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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 321 Rich Woman

In the wilderness, Lonely Mountain Castle.

Under the almost crazy and greedy plunder of the Lonely Mountain Castle transport team, the government spent nearly two million gold coins in the four-month-long large-scale purchase to purchase cheap food.

The cheap food purchased by the transport team not only filled up the warehouses and newly built storage basements in the city, but Moken also built a large number of cheap temporary sheds specifically for stacking these grains.

Even so, a large amount of grain had to be stored in the open air, and Rhodes inexplicably created a “prosperous” scene that should not exist in this era.

“My Lord Duke, as a minister who receives your salary, I have to remind you that you have invested almost all the funds of the Lonely Mountain Castle in a terrible gamble. If the great drought mentioned in the prophecy machine does not happen next, then the food piled outside is enough for you and your people to eat for a hundred years, provided that they will never rot.”

If the rice is rotten, even pigs will not eat it, then it will really be a waste of money.

“Moken, what are you afraid of? If there is no drought, it means that the sea of ​​blood and the mountain of corpses predicted by the prophecy machine do not exist. Shouldn’t we celebrate this? If a big war breaks out, how much money will be invested?”

“If you want to borrow, then borrow. If you want to mortgage, then mortgage. Isn’t it just mortgaging 60,000 slaves and the blueprints of the Holy Light Armor? If it doesn’t work, mortgage my armor and guns as well. Didn’t a fat woman want to buy them before?”

“That’s Countess Pavel. This noble lady has admired your reputation for a long time. As long as you are willing to have a private date with her, she is willing to pay you 100,000 gold coins… In fact, my personal suggestion is that if this plan fails, you can choose to marry Countess Pavel. Although she is in her forties and weighs nearly 400 pounds, she really loves you deeply. The most important thing is that this lady is very rich.”

“Moken, you are too much.”

In the study, Rhodes, who was admiring the scenery of the territory outside, shuddered uncontrollably after hearing Moken’s report.

Because at this moment he felt that Moken, who was obsessed with managing the territory, really planned to put himself in a gift box and tie a bow to give it to Countess Pavel after the financial collapse of Lonely Mountain Castle.

In this way, the huge loss of Lonely Mountain Castle was recovered.

“Compared to caring about my marriage, Moken, you should pay attention to the preparations you need to make in case the drought really occurs. Next, you will probably be very busy and tired.”

“It is my honor to shed the last drop of blood for Lonely Mountain Castle. No kidding, Duke, as a lord with a noble status like you, you should indeed consider the issue of marriage… Or you can consider Countess Pavel again? Her health does not seem to be very good, and she has a huge fortune. As for beauty, if Countess Pavel does not meet your aesthetic taste, I will personally arrange a maid to serve you. After all, Cress is one of the knights of Lonely Mountain Castle. It is not good for you to always use her as a personal maid.”

“Get out.”


At the same time in the northern province, the Moon Hall of Bright Moon City.

Grand Duke Daenerys, who was as beautiful as the moon goddess, was reviewing important documents from various territories.

As the uncrowned king and actual ruler of the northern province, the information acquisition ability of Bright Moon City was much stronger than that of other forces.

Coupled with the dragon charge that night, she subconsciously paid some attention in her heart, so Daenerys vaguely sensed something.

She ordered the female official beside her to call Lady Mashapes.

Mashapes quickly came to the Moon Hall and bowed. This beautiful woman was as gentle and beautiful as she was four years ago, and the years left no trace on her.

“Masha, how has Issa’s practice been during this period of time?”

Issa Karasa of Silver Frost City is Daenerys’s youngest daughter. She used to run the northern development force, which had already grown to a considerable scale. Unfortunately, because of the battle of the Wild Plains Alliance, she suffered a disastrous defeat. Not only did the development momentum of Silver Frost City decline irreversibly, but even the authority of Bright Moon City was affected to a certain extent.

Isa originally wanted to help her mother, but her tragic defeat led to the questioning of Grand Duke Daenerys. Although the elves in Bright Moon City have a considerable force, when the magic tide receded, many elves degenerated into humans. When the magic tide rose again, Bright Moon City formed a situation where elves and humans coexisted.

Now it is facing a huge change of the times. The elves have their own ideas, and the humans certainly have their own ideas. Although Daenerys can still suppress it temporarily, she also needs checks and balances from all sides, and cannot prohibit and do whatever she wants.

“Reporting to the Duke, the progress of her training is very encouraging. After all, she has been a human for more than ten years. Her hard work in training is unmatched by most elves.”

“Well, let her not work too hard. Whether it is magic or martial arts, these trainings are not a short-term thing. Continuous efforts day after day are the foundation for the final achievement of a master. However, I called you here today not to talk about Isa. I want to ask you about your opinion of Grand Duke Rod Hart of Lonely Mountain Castle.”

“Grand Duke Rod Hart… He is a man with ambition, luck, strength and vision.” After a moment of silence, the beautiful woman Mashapes summed up.

People who are pioneering lords must be ambitious. Without enough luck, let alone becoming the Grand Duke of Lonely Mountain Castle, it is very likely that they will die for various reasons if they walk from the inland to the northern provinces in this era.

Without strength, he could not achieve today’s achievements with only ambition and luck. As for vision, the choice of this strategic location of Lonely Mountain Castle has fully demonstrated the sharp vision of the youngest Grand Duke of the Empire.

“He has purchased a large amount of grain during this period. As far as I know, he even borrowed a lot from outside for this. Even his armor and weapons, and even the extraordinary weapon research of Lonely Mountain Castle, were mortgaged. The amount of money used was at least nearly a million. Why do you think this is?” Grand Duke Daenerys took out the documents one by one and put them on the table in front of him, saying so.

“I don’t know, but I know that he must have a reason for doing this, but I can’t figure it out for a while.”

“…Then follow.”


“He dares to gamble with a million gold coins, so I’ll take out 200,000 gold coins to play with him. Use my private treasury to avoid those officials nagging about it.”


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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