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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 356 Howling Mountains, Weir Village

For two months, Rhodes was not busy with his own penance.

Because he is very clear about his own cultivation progress. Although it is indeed a secret, unlike Fatis, he will never be able to break through to the fifth-level legendary realm within two months. Forcibly breaking through will lead to death.

In this case, Rhodes shifted his mental attention to looking for external forces.

Moken and James worked together to resume production and restore people’s hearts. This time, because of the dragon’s attack, while the people were panicked, people’s faith was also strengthened and improved.

More and more people came to the cathedral to pray to the Holy Grail to prevent bad luck and pray that the lord could defeat the dragon.

It is obviously true that appropriate suffering strengthens faith.

Because Raymond didn’t get the arrangement from Rhodes, he began to practice his archery skills. Although he knew that the chance of a breakthrough in a short time was really low, doing nothing in this situation was too torture. .

Caitlin began to study ancient sacrifice diagrams. As long as the mage profession has enough time to make targeted arrangements, it can often complete some cross-level bursts. However, even with the help of the mage tower, it is difficult to influence the will of a legendary demon. It’s still a terrifyingly difficult thing.

However, although it is a challenge, if it can be completed, it will be a great improvement for Caitlin.

As for her lover Alleyn, after confirming that he was also determined to participate in this dragon-slaying battle, Caitlin put a large number of monster remains into a culture vessel. Within that box of vessels, a huge black sword was soaked in flesh and blood. , as if it is gestating some kind of terrifying spirituality.

“No matter what, at least I guarantee that you can survive. Whether it’s backlash or demonization, if you die, there will really be nothing left.”

Caressing Alleyne’s handsome cheek, Caitlin said softly. But she also knew that she was almost pushing this man into the abyss with her own hands.

Lesarit received special training from a group of bloodbeard dwarf soldiers. When he saw the group of bloodbeard dwarves in front of him, Lesarite knew that these dwarves had risen to a higher level in the lord’s heart with their own efforts. Before that, , Gushan Castle hardly trains organized non-human troops.

Elder Nicolte was studying the Wind King Armor with great concentration. The old man was almost sleepless because of this. He tried to communicate with the wind spirit parasitizing it, but he found nothing in a short time.

Likiya, Jamila, and Osana were doing their best to do the work of Mrs. Israel. The lady finally nodded and agreed to give it a try. At the same time, she was also willing to write a letter and go to the Murloc Hunting Tribe. Pay a lot of money to ask for reinforcements.

Mrs. Israel’s personal connections are also far beyond ordinary.

Yatiman is repairing and strengthening the giant magic cannon to increase its armor-breaking effect. Yatiman knows that adult dragons are not only protected by extremely thick dragon scales, but they are also often surrounded by thick dragon scales. The powerful dragon power spreads, which makes it more difficult for ordinary attacks to harm them, even if you strengthen the magic cannon with all your strength.

“Should I go or not?”

While drinking beer, he was directing the workers to renovate the machinery up and down. At this time, Yatiman had a resignation letter in his arms. However, he was a little hesitant for a while, even though he was as brilliant as he was. A craftsman is a welcome guest wherever he goes.

But in this world, there are still very few nobles who value craftsmen as much as Duke Rhodes.

“Duke Rhodes almost regarded me as equal to the noble knights and senior officials, and gave me the manor and fiefdom. If I leave, I don’t know how many stupid nobles I will have to deal with before I meet someone like Duke Rhodes again. But is the Hell Dragon really a force that humans can defeat? It is said that it used powerful dark magic to destroy an allied army head-on when it first appeared.”

During this process, Gushan Castle also fully mobilized its own forces to invite high-level extraordinary beings from the northern provinces with huge sums of money. However, most of these extraordinary beings could not even be defeated by Raymond and Yannick. Although their combat power was It is not the only standard to measure the value of extraordinary people, but it is the most important standard for the current Gushan Castle.

At this time, Rhodes was taking Kress to the Wailing Mountains without sleep at night. The demonic tide was resurrected and extraordinary people were rising. There were still several top masters in the human race. At least, Rhodes knew that there was a hermit in the Wailing Mountains. If If he is willing to take action, he has a great chance of winning in a duel. If it is used as a support for Gushan Castle, it will definitely win.

It took half a month to arrive near the Wailing Mountains. This was because three of the four gryphons, Big Gray, Fat Orange, Yue Guan, and Gale Wind, had mutated and evolved, which greatly shortened the travel time. Otherwise, the journey time was greatly shortened. If you just come and go, there will basically be no time left.

Four griffons and two people landed, and there was a village near the Wailing Mountains.

Although the Wailing Mountains are one of the important gathering places for necromancers in the mainland, in line with the principle of rabbits not eating grass from their nests, although the necromancers in the Wailing Mountains do everything outside, they will not do anything evil in the gathering place. And because this place is under the implicit protection of the mages, no lord dares to come here to collect taxes. The prosperity, tranquility and prosperity of the villages here far exceed those in other areas on the mainland.

“Kress, let Big Gray and the others hide. Those necromancers in the Wailing Mountains are madmen. Once their interest is aroused, they will do anything.”

“I understand, sir, but will they be harmful to you?”

“The chance is not high. We have the secret mark of Ounila on us. Even the necromancer will not easily attack our companions. Of course, we still need to be cautious.”

In a forest, Rhode and Cress hid the four of them, then walked out of the forest and came to the village of Weir, which was covered by golden sunlight.

Wil Village was sunny and prosperous, while the Howling Mountains, not far from the horizon, were covered by black and gray fog all year round, like a kingdom of the dead descending on the earth.

After arriving at the village, Rhode had already activated the secret mark of Ounila. Now all he and Cress needed to do was to wait for Ounila’s arrival and not cause any trouble in the process. Ghost didn’t know whether there would be any seemingly ordinary villagers in Weir Village who were actually necromancers. Even if he himself was not, there was no guarantee that he would not have any connection with them.

“Go this way.”

When Rhode led Cress past a wooden board, a row of words suddenly popped up in front of him.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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