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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 178: Fusion of Arms

The giant spiders surged out, but were first pierced by the crossbows of the sniper of the Rhodok Fortress, and then they were intercepted and blocked by the skeleton soldiers crawling out from the ground.

Although they were fierce, they could only fall down in rows, letting the green body fluids and juices flow.

“Resarit, you are coming.”

Standing on a high place, with Airen guarding beside him.

Watching the battle below, Rhodes did not turn his head. He was sure that Resarit came behind him just by the sound of footsteps.

With the deepening of his own holy light energy, Rhodes now found that everyone’s footsteps and even breathing sounds were different. Now, even if he closed his eyes, he could clearly distinguish the people he was familiar with.

This may also be a kind of evolution.

“Lord, I am here on orders.”

“Well, how is your recent practice of Thunder Fighting Qi? If there is anything you don’t understand, you can ask me or Fatis, but don’t be too anxious. Fighting Qi training is a long process. The more anxious you are, the easier it is to make mistakes.”

“Thank you for your concern, I will concentrate on practicing and live up to your high expectations.”

The Fighting Qi training that Resarit practiced was a relatively complete one found in the extraordinary information slate in the witch secret library, especially the front part. Rhodes and Fatis have read it and thought there was no problem before giving it to Resarit to practice.

According to the normal progress, Resarit, who has to be distracted by both his family and his job, is likely to never practice the latter part in his life, so it doesn’t matter if the latter part is a little incomplete.

However, Airen, who was guarding on the side, subconsciously tensed his body and paid attention to every word of the conversation between Rhodes and Resarit.

Fighting Qi!

Extraordinary power!

This is what every warrior who yearns for strength dreams of. Especially for young people like Airen, whose martial arts skills have already reached a bottleneck.

But he had just followed Rhodes for a short time and had not made any achievements, so he could not ask for it at all.

Such a power inheritance must be extremely precious. I am afraid that there are not many people in the entire Lonely Mountain Castle who have mastered it.

Neither Rhodes nor Resarit paid attention to Airen beside him. Resarit only felt that his lord was concerned about his physical condition. As the most trusted general (Resarit and his wife both thought so, after all, all the soldiers in the Lonely Mountain Castle had been trained under Resarit), it was normal for Lord Rhodes to behave like this, and Resarit was still a little touched in his heart.

However, what Resarit didn’t know was that during this gossip, Rhodes had already adapted Resarit and the soldiers fighting the frost spiders below through the system panel with a flick of his finger.

Resarit training skeleton soldiers: no training effect.

Resarit training skeleton archers: no training effect.

Resarit trained Rhodok Fortress Snipers: Rhodok Armored Sniper, Rhodok Frost Sniper, Rhodok Flame Sniper, Rhodok Windcaller Sniper…

Resarit trained Dark Black Armor Cavalry: Dark Follower, Heretic Giant Swordsman.

Resarit trained Charr Guards: Charr Wind Elite, Charr Divine Sword Guard.

Resarit trained Vaegir Knights: Vaegir Holy Knight, Vaegir Giant Knight.

Rhode basically brought one or two representatives of the main arms of Lonely Mountain Castle to see what kind of training effect can be achieved.

Although it is only an upgrade of one level, not one stage, and after the upgrade, it can no longer be upgraded through the hero characteristics of the training expert, but if the entire army can be upgraded by one level, the strategic value is still amazing.

Unfortunately, Resarit’s ability to lead troops is limited. After all, he can only conduct special training in batches. Resarit’s command ability is zero. Even though he is now a general of Lonely Mountain Castle and has accumulated a lot of reputation in the entire northern province, Resarit can only command more than 100 soldiers in special training. After all, he is an additional hero under the legend of Rhodes.


“Resarit, you will focus on training these ten Vigia knights in the next period of time. I always feel that there is more potential in them to be tapped. Try to improve their strength.” Suddenly, Rhodes pointed to the battlefield below and said this.

“Yes, sir, Resarit will definitely do his best.”

Because of Rhodes’s record and power, Resarit lived very comfortably in Lonely Mountain Castle and was very loyal to the lord in front of him, so he decisively bowed down and obeyed the order.

“Level 6, 2nd stage Vaegir Giant Knight!? I seem to have seen this type of soldier on the forum in my previous life. It is said that this type of soldier seems to be able to merge with some heavy cavalry. If it is possible, it will be a great profit for me. Even if it fails, it will not lose anything.”

“Lesarit, please work hard in the coming days, let us build a strong and prosperous territory together.” After thinking about it, Rhodes turned around, patted the general’s shoulder beside him, and said to Lesarit.

“Lord, Lesarit is willing to fight for you to the death!”

“Yes.” Rhodes nodded to express his approval.

At this time, an invisible and qualitative shock suddenly came from the underground gap, and then a large number of frost spiders turned back.

And Rhodes did not send soldiers, or ask Caitlin’s fearless undead army to pursue.

Because he knew very well that the underground world had its own ecological rules. It was fine to kill a small number of them and confine some. If he killed too many frost spiders in the underground world, then at least rats would definitely overflow. In fact, besides rats, who knows what creatures would escape from the deep and endless underground. This world still has many unknown secrets.

“Back then, the Wild Witch guarded the mountain fortress, and no creature dared to invade her territory. Today, I guard the Lonely Mountain Castle, and whoever shows up will die. The witch is cruel, am I Rhodes easy to provoke?”

As time went by, the atmosphere of the Lonely Mountain Castle, the City of Sin, and the Silver Frost City coalition became more and more tense and stagnant.

In response to Rodhart’s letter from the Lonely Mountain Castle, the Silver Frost City sent a dragon beast knight as a messenger to deliver the alliance letter to Rhodes.

It was one afternoon, Rhodes was handling official business in the office of the City Lord’s Mansion, and then an elf housekeeper rushed in and exclaimed that there was a dragon approaching outside.

With the revival of the magic tide, dragons, this mythical creature, also began to be active in the eyes of the world.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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