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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 250: Battle of the Underground Sewers

Of course those people will never come out again:

Because they are all dead.

In the room of the medical center, a large number of corpses were laid out in random directions. There are as many as twenty old people, children, women, and adult men. What attracts everyone’s attention the most are these corpses. Together they form an altar, the corpse altar.

The strong evil energy on the altar was still emitting, and the air of the medical center was filled with the smell of blood. In the basement of the medical center, everyone found a broken cave, which seemed to be the escape path of Dr. Casper.

“Lord, what should we do?”

Alleyn came to Rhodes at this time and asked.

According to his opinion, if such a terrifying and evil thing happened in his own territory, that would be fine. If it happened in Bright Moon City, he would absolutely not want to take care of it.

It is not just a battle, but even if you win in the end, it may also affect the relationship with Bright Moon City, because this is some kind of overstep of authority.

You come to my place to deal with things that should be handled by me. Even if it is a good thing in itself, what do you mean?

“Jolin, go and inform the local sheriff.”

“Everyone else, come with me, catch up and kill the devil worshiper!”

At this moment, Rhodes was thinking from two aspects:

One is that the initial demon worshipers are not very strong, but they often have magic items on their bodies. After killing them, even if these dark magic items are not suitable for their own use, they can still be used to sell them for money to accelerate the development of the territory. They have an alternative experience. Treasure gift package.

I have only killed one person so far. Even if I kill another one, I have only killed two, so the impact will not be big.

The second is to establish one’s own alignment. No matter how Grand Duke Daenerys, as the hidden force of the northern elves, feels about herself, at least surface elves rarely have dark alignments, and at most they are neutral.

Then Rhodes can be sure that killing demon worshipers in Moon City can increase the favorability of the force. Even if the two sides must be enemies in the future, Grand Duke Daenerys will not express her feelings to herself after she just killed the demon worshipers. Malice, otherwise, what kind of signal does it send to the outside world?

“The most important thing in war is speed. Since we have encountered it, let us take action to solve it. Otherwise, when the power of Bright Moon City comes over, we may not be able to catch up.”

With that said, Rhodes, who was wearing heavy armor, jumped into the cave first.

“Master, wait for me.”

Kress immediately jumped down, followed by Alleyne and Likia Qiusha without any hesitation, especially the female elf Likia. Rhodes’ decisiveness greatly increased her favorability. .

This kind of behavior, which is just to carry out the justice in the heart, without any consideration of its own pros and cons, is really full of charm in Likiya’s view.

With a flash of light in his hand, Thunder’s military hammer and an ornately decorated triangular shield appeared in Rhode’s hand.

【Shield of Destiny】

[The blessed golden shield has the magical power to enable the holder to turn the corner of danger into safety. After use, the power of the shield takes a certain amount of time to recover. Find it in the harpy witch’s secret vault. 】

[Enchanting effect:]

[Life recovery: The shield comes with a healing effect. When the owner’s vitality drops to one-third of the normal level, the healing effect is activated until fifty percent is restored or the shield’s reserve energy is completely exhausted. 】

This divine object does not require a blood contract to identify its owner. Fatis believed that he would not be in any danger leading the army in Lonely Mountain Castle, so he returned the shield to Rodhart.

“It is Fatis’ failure as a knight to be unable to protect the lord at all times. Please use this shield as if I are still by your side.”

At that time, Fatis’s statement made Rhodes unable to refuse at all, so he took the shield back into his hands.

Although Rhodes has a stronger weapon, the Iron Spine Point Steel Gun, that gun is almost three meters long. It is not only inconvenient to carry around, but also cannot be placed in the storage ring. Moreover, Rhodes’s gun skills are not good enough. If it’s not enough, you can’t achieve the state of “having a gun in your hand, weathering the storm”. In many cases, heavy armor and a large shield are more practical.

Rhodes used the iron spine to point the steel gun, which he used to kill others happily, and others also enjoyed killing him.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh…

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air. Rhodes didn’t know what was happening to him during this period, and his perception was unusually high.

When the hidden arrows struck, he turned sideways and quickly blocked them. After a dense collision, arrows made of bones fell to the ground.

“Magic light! (Magic light)”

Following Likiya Qiusha’s whisper, several beams of light dispersed the darkness around the four people. One of the beams of light flew straight over, revealing a group of dark red skeleton archers hiding in a hidden corner.


Kress threw a javelin violently, and several skeletons were directly penetrated by the shot and exploded. Alleyn quickly took three steps in tandem and pounced forward with his shield, smashing the remaining skeletons into pieces with several blows.

“How weak. Why would anyone give up their humanity for such a weak force?”

“Well, Kress, if four or five years ago, you could gain such power just by giving up your humanity, would you like it?”


The one who answered Rhodes was Kress who couldn’t have answered more decisively.

“I hadn’t met you at that time, and I was almost dying. At that time, as long as someone was willing to give me strength, I would not care about humanity, and I would not even be human.”

“… You are really honest.”

“You asked me, sir. I will never lie to you.”

“Use scimitars in the next battle. Unless you meet a worthy opponent, don’t use javelins frequently to save some physical strength. Likia, you too, save some magic power. The demon worshiper performed an evil ritual before escaping. He should be in a period of rapid increase in strength at this moment. After realizing that there are not many people chasing him, he may stop and kill us.”



Cress has strong explosive power, but unfortunately his ability to continue fighting is insufficient.

Likia’s magic skills are good, but unfortunately she doesn’t have any good equipment. She is loyal to the Qingyu elves, not Rhodes, so Rhodes can’t strengthen her and won’t easily give her equipment.

However, the following scene was enough for Rhodes and Airen to deal with together. The dead skeletons and plague corpses could deal with ordinary people or even ordinary soldiers, but when facing two powerful heroes, Rhodes and Airen, they were not even more threatening than the peasants wielding dung forks.

Rhodes was wearing the light dragon scale armor at this moment. The heavy armor made of light steel had amazing basic defense. After being covered with hell dragon scales and quenched with dragon blood, it had high physical resistance and high magic resistance. Many times, Rhodes waved the shield for defense just to exercise his shield defense skills, not because of this necessity.

Cress, who was ordered by Rhodes to save energy and reduce the number of throws, put down the javelin and drew out the slender and sharp elite scimitar.

She was a typical aggressive play style. If she had skills, she would crush the opponent at once and leave him without any chance to fight back. However, at this moment, she tried her best to restrain herself at the request of Master Rhodes. Cress herself knew that if she had exhausted all her means when facing these skeletons and corpses, it would be very dangerous when she caught up with the devil worshiper later.

Likiya Qiusha was asked to save magic power, but she also had a way to participate in the battle. As the spell was cast to give spirituality, a green vine on Likiya’s wrist quickly came to life, and then it went underground and followed everyone.

This green vine was endowed with the spirituality of a python, and it could expand and strengthen itself by devouring the shattered corpses of evil creatures.

Just like the corpse rotted and entered the cycle to nourish nature again, the spells cast by Likiya as an elf are also full of the unique cultural philosophy of the elves.

“You are not from Bright Moon City, right?”

“If so, why are you chasing me so closely? Isn’t it good to be alive?”

In the dim underground sewer, after chasing for an unknown period of time, after killing nearly a hundred skeletons and rotten corpses, a dark ray suddenly shot out from the darkness.

Rhodes, Cress, Airen, and Likiya Qiusha dodged, and the ray fell on the ground, spreading like active plasma.

Seeing this, Rhodes roared, and the light of the military hammer in his right hand quickly condensed, and then he smashed it on the blood formation that was forming.

With a loud bang, under the impact of the light energy, the blood formation directly collapsed.

Originally, if this spell was completed, it could summon several powerful evil creatures, but now it was directly interrupted.

Likia Qiusha waved her hand, and a ball of light shone in the direction of the ray, but there was nothing there. At the same time, although the devil worshiper kept talking, his voice was erratic and changing, making it impossible to determine his specific location.

“My Lord, this is the ability to cast spells in secret. He is hiding nearby, but we cannot be sure where he is.”

At this time, more and more evil creatures came out of the darkness. Their bodies were extremely strong, with bone spurs and keratin densely distributed between their muscles. They were obviously transformed from human corpses, but there was nothing in the position of their eyes. They were just densely entangled with a negative energy field. Ordinary people do not need to be attacked by them. As long as they get along with these beings for a long time, they will have strong suicidal thoughts in their hearts.

“Damn, how many people did this guy disguised as a doctor kill in secret? How can he create so many evil creatures?”

These monsters may not be difficult to deal with in hand-to-hand combat. As long as there is enough time, Rhodes, Cress, Airen, and Likia Qiusha can join forces to kill them all.

But while being besieged, there is also a magician-type demon worshiper nearby, which is very troublesome. The difficulty of the battle has increased significantly:

Secret casting, evil creature creation (enhancement), evil creature summoning, dark spells!

With these four abilities combined, and with the right time and terrain, this demon worshiper can kill a superhuman who is much stronger than him.

“Likiya, is there any way to counter the spell?”

“With my ability, I can’t do it.”

The elf girl Likiya smiled bitterly. Although Rhodes and others have always regarded her as a mage, Likiya knows that although she has talent, she has never studied magic seriously. The strength accumulated now is just accumulated over a long period of time. If it were any of the three humans present, with the same talent in the same time, the power they can obtain would be much stronger than hers.

Seeing Likia shaking her head in denial, Rhodes no longer counted on her.

“Kress, you and I charge forward. Alleyne, you lead Likia and charge in the opposite direction from me. There are only four directions in total. If you charge hard, there is a 50% chance of finding the spellcaster. If it fails and is not found, then leave the others alone and run away immediately.”


If it was Fatis who was following Rhodes at this time, he would definitely not accept such an order, but it was Alleyn who was following Rhodes at this time, so he felt that this was fair.


Rhodes and Alleyn roared at the same time, facing away from each other and pounced at the monsters in both directions.

Aileen and Likiya Qiusha are a perfect combination of knights and mages, capable of both offense and defense.

Rhodes and Kress have a high degree of tacit cooperation and mutual trust. In particular, Rhodes’s Holy Light Airbending cultivation and equipment are much better than Alleyn’s. In addition, Kress is specialized in throwing. With the ability to master and control ropes, Rhodes knew that his side’s career combination seemed unreasonable, but in fact, his survivability was much stronger than the other side’s.

“Hahahaha…witness the horror of death!”


Accompanied by such wild laughter, a huge burst of dark energy suddenly burst out. The air was suddenly filled with a smell as if a blood pool was boiling, and all the light was extinguished.

Rhodes, who was charging, only felt that his vision went dark, but his spiritual sense, which had been inexplicably improved during this period, allowed him to “see” endless ghosts and resentments flowing from the dark energy, and made no sound but The screams of agony can be heard clearly in the heart.

Obviously, this mage did not expect Rhodes to respond so decisively and fiercely, so he could only unleash this powerful but costly dark spell.

“Damn it, I really didn’t expect the strength of this devil worshiper to reach this level. Has the demonic trend already reached the middle stage? Can the devil worshiper/experience gift pack have such power?”

“More importantly, it should be the short-term blessing of the evil ritual. In addition, I have met a relatively strong person among devil worshipers.” These thoughts flashed through Rhodes’ mind quickly.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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