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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 171: City of Holy Light, Horn of Light

Endless holy words came from all directions to fill the entire space, and the magnificent holy light formed a substantial beam of light that shot straight into the clouds from the city lord’s palace.

In his own eyes, a huge light and shadow seemed to appear behind the man, manipulating a giant sword burning with white-gold holy flames, and slashing at him in a manner that almost tore the vast sea apart.

In the eyes of others, it might just be swordsmanship blessed by holy power, but in my own eyes, the moment that man took action with all his strength.

The entire Gushan Castle seemed to have become his domain, and even the candlelight at the banquet, at this moment, was spreading with endless divine brilliance.

How to fight such a battle?


Suddenly, he was freed from the terrifying nightmare of a sword slashing down, a sure kill, a sure win, and a certain death situation for himself.

West was dripping with sweat all over his body, and the muscles on his face were completely distorted because of the almost extreme fear.

“grown ups!”

“Sir! Relax, relax, it’s over.”

In the room, beside them were the leopard girl Sandra and the pig-like Kenault. They tried their best to hold down West, who was almost going crazy, until his mind gradually returned.

“Fufufufu…how long have I been unconscious?”

“Two days and one night, sir.”

“What? Come on, bring me a mirror.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Seemingly prepared, Sandra quickly took out a mirror and placed it in front of West. The bald and one-eyed West carefully looked at himself in the mirror, touched his head and face with his palms, and made sure. After everything was correct, I breathed a long sigh of relief.

“Please rest assured, sir, since you passed out that night, no one else has entered this room except Kernault and me.”

“Well, Sandra, you did a good job. I can rest assured that you are doing your job.”

“Sir, please punish me. If it wasn’t my fault, you wouldn’t be so seriously injured.” As she spoke, the Leopard Girl Sandra half-knelt in front of West, resting her head on the ground with an attitude Extremely humble.

“Okay, stop talking. You have too much confidence in me, which is why you caused such a situation.” Sitting on the bed and going to the ground, West stretched his body, and his whole body exploded like exploding beans. sound.

And at the next moment, something extremely strange and almost terrifying happened.

I saw the body of this bald, one-eyed man melting and twisting like plasticine, gradually shrinking from the height of a blade nine to a blade six. At the same time, the muscles on his face also changed drastically. The one eye he was missing gradually gradually shrunk. It has to grow out.

However, the leopard girls Sandra and Kanault in the room were not surprised at all, until the human-shaped light group condensed into a small and exquisite girl. Although most of them were human-shaped, but in her part There are also obvious animal emblems on the body, showing his identity as a human with animal blood.

The ears are round and velvety, and there is also hair on the elbows and neck. This is a beast-blood cat-man.

It was obviously still daytime at this moment, but the room was blocked by a baffle to seal all the gaps where light could enter.

The cat girl West walked to the window. She gently opened the wooden board and looked outside and below. She saw a colorful and lively world appearing in front of her eyes. Not long ago, this city was still a dark, bloody, and war-torn city. Now business is prosperous and people are happy.

At this moment, it was early in the morning. West saw many people walking on the street, crossing their hands in the direction of the city lord’s palace and blessing them. The golden sunshine shone on each of their faces, naturally revealing a sense of physical and mental well-being. Ecumenical piety.

“The City of Glory and the City of God’s Blessing were originally just slogans, but I didn’t expect that they would actually become a holy land.”

“I practice the Dark Blood Prison Combat Qi, and I can fight even against strong men whose cultivation is higher than mine… But that night, I felt that I was not fighting only one person, in this place In the city, that guy is simply invincible, especially for those who practice dark blood abilities.”

“No, I have to report the information here to the teacher quickly. Compared with the Elf Queen, this guy in Gushan Castle is the target we must deal with first!”

“Most of the extraordinary knowledge of the empire was exchanged by the teacher to the Hell clan through the blood sacrifice circle. If this Lonely Mountain Castle is allowed to continue to grow and develop, it will inevitably become the biggest obstacle to the rise of the empire.”

The thoughts in West’s mind kept changing, but that was at this time.

“Ohh Ohh ohh……”

The huge horn sound suddenly rushed into the room like a wave. As soon as he heard this sound, West’s whole body trembled, as if the hair all over his body was exploding, and the dark blood prison fighting energy in his body that was not functioning smoothly was even more intense. He began to bump wildly, and the impact destroyed his body. West felt a surge of blood rushing straight into his throat.


Catwoman howled miserably and backed away from the window, threw herself back on the bed and covered herself with the quilt.

“What is this? What sound is this? Stop it, stop it!”

“My lord! My lord!”

Sandra stepped forward to hug West to relieve her bad state, while another follower, Kernault, ran out and reprimanded angrily:

“What is this sound? How do you treat guests at Gushan Castle? Don’t you know that my master is resting?”

“Sir, this is the sound of the horn of the Harvest Horn. It is a major feature of our Lonely Mountain Castle. Except for rest days, Lord Fatis will blow it every morning. When Lord Fatis is not here, Lord Raymond will blow it. As long as you hear this horn, everyone will be very energetic, and even many people’s illnesses have been cured without medicine because of listening to this horn every day.”

For ordinary humans who live with positive energy, listening to the sound of the strategic sacred artifact Harvest Horn every day does have the effect of refreshing the spirit, curing diseases and prolonging life, and even has a beneficial effect on the cultivation of the blower’s mind.

But for those who practice the power of the dark undead, it is uncomfortable to listen to this every day, especially those who are seriously injured, and their internal injuries will continue to worsen, such as West’s current state.

“Sandra, call that pig back!”

Shaking in the quilt on the bed, West still gave this order to Sandra.

Because if this guy Kanoert continues to talk, I am afraid that more and more information will be leaked.

This guy, Kanot, actually called his master directly in front of outsiders. At the same time, his reaction to the loud sound of the horn would also make people with ulterior motives make associations.

“This horn sound is indeed uncomfortable to listen to, but it also sounded two days ago, and it didn’t make people so uncomfortable. What’s going on today?” Holding West, Sandro frowned slightly and said in confusion.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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