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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 216 Faith Currency

Vegia Rider/Vegia Knight, a first-level, fourth-level/fifth-level soldier, is a knight who uses a two-handed axe and a lance, and some are equipped with shields and one-handed axes. Most of the armor is scale armor and striped armor, and the defense is not as good as the heavy knight wearing plate armor, but it is also a very violent and tyrannical soldier.

Due to the length and power of the heavy moon blade axe, it is also a killing weapon that sweeps the same level when not on horseback, but it is extremely necessary to protect it when facing long-range units.

Of the original forty cavalrymen, four were killed or disabled, and twenty-two were injured. All were promoted, twenty-eight were promoted to fifth-level Vaegia Knights, and the rest were promoted to fourth-level Vaegia Riders.

When they went on the expedition, they were all third-level senior Vaegia soldiers. Because of Airen’s leadership and training, most of their combat levels were improved along the way.

Rhodok Holy Defender, a third-level, ninth-level soldier (top level), obtained the baptism of pure sacred power guidance during the process of self-training and strengthening, with a firm will, strong physique, and loyal faith.

With the powerful divine power enhancement, it has physical strength and explosive power far beyond the limit of normal human soldiers, and can skillfully use various bows, crossbows, shields and hammers.

Soldier Skill 1: Holy Healing. Cast on yourself to recover some injuries and physical strength.

Soldier Skill 2: Holy Blessing. With a stronger physique, the attack is accompanied by the divine power feature, even with the same level of infantry in close combat, it will not be inferior, and can even win the battle.

Before the advent of the extraordinary era, the Vaegir Rider/Vegir Knight was already an extremely powerful elite soldier, but after the advent of the extraordinary era, a Rhodok Holy Defender can use his shield and hammer to knock down five Vaegir cavalry (on foot close combat) head-on. It is not that the latter is too weak, but that the former is too strong.

This combat power gap will not decrease after the number of both sides increases year-on-year, but will further increase significantly.

Of the original 240 high-level Rhodok crossbowmen, six were killed or injured, 45 were injured, and some were promoted. Sixty-two were promoted to Rhodok Light Guardians (Level 7), twenty-two were promoted to Rhodok Light Guardians (Level 8), and nine were promoted to Rhodok Holy Defenders (Level 3, Level 9).

The upgrade and strengthening of a large number of soldiers slightly increased the total amount of Rhodok’s holy fighting spirit and refined its quality. Don’t underestimate the word “slightly”… The improvement can be felt almost overnight. Only extraordinary practitioners can understand how terrifying this progress is.

At the same time, another aspect:

[The tax revenue of White Stone Fortress this week is: 48 dinars. ]

[The tax revenue of Redwood Town this week is: 642 dinars. ]

[The tax revenue of Lonely Mountain Castle this week is: 4860 dinars. ]

[Deduct the salary of the soldiers stationed in White Stone Fortress: 142 dinars. ]

[Deduct the salary of the soldiers stationed in Redwood Town: 204 dinars. ]

[Deduct the salary of the soldiers stationed in Lonely Mountain Castle: 200 dinars. Deduct the salary of the troops led by Fatis: 5400 dinars. Deduct the salary of the troops led by himself: 890 dinars. Currently there are 21469 dinars left. 】

Unlike the style of the Mount and Blade war in the previous life, Rhodes also pays soldiers weekly in reality.

Although in the early days of the establishment of the Lonely Mountain Castle, because of the tight finances, the soldiers were also given living supplies to offset the accounts, but after finding and opening the witch secret library, this kind of thing never happened again.

However, while paying coins in reality, the system will still deduct a large amount of dinars every week.

In the past, Rhodes didn’t care about the small deductions because there were few cities and few soldiers. Even if he cared, he couldn’t intervene and control it. Later, in half a year of operation, Rhodes gradually discovered that the operation mechanism of the entire system was extremely complicated:

Although it is still: the deduction of dinars for the troops stationed in the city will be greatly reduced. The deduction of dinars for the troops fighting outside the city will be greatly increased.

But at the same time, factors such as the morale of the army, food, whether they are stationed locally, whether they have lost a battle, etc., will affect the consumption of dinars. It is not a fixed weekly salary for each soldier, and then deducted according to a fixed value.

In the previous six months of development, Lonely Mountain Castle was gradually managed into a commercial city.

During the six months of peaceful development, Rhodes also accumulated a considerable amount of dinar savings in this process. At the same time, through observation and repeated calculations, he found that the more people came to Lonely Mountain Castle, the more they yearned for and admired this city, and the more taxes they received…

This made Rhodes come up with an inference:

Is the dinar obtained by his own system another level of faith currency, and it is this faith currency that supports the upgrade and evolution of his soldiers. Once the supply is cut off, it will be fine in the short term, but after a while, the strength of these soldiers will be greatly reduced.

Of course, all of the above are just Rhode’s personal speculations. Although he is the middleman, he cannot stop paying the weekly salary if he has the dinars, unless he deliberately spends all the dinars and then stops paying to verify his speculations.

“Since the war started again, the commercial tax of Lonely Mountain Castle has been greatly affected. At its peak, the commercial tax of Lonely Mountain Castle could reach tens of thousands of dinars. I was eager to wait for the opportunity to pick up a magic weapon. Now it seems that if the war lasts a little longer, I will even go bankrupt. I always thought that the command skill was useless in this world, but now it seems that it is necessary to improve it.”

The effect of the command skill is to increase the number of soldiers you can lead, while maintaining morale and combat power while reducing the weekly salary of soldiers.

In the real world, the number of soldiers a lord can command is not affected by the command skill. The number of soldiers a lord can command is determined by the number of soldiers in the city.

Even for Rhodes, the only thing he was affected by was the number of people he could connect the holy light and system skills to at the same time.

However, as the name of “Lord of Lonely Mountain, Defender of the Original Human Race in the Wilderness” Rod Hart resounded throughout the North, with the huge amount of reputation bonus, the actual number of soldiers Rhodes commanded increased dramatically.

This made Rhodes almost think that the system command skill was a meaningless skill, but now it seems that this is not the case.

On the other hand, improving the system command skill will also truly improve Rhodes’ management ability for his civil servants and knights, making it less likely for his subordinates to lose loyalty, less likely to betray, and even improving their work ability and efficiency.

After a night of rest after the war, Rhodes rested his body and mind and walked out of the tent. It was early morning at this moment, and it was a little cold outside the tent.

“My Lord! Good morning.”

“My Lord Lord!”

Aileen, Resarit, Janis and the others have woken up and are on patrol. Caitlin and Likia Qiusha have not appeared yet. As expected, compared with warriors, mages are too fragile and delicate.

“Is there anything going on?”

Rhodes reached out to stop the three people from saluting and being polite. The successor of power needs to maintain his authority with complicated etiquette and rituals, and as the founder of power, Rhodes is an authority just standing there.

“The demon army detected before has appeared, but they seem to have discovered something and are deliberately keeping a distance and observing us.”

Resarit leaned over to report that if it weren’t for the hell demon army behind, they might not have fought that battle yesterday.

And because of the annihilation of another hell demon army, the pursuers were also afraid.

After all, the human army in front of them did not suffer heavy losses, and their morale level was slightly improved.

Unlike the previous demon general Dilibu, the size of this demon general’s army is not less than his own. The demon general who is chasing him will naturally be alert. He even began to doubt whether the information Dilibu provided him was true and accurate. In hell, there is no shortage of things that harm the demons and benefit oneself!


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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