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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 246 Establishing Diplomacy and Arriving at Redwood Town (Please collect and subscribe)

Politics, economy, military, culture, diplomacy.

In the political field, Lonely Mountain Castle implements a semi-feudal and semi-slave system with humans as the main body and various vassal races as the object.

This world is a world with a very low level of productivity development. In such a world, if you don’t oppress others, others will oppress you.

Unless you live in seclusion like the elves, you will never escape this vortex of conflict.

Just like the war between the agricultural civilization and the nomadic civilization in ancient China, the agricultural civilization only wanted to guard its own land and didn’t want to fight, but the nomadic civilization thought that your race was born cowardly, and I would eat you, just like wolves eat sheep, which is in line with the way of heaven.

In this world, the orcs look at the human race in the same way. Does the wolf need a reason to eat the sheep? It’s natural.

After Rhodes came to this world, he had super talents. He chose to enter this world and become the shield and sword of the human race, so that the human race can better continue to survive in the next magic tide and the hegemony of hundreds of races.

Because if he doesn’t do this, one day when the orc’s butcher knife swings to his neck, he will most likely be completely defenseless.

If you don’t fight back (any form of harming the other party’s interests is an effective fight back; calling the police, reporting, complaining, and even plotting behind the scenes are all acceptable), and don’t fight back, the perpetrator will not think you are kind, he will only think you are cowardly.

In terms of economy, military products, luxury goods, slave trade, etc. are the key developments. Due to the semi-slave system in politics, although there are certain disadvantages, it also has huge economic benefits.

In terms of productivity alone, a large number of alien slaves even make the productivity of Lonely Mountain Castle far exceed that of many old-fashioned development areas that have been in business for many years.

Needless to say, the military aspect has always been the strongest point of Lonely Mountain Castle. Since Rhodes entered the wilderness to establish his power, he has always defeated the strong with the weak and has been almost invincible.

In this field, the record of Lonely Mountain Castle is almost impeccable, because it can’t be done better.

The cultural field is the arena culture: victory and defeat, strong survival and weak death, giving the people the strongest blood stimulation, but some of them belong to the military.

In the field of diplomacy, the shortcoming of the current development of Lonely Mountain Castle is not only the lack of achievements, but also the enemies everywhere, surrounded by potential or open enemies.

This time, Rhodes brought the little princess Anna Han back to the capital. On the one hand, he wanted to recruit academic talents to promote the development of his own territory, and on the other hand, he wanted to open up the diplomatic environment. Since he couldn’t find friends nearby, he would go to a farther place to find them.

At least get the support of the upper class of the Styak Empire, even if he would be used as a gun by others, it would be better than the current situation. After all, if you use it as a gun, you have to give the gun some benefits.

If you can get a little benefit, you can get a little benefit.

“Cress, come down and play!”

Rhodes rode a warhorse in front of the team. In the carriage behind him, a round little head stuck out from the side window. The little bun with long golden hair waved his hand and shouted to Cress in the air.

Although Cress always bullies her, for some reason, Anna just likes to play with this fierce little sister.

“No.” Cress rode his war eagle and decisively chose to refuse.

“Come down and coax her, otherwise this little meat bun will come to bother me again.” Rhode raised his head and said with a smile.

He would not feel lonely riding a horse alone. With the increasing improvement of the holy light energy cultivation, Rhode can now maintain a continuous self-cultivation state even when riding a horse, and strengthen the holy light energy in his body.

Hearing his master beside him say this, Cress jumped off the war eagle reluctantly, and then happily played with Anna.

“Alas, she is still a little girl after all.”

Hearing the faint laughter coming from the carriage, Rhode shook his head slightly.

Cress’s previous life was too bitter, and he hardly had a good time.

Now letting her play the board game invented by Rhode with Anna can be regarded as a disguised compensation.

On the way forward, it is not without encountering bandits or small groups of hell demons.

However, the cavalry did not even have a chance to attack, as the enemies were torn to pieces by the war eagle knights who suddenly swooped down from the sky.

At this moment, these fourth-level war eagle knights, both the people and the war eagles, were equipped with all-light steel armor, looking like steel beasts flying in the air.

This was due to the advancement of the dwarf smelting technology. Of course, the high cost was inevitable, and there was no need to mention it again and again.

Twenty fourth-level war eagles tore apart a small-scale hell demon army of fifty or less, completely killing them instantly without any damage.

Cress was somewhat reluctant to play with Anna, and it was also because of the occasional blood stimulation that made her unable to stop:

This bloodthirsty little girl, little loli, would try to appear docile and well-behaved only in front of her master. Outside, Cress always loved to open the skulls of other creatures.

More than two months later, when the first heavy snow of winter fell, a team of more than 200 people, after more than a year, once again followed Rhodes into the territory of Redwood Town.

“My Lord! Mapletown Mayor Marek reports to you.”


Looking at the mayor of Redwood Town who was saluting him with some disabilities, Rhodes nodded slightly while sitting on his horse, then he looked up at the town in front of him, and sighed.

“When I first came here, this place was not even a village. Now, it finally looks like a town.”

The team entered, and on both sides of the road, the townspeople of Redwood Town were waiting with their own food and wine in the wind and snow.

“No need to do this, let everyone go back. It’s not worth getting sick in the cold wind and snow.”

“Master, everyone is here to welcome you voluntarily. Really, you have to believe me!”

“Hahahaha, okay then.” Hearing this, looking at the old soldier mayor who was holding his horse, Rhodes shook his head and laughed.

Then he rode up and announced to everyone:

“In the next few years, the town will no longer have to pay taxes to Lonely Mountain Castle. Let’s build a sentry tower first. With the sentry tower, everyone will no longer have to worry about the invasion of thieves.”

Hearing Lord Rhodes’ words, the people around him cheered with joy.

Although taxes still need to be paid, they are undoubtedly very happy to spend money on building their own village.

Although it is not used to expand the mill or build a school, it is also very good to use it on the defense tower, which makes them very satisfied.

Expanding the mill and building a school are actually much more important than building a defense tower, which can better promote the development of the territory.

However, Rhodes is a war-minded person. He judged that in the next few decades, various conflicts will continue and intensify, so he believes that building a tower in his territory is much more important than building a mill and a school.

After promising benefits to the villagers, Rhodes allowed the soldiers to take everyone’s things.

The villagers who got a bigger advantage at a very small price seemed very enthusiastic and generous. The villagers in Redwood Town even held a bonfire party, which greatly relieved everyone’s fatigue along the way.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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