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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 364 Arantil, my god, my love

In the ancient castle of the Howling Mountains, due to the huge gap between the conditions given by the two negotiating parties, they could not reach an agreement. In the end, Rhode chose to leave with Cress.

After personally sending the two away, the Death Knight O’Nila turned back. She came and half-knelt in front of her mentor and said in doubt:

“Mentor, the blood and soul of the Hell Dragon are the real treasures for you, not to mention that there is half of the magic crystal mining income of the Lonely Mountain Castle. This matter is beneficial to you, why not do it?”

Although the Hell Dragon is strong, with Giovanni’s strength, self-protection is absolutely no problem. The vitality of the vampire race is extremely strong.

Agree to this matter, fight if you can, retreat if you can’t. Giovanni can completely choose his own strategy according to the situation at the time, and the strategic advantage is huge.

Anyway, the human duke of the Lonely Mountain Castle, he can’t produce a powerful magic contract that can really restrain Giovanni.

“Hehe, Ounila, although you are my favorite disciple, you are still relatively immature. As I said before, this world is too big and is undergoing changes that have not happened in a thousand years. Too many things have happened. The dragon attack on Lonely Mountain is a matter of life and death for Rod Hart himself, but not for the whole world.”

“Lord Arantil has understood the revelation of death. In his eyes, it is not important whether the small Lonely Mountain Castle will become a dragon city. There are too many things in this world that require him to deal with all his strength. In this turbulent world, he will not easily divide his mind and energy to help Rod Hart.”

“Teacher, what do you mean?”

“It won’t be long before the human duke can only come back to seek my help. If he can’t do it, I will underestimate his ability.”

In Giovanni’s careful judgment, the introduction of the elven female swordsman Arlos can only make Arantil agree to meet Rod Hart. However, for Arantil, who believes in the ancient god Asha, maintaining the balance and stability of this world is the most important thing.

After occupying the Lonely Mountain Castle and building the Dragon City, the Hell Dragon Trass will not further open the Purgatory Crack, because it is a creature that escaped from the lower plane. If it can gain a foothold, it does not want more powerful creatures from the lower plane to come to the main material world to compete with it for plunder, and then share its spoils and increase the difficulty of this world.

Under such circumstances, Giovanni judged that the probability of Arantir choosing to help the Duke of Lonely Mountain was extremely small, and there were too many more important things that needed him to decide and deal with.

“Arantir’s ambition is to revive the ancient god Asha and become his subordinate god, and obtain eternal immortal life. With such ambition and goals, what reasons can a small human lord come up with to impress him?”

Sitting high on the throne, Giovanni thought so. Then he slowly closed his eyes, and the rich blood-colored magic once again enveloped his body.

In the next moment, the figure of the vampire king disappeared without a trace, leaving only one sentence echoing in the hall:

“When the Duke of Lonely Mountain comes again, wake me up if he values ​​his territory more than his dignity.”

On the other side, Rhodes and Cress, standing on the bone bird in the night, were also talking.

“Master, that Lord Giovanni gives me a strong sense of oppression. Do we really not choose to hire him?” Cress knew very well that the hell dragon brought pressure to the entire Lonely Mountain Castle.

If the Lonely Mountain Castle is gone, then the master’s decision this time is really too uneconomical.

Even if the output of the magic crystal mine is lost by two-thirds every year, at least the Lonely Mountain Castle is still in the hands of the master, which is better than losing everything.

“There are some hidden conflicts between Lord Giovanni, the mentor of Ounila, and Lord Arantil, the mentor of Arlos. If we hire Giovanni, then Arantil will definitely not help us. On the contrary, if Lord Arantil refuses to help us, we may get a better response from Lord Giovanni.”

“It is basically impossible to get help from both of them at the same time. If you really get them at the same time, you should be careful. They may conflict in the process of joining forces.”

Although Rhodes said this, he actually didn’t think so in his heart.

“It’s true that the vampire king Giovanni is very strong. He was promoted to the fifth-level legend just when this plane world reached the minimum magic limit for breakthrough. Such a level of cultivation and potential are indeed at the forefront of the extraordinary people of this era.”

“But, Giovanni gave me the feeling that he had only recently completed the breakthrough, and it has only been one to two years at most. Such a legendary vampire is certainly very strong, but after the dragon slaying battle, as long as Fatis is not dead, he can deter him… And that guy Arantil was able to summon bone dragons five years ago. It is very likely that he had already broken through to the legendary realm five years ago.”

Giovanni was able to achieve 100 points on the practice test paper, which is certainly amazing, but his upper limit is only this 100%, while Arantil made a 120-point test paper.

About four or five years ago, when Rhodes was still the lord of Redwood Town, he met Giovanni and Ornila once while following Alos to open up a new trade route in the wilderness. At that time, Giovanni Giovanni had already found the Death Artifact Shadow Brand Ring, but at that time Giovanni had absolutely no power to summon and control the bone dragon. This magic was also extremely high-level in necromancy.

However, Giovanni controlled the bone dragon and flew away with Ornila… At that time, the bone dragon should have been summoned by Alandire and given to Giovanni for use. In other words, Alandi In the past five years, before the magic concentration of the entire plane world has reached the level, you have successfully broken through to a fifth-level legend.

Such an extraordinary being can almost destroy an entire country by one person in this era. Even if he were to challenge the Hell Demon Dragon Tras from across the border, he would probably have a very high chance of winning. At most, the other party would be difficult to kill because of its strong survivability. That’s all.

“But with the chips in my hand, the chance of being able to recruit such a strong person is very small. In the end, I have no choice but to turn around and agree to Giovanni’s request… Ha, it doesn’t matter, the worst is to let him occupy it for a few years. Cheap.”

The flight path of the bone bird under their feet was set up in advance by Onila, so Rhodes and Kress were successfully sent to the area where Alandeel, the “ruler of the Wailing Mountains and the Death Hermit”, lived.

Compared with the grandeur of the ancient castle of the Vampire King, the residence of Alan Dial, known as the “God’s Favorite”, is so ordinary that it is unimaginable.

Even though there are several stone caves in the mountains, apart from being relatively clean and tidy on the whole, the construction here does not seem to be any better than the caves where barbarian tribes live.

In order to avoid getting into trouble, the elf swordswoman Yaros and her escort knight Riel were waiting for Rhodes and Kress outside. In front of them, there was another person in black robes with white hair and green eyes. A green flame-shaped witch.

“Lord Alan Dial is studying. You need to wait for a while. Please come with me.” The black-robed wizard said this. She waved her hand and ignored Rhodes and Kress.

“This is the follower of Mentor Alan Diel, Lady Deirdre, be careful, Lady Deirdre is very strict in many cases.” As he approached, Yalos whispered softly with fighting spirit.

Even so, Rhodes noticed that the black-robed and white-haired witch paused in her steps. She seemed ready to turn around and say something, but she still did not do so.

In fact, even if Yalos did not introduce him, Rhodes knew the person in front of him, Deirdre, the famous general and hero of the death camp:

Deirdre was a fanatical Inquisitor who served the church of a defunct empire hundreds of years ago. For many years, she has been dedicated to culling those demonic heretics and evil god worshipers on the borders of the empire. In order to “cleanse” the heretics, she even killed innocent people to ensure that corrupt pagan heresies would not be allowed to breed and spread.

In the end, she was unfortunately killed and tortured to death by her enemies.

Deirdre’s restless soul was deceived by a powerful necromancer who stole her knowledge and turned her into his personal guardian: a powerful wraith.

It can be said that no one, whether alive or dead, could understand the pain of being wronged better than Deirdre.

No one knows how Deirdre got rid of her shackles and transformed from a powerful wraith to a necromancer. Just like no one knows why she worshiped and obeyed Alan Dire, even if Alan at that time Tyr is still extremely weak.

Hero Traits: Banshee

As the hero’s level increases, the effect of the professional ability “Banshee Scream” doubles, dealing multiple blows to the enemy’s spirit and body, morale and luck, and reducing combat initiative by 10%.

In the wind of horse-and-blade war, it is almost impossible for god-level heroes like Alantir and ambitious general heroes like Giovanni to be subdued by death camp players. Someone briefly subdued Giovanni, but failed. How long did it take before I was tricked into deleting my account and practicing again?

Deirdre is already a hero in the death camp with a very high overall cost-effectiveness, although she hardly accepts recruitment from male players and only accepts recruitment from female players. Once she is resold, her loyalty drops sharply. But there is still no denying its extremely high ability and value.

When I came to a stone room with some books, a ghost floated in and offered tea and snacks.

“Adults spend a long time studying. You can look through the books here, but be careful not to take them away or destroy them.”

Deirdre said this, and then with Yaros’s assurance, she withdrew.

“Tsk, these are collections of books from one or two hundred years ago. Taking out such books to entertain guests is really luxurious in another sense.”

Rod walked to the bookshelf, picked up a book, flipped through it and read it, so he exclaimed.

“Teacher Alan Dial is an extremely knowledgeable person. In fact, he is the most knowledgeable human being I have ever seen in my life. He is not only knowledgeable, but also has an extremely deep understanding of many knowledges. “

Yaros said this with some emotion. She is an elf, and it is an exaggeration for an elf to express emotion to a human being who is knowledgeable.

In fact, the man in a simple black robe walked out without waiting for too long. If there are some abnormalities in the body of the Vampire King Giovanni, such as the excessive neatness, such as the excessive propriety Ancient aristocratic etiquette.

Well, Alan Thiel doesn’t even have these abnormalities. He is so ordinary that he is even a little slovenly and unkempt.

It’s just that he has a strong bookish temperament. It is possible that for people like him, reading is like eating and sleeping, an essential thing every day.

It is different from Nattier, a powerful necromancer who extremely despises the body, and completely transforms himself into a spirit state. It is also different from the vampire king Giovanni’s vampire identity.

Alan Dial is still a pure human being so far. From Arlos’s mouth, Rhodes learned that this adult has been practicing for no more than a hundred years, and he has succeeded even before his life span as a human being is exhausted. After being promoted to the realm of Archmage, the mortal body’s lifespan is greatly extended under the wash of pure magic power.

Alantil’s training time is not long, and the progress of his training is not fast. The terrible thing is that he has almost no training bottlenecks, or encounters nodes that are difficult to understand and comprehend. As long as the accumulation of mental power and magic power is reached, he will naturally be promoted to a higher level:

First-level Necromancer Apprentice, second-level Necromancer, third-level Intermediate Necromancer, fourth-level Advanced Necromancer, and fifth-level Legendary Necromancer. All the promotions are smooth.

This is largely due to Alan Dier’s reading habit. The most terrifying thing is that after studying, he can achieve the unity of knowledge and action. Not to say 100%, at least he can do most of it. This is enough to support Alan. Till has made it this far.

Then, Arantil found clues about Asha in ancient classics, and obtained divine inspiration from them. Step by step, he reached the height of being the most powerful mage in the human race today. He himself is a living legend.

Even compared to Rhodes, he lacks the foundation given by time.

“Lord of Lonely Mountain, Rhodes, and the guard knight, Kress, pay their respects to Sir Alan Dire. Please help Lonely Mountain and the more than 100,000 people in Lonely Mountain Castle.”

Rhodes also has a certain understanding of Alan Dial himself, which is even better than that of Yalos.

He clearly knows that most necromancers do not care about the living. However, Alantil is different. Perhaps because he is still a human being, Alantil maintains the balance of the continent and does not mind helping the people living here. Human beings on this continent.

Although in most cases, human suffering will not appear before his eyes, he will not do anything because of it.

“Rod Hart, the Lord of Gushan City, I admire you very much personally. Whether it is the power of life or the power of death, it is the power necessary to maintain the balance of this continent. In addition, I have heard Yaros say However, as an outsider, you help me maintain the order of death in the Wailing Mountains. In return, you can choose a book from my collection as a personal gift from me.”

“As for that dragon… when it first entered this world, there was no doubt that it was the source of filth and pollution on the entire continent, but just like the scars formed after a wound appears on the body, it will naturally fall off after a while. , opening it too early will lead to not very good results.”

Not only was he polite, Alan Dial personally really admired Rhodes, especially after meeting him and feeling the pure and powerful light energy in the human knight in front of him. , almost thinking that this is a revelation from God: Isn’t the power of death possessed by oneself and the power of light possessed by the young man in front of me the reincarnation and balance of life and death?

However, what dissatisfied Alan Dial was that the young man in front of him seemed to value those external things too much.

In Alan Thiel’s view, Rhodes should devote himself to hard work and truly understand his own path. He is younger, has more opportunities, and has more potential than himself. He may be able to reach higher heights in the future. Failure to live up to God’s gift.

Arantil sees the entire world as a complete human body, and the fissure in purgatory is a scar.

Now that the dirty blood is gushing out and covering the wound, let it heal slowly. Opening the scar too early may lead to secondary trauma or even more bleeding.

“…” After his request was rejected once, Rhodes never asked again, because he knew very well that people like Alan Dier were as hard as iron. As long as he continued to talk about something he didn’t agree with, he would even kneel down. It’s useless to beg him.

“Fortunately, this trip is not completely fruitless.”

While Rhodes was thinking like this, he didn’t notice that Alan Dial’s eyes inadvertently glanced at the string of black beads wrapped around his left arm.

The pupils of this big man, whose face was almost collapsing with his face unchanged, suddenly widened:

Scenes from when he was still a mortal, living in Weir Village, and before entering the Wailing Mountains, swept across him at this moment.

At that time, Alantile was just a town librarian who had read some books. Later, in order to pursue the ideal of eternal life, Alantile used the guidance of ancient books and went through hardships to find the village of Weir.

However, in the process, he was attacked by wild animals and nearly died as a result of rolling down a cliff.

It was a girl from Weir Village who rescued him, accepted him, and fell in love with him…

“But compared to eternal happiness, what is a temporary separation? As long as I fulfill my ideals, I can even reverse life and death so that you can stay with me forever.”

“Wear this bracelet on your body. I will definitely come back to pick you up. At that time, we can be together forever.”

“Back then, how much did I really love her, or was it just to get the secret to enter the Howling Mountains…”

“After so many years, have I ever thought about her again, Dora?”

The wavering of mind only lasted for a moment, and the next moment, Arantil had once again become a seeker with a heart as hard as iron.

The flaw in his mind at this moment was so short that almost no one could sense it.

However, as a senior who has gone a long way on this path, he might as well be a little willful and choose to support the younger generation.

Of course, before doing so, Arantil must first investigate why this bracelet was on Rhodes’ body. If it was taken by violence, then the Duke of Lonely Mountain would not be able to walk out of the Howling Mountains alive, no matter how many cards Rhodes has.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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