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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 306 Dark Contract Suppression

One side has great morale, while the other side has mediocre morale and never gets effective command.

It was okay for a short time, but as time went by, the Demon Legion was almost penetrated by the medium-armor swordsmen troops from the front, creating a reverse-rolling bead curtain, even though the Demon Legion was actually the larger party.

The fanatic halo effect activated by Rhodes, coupled with the desperate effort of the Light Priest and the heroic ambition, even if the triple bonus effect is not achieved, there is always a comprehensive bonus of more than 2.5 points.

Compared with the hell demons, the medium armor swordsman army at this moment is more crazy, more thorough, and more efficient in killing.

They went straight through the Little Demon Army, the Horned Demon Army, and the Cerberus Army, and finally crashed into the Hell Demon Queen’s army. Although they suffered heavy casualties, the damage and morale damage to the enemy was far greater than their own. The price paid.

“It seems that Gushan Castle accidentally created a force whose actual combat effect far exceeds the paper data index. Also, sometimes the battlefield explosive power is more important than the overall data of the unit!”

With this thought in his mind, red-gold flames circulated around his body. Rhodes held the gun in one hand and swung it in a huge arc. The shadow of the gun filled the sky with an extremely long roar, pressing down like a fire dragon, covering the mummy in front of him.

As the injury recovered, the mummy in front of him was losing more and more of his previous sanity.

This is an almost inevitable drawback of undead transformation. Even necromancers and lichs, who are active transformers, will gradually lose their feelings and memories as time goes by, not to mention the monster in front of them, which is obviously passive. transformed.

Such a rough transformation results in more losses and is even more uncontrollable. What is left in the heart is often just the deepest obsession.

Rhodes’s gunshot and heavy injury just now activated part of its memory, but it can hardly be said to be itself. It can only be said to be the “remainder” of some kind of soul.

Rhodes has not long entered the fourth-level extraordinary realm. He majors in the four abilities of prayer (life recovery), vitality (acceleration, physical recovery), holy fire (damage), and concentration (accuracy, fatal blow). Together with the super powerful Dou Qi micro With the ability to control, you can achieve astonishing devastating damage in a short period of time.

Therefore, it is clear that the mummy is already at the fourth level of Extraordinary and has special powers, but it was suppressed by Rhodes alone in the early stages of the battle. If this drags on for a long time, if Rhodes is still unable to truly kill the opponent, then the mid-level The recovery ability of the undead demon is terrifying, and the final result may still be that the mummy wins.

However, this is a war, not a one-on-one battle. In many cases, it is enough to complete the suppression.

“Sir, please severely injure it and control it to my position.” Such a whisper suddenly sounded in his heart.

Rhode’s expression remained unchanged, but the gun in his hand accelerated even more.

In the past two years, in order to increase the speed of advancement of himself and other famous generals to extraordinary ranks, Rhodes has hired many swordsmanship and spear masters with large sums of money. These masters are not very valuable now, but will become more and more valuable in the future as extraordinary people rise.

It remains to be determined how others will learn it. Rhodes used his own 30 points of intelligence attribute to learn these swordsmanship and spear skills, and he almost has a photographic memory and a clear understanding of them.

At this moment, it was clearly in the state of infantry combat. The two-meter-long iron-pointed steel gun with an iron spine and almost three meters of extraterrestrial iron was in his hand like a light object. His fighting spirit exploded. As he practiced with both hands, the sky was filled with the shadow of the gun. Flying, screaming through the air and shaking the sky.

Buzz buzz!

Under the infusion of powerful and domineering fighting spirit, the iron-spine iron-point steel gun suddenly turned into six or seven gun shadows that could change in reality, rolling towards the mummy in front of them like a tsunami.

The shadow of the gun and the fierce fire exploded in the air at the same time, and a strong smell of copper suddenly filled the surroundings: Holy Flame Spear Technique·God’s Seven Skills!

This move is a truly superb spear skill that even Fatis can no longer complain about. It is the result of Rhodes summarizing his super fighting spirit control ability and spear skill experience.

“After this shot, my Holy Light Qi will be completely exhausted, but after this shot, you will be dead!”

Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for a fourth-level warrior/knight to exhaust his fighting energy in a short period of time. After all, it is energy accumulated over many years, and it is difficult for the body to bear it. But as for Rhodes, he can do it.


The mummy lost its mind again and let out a terrifying roar, condensing its own poisonous magic power to fight head-on.

However, the six or seven gun shadows filled with majestic holy light and holy flames were cleverly connected and unraveled layer by layer, gathering and dispersing, becoming strong and weak:

After resisting one, two, three, and four, the fifth holy flame spear shadow broke through the air in the end, suddenly penetrated with no return, pierced the body, and flew backwards.

At this time, there is still a sixth spear and an unfinished seventh spear in the Holy Flame Spear Technique: Divine Seizing Seven Skills that can provide continuous attacks, and these sixth and seventh spears are quite certain to directly explode the surrounding areas. The head of the mummy was removed to complete the kill.

“No, that’s not right! It is an undead creature and is different from a normal creature. I forcefully kill it with this gun. Although I can blow its head off, I’m afraid it will also be counterattacked by it in its headless state, hurting both sides.” With insight. Ability aware of this, when Rhodes used Qi to move the sixth spear, he suddenly took action, dragged the tail of the spear, turned the stab into a sweep, and used all the remaining energy of the sixth and seventh spears on this blow.


The body of the fourth-level mummy was like a falling stone. Under such a violent blow, it flew backwards uncontrollably into the dark magic circle that Caitlin had prepared.

At this moment, its body was broken and covered with white-gold holy light flames. It can be said that it was weakened and suppressed to the extreme. However, because Rhode turned the killing into a serious injury, he consumed a lot of fighting spirit. In a short period of time, he could not use the move just now, and could not burst out the same killing and destructive power as before.

“Six-pointed dark star array, bind!”

“If I can’t suppress it in this situation, I really have no face to stay in the lonely mountain castle.”

Catlin thought so while chanting and casting spells.

Her dark contract pursued suppressing, controlling, and enslaving the opponent in the weakest state. Now the fourth-level mummy in front of her was beaten by Rhode to only have one breath left.

Caitlin saw clearly from the side that Rhode had a chance to kill the opponent (although he himself would probably be counterattacked by the opponent), but Rhode changed his moves from attack to sweep at the last moment.

If the demon in this state cannot be suppressed, it will be a shame for the treatment it has received.

The total amount of energy that can be mobilized by extraordinary spellcasters is much stronger than that of the same-level combat professionals. The huge hexagram of dark purple light surrounds the mummy. The mummy, which is still burning with white and gold holy flames, howls and screams, but after a moment, it is finally pressed into the body by the dark purple energy balls around it.

At the moment the spell was completed, a golden emblem flew out from the mummy’s body, was received by Caitlin, and then handed to Rhodes.

“My Lord, this is a very important holy emblem for it, because you can control it only if you have it. Be careful, this demon may try to take the holy emblem from you. If you lose it, you either have to fight to suppress it again, or you will lose this middle-level demon.”

“Please drip one or two drops of blood into it, and you can complete the control.”

Rhodes dripped one or two drops of blood into the holy emblem as Caitlin said. Suddenly, countless memory fragments flashed before his eyes. Rhodes concentrated his mind and saw some of the past of this mummy.

He used to be a respected priest, a person who was almost a half-saint. In ancient times, he promoted some doctrines about the sun and gradually established his own sect.

Later, he was suppressed by the hostile ancient sect, betrayed and plotted by the people he trusted, and was sealed alive in a cloth engraved with evil spells.

After countless years, the world it was in collapsed and fell into the abyss… What it said to Rhode before was all confusing. It thought it was in the same world as Rhode, but in fact it was not. It was just that in its world, there was also a similar inheritance of the Sun Knight.

In fact, except for the dark world and the netherworld, most worlds where civilizations were born would have bright stars.

However, although its mind was disordered and insane, due to its achievements in life and the faith it had gathered, it was a holy corpse mummy with a higher power than ordinary fourth-level demons, and even had the potential to use the holy power of light. Therefore, in the previous confrontation, it was less restrained by Rhode’s holy light energy and holy flame.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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