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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 181 Confrontation, Advance

Wars often bring huge benefits to the victors, both materially and spiritually.

Even a government with a financial collapse still has a huge amount of property.

In addition, the victors only need to be responsible for the subjects left by the losers, so if it is handled properly, war can be a profitable business.

In terms of spirit, an army that can win many victories is more likely to cultivate a sense of honor and mission, which in turn will make the army stronger and more difficult to defeat.

The army of the City of Sin tends to obtain the former. The army of the Lonely Mountain Castle tends to obtain the latter.

It is just like choosing light and darkness.

Fatis commanded almost all the troops of the Lonely Mountain Castle, so in the early stage of the war, his style of play was very cautious, step by step, and gradually explored and approached. The entire army was in a low-speed operation state. Although it also consumed food and grass, fatigue and morale were also very slow.

It seems that the scattered troops sent by the City of Sin were successfully delayed.

This behavior seems very normal to the people of Sin City and Silver Frost City: as the relatively weakest force, it is of course in this state to want to preserve strength and plunder the fruits of victory.

Compared with the tens of thousands of troops deployed by the coalition forces of Sin City and Silver Frost City, Lonely Mountain Castle has only more than 2,000 soldiers in total. If they are not used carefully, they may be swept off the battlefield soon.

It is particularly worth mentioning here that the Silver Frost City coalition forces have continuously increased the number of troops during the period of trial and confrontation between the two sides. It is not that Silver Frost City has increased its troops again, but that the nobles of the Styak Empire coalition forces have suddenly become noble and no longer hide their own family assets, and have all done their best.

The coalition forces were originally only known as 40,000 troops, but now, they are really almost 40,000 troops, which is almost the scale of a national war.

With the economic assistance of Bright Moon City, Silver Frost City can raise an army of 20,000 people. This is already a powerful armed force that can influence the political structure of the entire northern province.

From Isakalasa’s perspective, she would definitely increase her military strength. There was no reason not to increase her military strength. The establishment of Silver Frost City could be said to be a cover. This town was used to raise elite soldiers and assist her in gaining political power.

In the Styak Empire, only the identity of a pioneer noble could raise a large number of elite soldiers without attracting attention.

Therefore, Isakalasa hid her identity in the early stage and did not come to the fore. Instead, she used her confidant Mashapes as her representative until she accumulated enough strength with the secret support of her mother, and then gradually revealed her identity.

But I am afraid that even Isakalasa herself could not imagine that the situation would eventually develop into what it is now.

With the arrival of Princess Anna and Prince Grandhe, those pioneer lords were like chicken blood, selling their pots and irons, and taking out their coffins, just to pray that the royal family would look at them more, and forcibly expanded the coalition forces to the point where the entire empire would be concerned.

On the other hand, the development of the sinful city of Constart to its current scale was beyond Constart’s own expectations. Originally, he was just a thief leader in the wilderness. He was indeed cunning, skillful, fortunate, and talented.

But even Constart himself did not expect that he would come to this day step by step. Obviously, his dream back then was just to be conferred as a noble, even a lord, whether it was a noble of the human empire or the orc empire.

But with the help of the right time (the rise of the magic tide) and the step-by-step push of the forces behind him (the power of the orcs), Constart could not stop, or if he wanted to stop forcibly, someone would suddenly jump out and kill him at any time, and then replace him and get everything he had struggled for all his life.

In life, many times, it is really pushed forward step by step by fate, especially in the chaotic world where one cannot help oneself.

20,000 vs. 40,000. The scale of this war is not big, at least for the Hoffman Empire, Sims Royal Court, Raymond and Saint Laurent, which have already started a full-scale war, the scale is not big, but in the Styak Empire, which has been at peace for more than 200 years, the direction of this battle has already touched the hearts of the people of the empire.

If Silver Frost City wins, it will be fine. If Silver Frost City loses, the entire northern province will be shrouded in the shadow of Constat, the king of thieves in the city of sin. Of course, some high-level political figures may not have the same idea as most people. They may be more looking forward to the complete defeat of Silver Frost City.

Until today, the power of Lonely Mountain Castle is still a point in the northern province. After all, the army of 2,000 people is too small compared to the army of 40,000 people. Everyone still regards Lonely Mountain Castle as a subsidiary of the northern province. At present, this view is not wrong.

Fatis, who led the entire army of Lonely Mountain Castle, was never a radical and adventurous person. From his own personality to martial arts and military tactics, he was always steady, which was why Rhode was particularly confident in him leading the army.

Fatis might not be able to achieve a great military victory, but he was also difficult to defeat.

Because many times, even though he had seen the opponent’s flaws, he would still hesitate and weigh the pros and cons repeatedly. Sometimes he would rather miss the opportunity than reveal his own flaws.

Hero characteristics:

Insight, a pure and powerful mind, can more easily perceive the essence of the target through the fog. Reduce the possibility of being deceived, and have a greater chance of seeing the opponent’s flaws and key points, and kill with one blow.

This is the only one of Fatis’s four hero characteristics that is more inclined to the strategic type, but with this strategic characteristic alone, Fatis’s military strength has been raised to a very high level.

After possessing the insight characteristic, Fatis, who is very calm, will hardly fall into any conspiracy or tricks of the enemy. Anyone who fights with him can only compete head-on, and this happens to be the area where Fatis is best at.

Today, after leading the army to the expedition, Fatis has been steadily advancing all the way. After a long period of research, he gradually saw a flaw in the City of Sin.

He wanted to take action, but he was very hesitant for a while, worried that his decision would lead to a flaw in the army. After hesitating for more than ten days, he repeatedly thought about it and determined that this was indeed a flaw of the opponent and not a trap, so he finally decided to take action.

Just like the venomous snake-like sword attack that suddenly jumped out after the iron shield defense, it killed the enemy with a sudden and sharp blow. The insight characteristic allows Fatis to have the capital to compete head-on with military-type generals.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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