In the end, he could only shake his head and said with a smile, the last real sword duel, Lord Rhode, which knight do you plan to send?

While asking this question, West was staring at Rhodes closely. He needed to judge how determined the Lord of Lonely Mountain Castle was to attack the City of Sin.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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