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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 288 Core Effect (Please collect and subscribe)

“Originally, the situation was almost untenable, exhausting the efforts of both Moken and Fatis. This time, they came back and solved it directly without doing anything, as if there was no danger and nothing had happened. I really can’t figure it out. Is this because of your talent or your luck?”

Underground mineral vein area, Necromancer Tower.

Caitlin made a cup of medicinal tea with herbs and asked Rhodes to taste it. Rhodes had no taboos, tasted it, and sighed.

“My talent is not much better than Moken and Fatis. This is actually the role of status and qualifications. I have been in a core position in this group from the beginning. Everyone is united with me, that’s all.”

“My lord, you are too humble and too proud.” Caitlin shook her head. She almost watched all this happen.

Originally, there was an orc army pressing in the north, and the problem of the purgatory crack inside had not been solved. Under internal and external troubles, Caitlin even thought that if the Lonely Mountain Castle could not be defended, she should prepare a retreat.

However, before this idea was implemented, the man came back.

Rhode seemed to have done nothing, but the northern orc army retreated, and the frequency of harassment by the internal demon army decreased significantly. Although it still affected development, it was no longer unbearable.

You know, before Rhode came back, there would be micro-purgatory cracks in the town from time to time, but after Rhode returned, there were absolutely no purgatory cracks in the town, and even in the nearby manor, this phenomenon was basically not seen.

The difference between the two contrasts is too obvious, and it is no wonder that the soldiers and civilians in the Lonely Mountain Castle are so loyal and love this person.

“It’s just the core effect.” Rhode still shook his head and didn’t care much.

When there is an absolute core in a team camp, everyone will move towards this core, which is naturally more efficient. When this absolute core leaves, the combined force will also weaken. This is why ancient dynasties are often particularly powerful in the first generation. This has something to do with the personal talents of the leader, but it is not entirely the personal talents of the leader. As a modern person, Rhode has a clear understanding of this kind of thing, so naturally he will not feel flattered because of it.

“Although it has been suppressed temporarily, such a purgatory crack still exists here, which is a trouble after all. I can probably guess why it is here, but if I want to solve it, I still have to think of a way.”

Standing up, Rhodes walked to the edge of the Necromancer Tower and looked out the window at the huge dark red crack.

Around this crack, a large number of high-level Rhodok crossbowmen gathered. Although demons would pour out from time to time, these scattered demons were quickly wiped out.

You can train soldiers in turn. This is what Rhodes said, the benefit of the existence of the purgatory crack. After all, the creatures in the lower plane are almost inexhaustible.

“Purgatory cracks like this must be supported by upper demons. And under the expulsion and suppression of the Holy Grail, they still have to make things difficult for me… The only person I can think of is the one I have offended badly: Meat Grinder Dirib, the original owner of the Hellfire Crossbow Cart!”

The Hell Skull Furnace collapsed, stopping the plane from sinking, and the situation continued to deteriorate. The Silver Holy Grail descended and stabilized the power of order in the wilderness.

Under such circumstances, the wilderness, especially the area around the Lonely Mountain Castle, is no longer the most suitable area for the lower plane to invade.

In this case, the only person who still chose to fight Rodhart with his own blood was, of course, Dilibu, a very rare female demon general.

Most of the upper demons are male, cruel, bloodthirsty and warlike.

Dilibu was successfully promoted by relying on the appreciation of the upper and the advanced technology of manufacturing demon machinery. After the encounter with Rhodes, the Hellfire Crossbow was taken away by Rhodes, which made Dilibu’s situation extremely embarrassing.

There are only three or four female demon generals in the hell plane. Dilibu once benefited from many other demon generals with the power of the Hellfire Crossbow. Now that the Hellfire Crossbow is gone, Dilibu is in danger all the time even though she has escaped back to the lower plane.

Fortunately, although hell is in chaos, the superiors have also set up several insurmountable rules, that is, when the demon general is fighting with the human world, other demon generals are not allowed to attack him.

This rule gives Dilibu a glimmer of life. Under the suppression of the Silver Holy Grail, it is also very energy-consuming to support such a purgatory gap in the “declaration of war” state. She frantically collects various materials and remakes demon machinery while maintaining the declaration of war, trying to regain her hellfire crossbow.

If it can be done, then Dilibu, who has regained the hellfire crossbow and has a new demon machinery, has greatly increased his strength, although his savings have been exhausted. However, if he loses again this time, Dilibu is very likely to lose his position as a superior demon. Although he will not die in the lower plane, he cannot die even if he wants to. Isn’t it a more terrible torture?

On the other side of the main material world, Rhodes, who knew some knowledge about the Hell camp, gave Cress a new task after she rested for two days. He asked her to take four griffins to bring Atiman and Yamila back to the Lonely Mountain Castle first, as there was something urgent that needed to be dealt with by them.

At the same time, an elite force of more than 400 people led by Fatis was sent out to meet Airen’s transport troops from the land to avoid unexpected situations.

If Rhodes was not there, Fatis would not dare to take this elite ace force out easily, but with Rhodes in the city, everything was calm and nothing would happen. There was no big difference at all with or without this force.

After making such relevant arrangements, Rhodes went to manage the territory construction with Moken and completed the training of new recruits with Resarit. No matter when, don’t stop your own development, development is the hard truth.

A month later, Kress brought Atiman and Yamila back to the Lonely Mountain Castle. The little girl was really exhausted during this period. Although she didn’t need to experience any battles and she liked flying, such long-distance flights back and forth were still very exhausting.

“Okay, you won’t have any work to do from now on. Take a good rest for a while. I’ll ask the kitchen to prepare some more of your favorite food, Cress, to help you recuperate.” Rhodes stroked Cress’s head. The little girl looked relaxed. She didn’t really care about holiday food or anything like that, but Cress enjoyed the intimacy of her master very much.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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