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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 253: Saint Fighting Qi Sect's super state bursts out!

“Huh!? A knight who can control magic, hehe, I’m going to dissect you and study you carefully.”

Just when Casper felt that he had won, Ligia had been overwhelmed by the corpse and basically gave up, and Airen gradually fell into despair.

A huge platinum-gold beam of light suddenly fell down.

Light-based extraordinary combat skills: Slaying evil!


The corpse that was pressing on the elf girl Ligia Qiusha was directly burned and purified by the strong light energy.

However, the strong light fell on Ligia’s body without disappearing, but quickly healed her wounds, restored her exhausted physical strength, and most importantly, revitalized her mental strength.

If the extraordinary people who could understand this hammer shot to kill one and save one saw it, they would probably be shocked and insane. If Fatis of the Lonely Mountain Castle saw it, he would probably shake his head and sigh, and complain to himself.

Because no matter what, no matter what attribute, energy is energy, and overly powerful offensive energy is full of lethality and destructive power. At least Fatis can be sure that he can’t kill the enemy with a full-strength attack, but the friendly forces around the enemy will benefit instead.

This requires a super-terrorizing control of the light fighting spirit to a subtle level.

However, Fatis is already a super-strong energy control among the extraordinary people of the same level. It can only be said that someone’s subtle control of energy has reached an abnormal level.

“Lord Rhodes?”

“Lord Rhodes!”

Both Airen and Likia were ecstatic because of this.

Only the dark wizard Casper, who thought victory was in sight a moment ago but was directly reversed at this moment, could not accept it.

“How is it possible? I clearly sent Fred to stop you.”

“Fred, are you talking about this?”

Rhodes, whose body was burning with white and gold flames of fighting spirit, threw out a huge fat head with a flick of his hand.

After killing the enemy, he put it in his storage ring and planned to take it out to exchange for the bounty from the officials of Bright Moon City. Even the meat on a mosquito’s leg is still meat. Whoever is in charge knows how expensive firewood and rice are these days.

“F… Fred!?”

“Holy Light, that enemy is worth fighting!”

At this moment, Rhodes has put away the Shield of Destiny. He held the Thunderbolt Military Hammer in both hands. Under the infusion of the mighty and pure Holy Light Qi and Dou Qi, the Military Hammer almost condensed into a large warhammer shape formed by golden light.

“Before, I didn’t use my full fighting spirit because it is limited. It is a very stupid behavior for a warrior to use his full fighting spirit before finding the true body of the magician. It is easy for him to run out of fighting spirit before others see him… Therefore, it is normal to use fighting spirit to support the tempered body in battle. But it doesn’t matter now, bastard, see the explosive power of the Holy Light Qi Sect!”

When his fighting spirit is fully activated, Rhodes is surrounded by white and gold flames. He wields a golden hammer that is larger than a human with both hands. He is charging and his heavy armor explodes in the air, as if he is really a steel Gundam instead of a flesh and blood creature.

However, after turning on the frenzy, Rhodes did not fall into a state of killing. The frenzy state is different from the violent state. When the combat state is greatly improved, the combat wisdom is not reduced, and it will even become more rational and cold.

Rhodes, who was wrapped in white-gold burning flames, first launched an attack from the left. After a large number of undead evil creatures gathered to the left under the control of Casper, he suddenly exploded in the opposite direction. Under the influence of fighting spirit, he drew a perfect arc trajectory and attacked from the side. At this time, even if Casper controlled it, the undead evil creatures could not keep up with the speed.

“Although it is possible to break through head-on, it will waste fighting spirit unnecessarily. Why do this when the same effect can be achieved? After killing the caster, these undead evil creatures will lose support and return to the state of death.”

Cress suddenly jumped high, burst out fighting spirit with all her strength, and threw three javelins in succession. Then after landing, she did not continue to move, but came to the side of Airen and Likia to protect them.

On the one hand, everyone is a companion, and on the other hand, Cress knows that his master values ​​these two people very much. In the future, they can help the master develop the territory better.

Casper had to cast a defensive spell and tried his best to catch the three javelins with powerful destructive power.

However, when he finished all this, the masterpiece in front of him, the tall and thin elite undead, had been smashed to pieces by Rhodes.

“This guy? This guy!”

If Casper was a time traveler, the five words “human bulldozer” must have flashed through his mind at this moment.

Unfortunately, he was not.

Boom boom boom boom boom…

Rhodes swung the light hammer in his hand frantically in a frenzy. In an instant, only the head of the demon worshiper Casper was left floating in the air, and all the protective magic and protective equipment were destroyed.

[Kill the demon worshiper, experience +9962]

[Kill the enemy general, the morale of the enemy troops collapsed. The whole army is in disarray, the whole army is in disarray… You have obtained 524 dinars, the heart of the extraordinary, the ashes full of spirituality, the flesh of the extraordinary creatures, the blood of the extraordinary creatures and other spoils. ]

With the death of Casper, the surrounding undead evil creatures were all scattered on the ground after a moment of stiffness.

If they were in a special area or were elite undead, they might still be able to survive after losing the magic power of their master, but they obviously did not meet these conditions. After all, they were just dead people who were forcibly restrained in the world by someone with special powers.

At this moment, the light of torches, noisy footsteps, and the collision of armor came from not far away. It was obviously the security patrol team of Bright Moon City who had arrived late. It seemed to be a routine for them to appear again after waiting for the matter to be resolved.

Because of the identity of the VIP envoys and the testimony of the people around them, there was no trouble. Rhodes, Cress, Airen, and Likia Qiusha returned to the embassy safely.

However, when faced with the request of Rhodes to exchange the heads of demon worshipers and elite undead heads for bounties, the sweaty security patrol captain did not approve it for a while. This kind of thing that requires paying money outside seems to require layers of approval no matter where it is.

“It is basically certain that Casper’s case has nothing to do with Hadariel’s death. Although Casper is a devil worshiper, he is not stupid enough to attack the only son of a local wealthy businessman. What Casper used on Hadariel was just the conventional medical treatment of this era.”

“But I still know who the real murderer is.”


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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