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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 209: Pursuit (Please bookmark and subscribe)

“BAA Baa baa!”


What appeared in front of them was a large group of goatmen tribe, nearly two hundred people in size, which was not a small number in the wilderness.

This is also the reason why Alleyn did not directly order an attack. Forty cavalrymen attack the two hundred goatmen tribe. Even if they can win, it will take a lot of time. What’s more, there may not be any battle losses. Renn was not sure of this.

“Who are you? Where are you from, and where are you going now?” Rhodes rode forward and asked.

“This human lord, we are several tribes of sheepmen in the Muye Plain. We can no longer survive due to the magic riot. I heard that a kind-hearted and kind-hearted monarch came to the mountain fortress in the north and was willing to give sheep People have enough food to eat, so we migrate here as a family, please don’t attack us, we are willing to give all our wealth.”

As he spoke, the goatman elder knelt down and kowtowed, and then the young goatman behind him took out a wooden tray from the flock. On it were some beautiful stones, broken gold nuggets, smooth animal bones, etc., two hundred The bulls are indeed extremely poor when they can only scrape together such a small amount.

However, the information about this Goat Elder is not smooth. It still regards the plane subsidence as a magic riot, and still regards the Lonely Mountain Castle as a mountain fortress. However, this is also a normal phenomenon.

“Where did you get your news?”

“I am a distant relative of the Edelweiss. We are…”

It turned out that in the Battle of Licheng, Rhodes persuaded and accepted the surrender of the Goat Tribe in order to reduce his own losses. At first, the Edelweiss tribe was still aggrieved, but after living in Gushan Castle for a period of time, this The Zhiyang tribe was shocked to find that their current life was much better than their past life:

There is work, food, and safety. Although they are sometimes bullied by the humans, compared to the wilderness where the jungle is strong and the jungle is strong, the oppression of the humans in Gushan Castle is not oppression at all.

At least if given the choice, the humans in Gushan Castle would not take the initiative to eat intelligent creatures.

Under this circumstance, under the premise that Gushan Castle was still a highly mobile commercial city, the message that the Edelweiss had achieved their ideal of living and working in peace and contentment was gradually spread. Although at the beginning, many races were still dubious, but as the The plane subsided, and many races had to leave their homes, such as the goat-man tribe in front of Rhodes and others at this moment.

“It seems that we need to formulate a strict population immigration policy after we go back. Otherwise, it won’t be long before Gushan Castle will be crowded with a large number of non-human races. Although there are benefits in the short term, in the long run, the harm will outweigh the benefits. “

Rapid development can cover up all problems, but conversely, once the development speed slows down, all problems that were not problems in the first place will explode.

When Rhodes was in his last life, his motherland had become the most powerful country in the world. On the one hand, it was because he had mastered the technology of unlimited energy and unlimited food, and on the other hand, it was also because the strongest opponent he had originally expected, self-destructed on the spot. .

The strongest overlords in the world are often not defeated in head-to-head confrontations, but are internally torn apart and collapsed from within.

The northern empire of the past was able to return to the ranks of nation-states and still maintain strong national power when civilization collapsed.

And once the strongest overlord is divided, it will be shattered instantly, and it will not even have the foundation to retreat to a nation-state.

After learning this and looking at the weak and helpless Goat Tribe in front of him, Rhodes instantly realized the danger. Although the addition of the Goat Tribe can greatly increase the power of Lonely Mountain Castle in the short term, it will not be possible if the environment is safe and the food is sufficient. In such an environment, organisms reproduce very quickly…

“Sir, why don’t you kill them all? Their existence may expose our march.” Alleyn came to Rhodes and suggested softly, and then his eyes were overflowing with murderous intent.

He didn’t think as far ahead as Rhodes. What Alleyn was considering was the near-term danger.

“I have accepted your offering, and someone will bring you some food later.”

“It’s not necessary. Neither the undead nor the demons have the habit of leaving alive, and killing them all here will leave huge traces that are difficult to cover up.”

It’s just a matter of paying back the hell demons. Necromancers are the best at asking for information from the mouths of the dead.

Let these goatmen go, even if they encounter the undead or demon army again, it will take time for the latter to kill them all. On the contrary, our own army kills them all, which not only wastes time, but also cannot prevent the marching information from being exposed.

Hence, senseless killing.

“let’s go!”

Following Rhodes’ order, Alleyn and the Virginia cavalry surrounded on all sides withdrew.

Seeing Rhodes sending back two large plates of food equivalent to the goatmen’s offerings, Katis, the female guard leader on the side, said with emotion:

“This Lord Rodhart of Lonely Mountain Castle is really a benevolent person. Not only does he treat all races equally, but his reputation for benevolence has also spread. Otherwise, how could there be so many alien races?” Go to him?”

Katniss hugged Princess Anna and spoke softly on the horseback. She didn’t notice that the little girl in her arms was quiet at this moment, and her eyes were bright. She listened to all these words.

On the other side, on the road where the army of Lonely Mountain Castle was marching, there was a hell demon general wearing strange leather armor, but with an octopus-like face and a lot of sharp teeth in the middle, half-kneeling on the ground, searching for traces of the army’s march.

“Hehehehe, it seems that this is the right place, the Ancient Sun Legion, the human general who defeated Dilibu… As long as I kill him, not only will the hellfire crossbow be in my hands, but I will also get his head, and even His Majesty will reward me.”

He let out a series of extremely twisted and greedy laughter, and then the hell demon general with an octopus-like head waved his hand, accompanied by the burning of the fire, and a hell cavalry whistled and ran past. Wherever the hell warhorses passed, they didn’t need to do much, but even the mountains and forests were burning.

On the backs of these hell warhorses, there were also strong sword-wielding horned demons lying, which turned out to be an extremely powerful hell fusion cavalry!

In addition, there were also small demon corps and hell hound corps following, and their momentum was so strong that there were at least four or five hundred units.

And such an elite hell army, in the current wilderness, has almost no force that can compete with it head-on, at least with the same or similar forces.

Two days later, before the hell hunters launched their attack, the Lonely Mountain Castle army had already encountered new troubles.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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