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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 326 The wind calls for help

In the cathedral, knights were awarded, ceremonies, banquets, and nobles communicated with each other.

Because this time it is a centralized commendation, and many nobles from the northern provinces are coming, it will take a long time.

Although Kress is also qualified to participate in such a banquet, Kress is very annoyed by this kind of environment. In comparison, she still prefers to wear light armor, lie between the furry backs of griffins, facing the warm sunshine Fly freely with the blue sky.

“Ah! If I take another nap, the party should be over, right? Then I’ll go find the master.” The little girl with short orange hair pulled out a gray feather from her back and picked her ears.

It’s not just Big Gray. Surrounding this griffon and Kress are three griffins that are much larger and stronger than the other griffins.

Big Gray, Fat Orange, Yueguan, and Gale, these four griffins were gradually trained by Kress to become more humane, and their cooperation and combat power were stronger than other griffins.

At this time, Kress, who was gradually falling into a nap, suddenly felt the wind blowing on his face, and it was not just a small wind. As time went by, the wind became stronger and stronger.


Kress was a female knight who had experienced all the way on the battlefield. She suddenly got rid of her laziness and fatigue, turned around and half climbed up, and then she saw a hurricane in the distance that connected the sky and the earth.

“Tornado, where did it fly to? Big Gray! Big Gray!?”

Big Hui, who had always been loyal and obedient, suddenly went crazy at this moment. He ignored his master’s orders and flew towards the tornado with all his strength.

And, it wasn’t just the big gray. The more Kress looked at the hurricane, the more he had an inexplicable feeling: “I want to join it, there is what I want most!”

However, except for Big Hui and Kress, the other three gryphons were screaming sadly and flying around their companions and masters in an attempt to wake them up, but to no avail, they were still flying quickly towards the natural disaster.

“Haifeng, go…find the master!”

Cyan light gradually appeared in her eyes, and Kress knew that she could no longer suppress the desire in her heart, but she still used her last sense to issue the order.


Among the four gryphons, the fastest flying one, Gale Wind, let out a mournful cry, first fell down and then suddenly flew in the opposite direction, quickly flying back towards Gushan Castle.

At this time, Rhodes was suppressing his temper and having a drink with a group of old and decadent nobles.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t use wild boar skin for such an occasion. But if you want to start a business, I understand. Now that your Lonely Mountain Castle is running, Rhodes, try to get close to the established nobles as much as possible in the future. This way your identity will not be insulted.”

At the banquet, an old nobleman was chatting with Rhodes.

The boar skin here refers to those knight civil servants who did not have noble status but were given status by Rhodes: Fatis is not included. He is an orthodox noble. Although he was deprived of his status because of his crimes, Rhodes It would still not be objectionable if Germany gave him a noble status again.

But people like Raymond, Kress, Moken, and Janice cannot be granted noble status in the eyes of many established nobles. This is simply treason in their eyes.

However, Archduke Rodhart of Gushan Castle was too strong, so he suppressed most of his words. Only a few who were conceited and had some strength dared to speak like this in front of Rhodes.

This is the case for the Earl of Esder in front of him. He does have some connections and strength in the northern province. In addition, he relies on his old age and sells his old age. At this moment, he is smiling and toasting while “teaching” the talented young aristocrat in front of him. Traditional aristocrats gameplay.

Of course, the young people of later generations can despise and laugh at him, but in fact, this is how the aristocratic circle in Europe in the Middle Ages worked. Strong alliances oppressed the people at the bottom. All the aristocrats and royal families were related by relatives, and they firmly held the supreme power for centuries. time.

The nobles have political power, educational rights, economic power, and military power. They marry each other and join forces. Once this closed loop is formed, it is truly unbreakable and powerful.

“If my ambition is just to become a successful lord or even king, I should not refuse his invitation. Even now, I am not willing to easily establish such a terrible enemy…blood is the strongest link.”

At this moment, Earl Esder was introducing to Rhodes the legitimate daughters of several major families in the northern province.

“The purpose of aristocratic marriage is to protect family interests and the safety of property, not for the ridiculous love in folklore. I also believed in that when I was young. Later I found it difficult to love a girl for more than three months… …Haha, I gradually understood that it is against man’s nature.”

“So I married my current wife. She was not very beautiful, but both of our families benefited greatly from this marriage. After she gave birth to my eldest son, I told her for a long time “You’re free, and we’ll do our own thing from now on.” She died fourteen years ago. I don’t know why, but she always appears in my mind. Look, she’s not very beautiful.”

As he spoke, Count Esder took out the personal pendant around his neck. He opened it. Inside was a magical image that was highly valuable in this era: it was an ordinary-looking woman holding a child sideways. , but the whole person has a gentle temperament.

“What is love? After years of companionship, you naturally believe that she will never leave your woman.”

“Duke Rodhart, as a person who has experienced it, I suggest that you marry a noble lady who matches your status. Those coquettish commoners just want to climb up by relying on your status. Don’t be blinded by the so-called love for a while.”


At this moment, a shrill eagle cry suddenly came from outside the cathedral.

Rod’s expression changed. He no longer cared about dealing with the Count Esde and ran to the window. At this time, the griffin gust flew past.


Another eagle cry, Rod waved his hand violently, the window in front of him suddenly shattered, and he jumped out and rode on the griffin gust.



Fatis, Raymond, Airen, Resarit and other knights all ran over without caring about the people around them.

Fatis was the fastest among the crowd. He jumped down directly from the fourth floor of the cathedral, snatched a warhorse from a patrolling cavalryman and chased after him.

The horseshoes trampled on the gravel road, and the pedestrians on both sides were quickly left behind by the knight.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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