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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 369: Kick Vladimir

“Let them fight, and we retreat quietly… Damn, that’s too much!”

Just after Rhodes said these words, the orc necromancer Vladimir abandoned the remaining legions around him and ran towards the hillside with all his strength.

And those resentful ghosts with abnormally high attributes don’t look like low-level necromancy soldiers at all. They circle and howl and chase them quickly, obviously they will not stop until they die.

“Everyone, please save me. I still have treasures accumulated over the years that I can share with you.” Vladimir had obviously noticed the five-skull bird that had fallen here before, and knew that someone here would call for help like this.

For Rhodes’ pedestrians, the current problem is the resentful ghosts flying from all directions. They directly attack themselves and others. It seems that all living creatures are within the range of their hatred.

“So that’s it. After being promoted to Legend, the level of units that the Necromancer can create has been greatly increased. These wraiths are normally only around the second level, but at this moment they give me a sense of fifth level oppression.”

“So, after the fifth-level legend, can the Paladin establish his own exclusive fifth-level legion?”

In the last life when the holographic virtual horse-and-blade war wind was developed, Rhodes was already over ninety years old. He had only cultivated to the fourth level. Before the version update, the strongest top players had only upgraded to the fifth level. Level legendary realm.

Therefore, Rhodes did not know this information. Now that I see the power of the legendary wizard controlling the spirit body, I have some vague guesses in my mind.


The wraith that rushed towards Rhodes first roared, delaying the movement of the target, and then swooped over to attack the target.

Rhodes made a mistake in his footwork, and his whole body moved sideways three inches in an extremely weird and mysterious way. The dark red spirit that rushed towards him collided with the blade of Rhodes’ sword, and the next moment it was bright. When it enters the body, it disappears into ashes and smoke.

[Experience value +240]

“Now it is no longer a question of whether we want to save him, but a question of whether Nadir is willing to let us go.”

Yaros also quickly dealt with a dark red wraith, came behind Rhodes and said this. Everyone gathered in a circle to avoid siege.

“This place is not far from the Wailing Mountains. Kress summoned the big grays and them. Nattier defeated his old opponent, and his own undead army was also greatly reduced in number. We have no problem fighting and retreating to hold on.”

Rhodes quickly made a plan, and the five of them, with one Vladimir following them, fought and retreated under the siege of the bloody spirit.

Rhodes noticed that during this process Vladimir tried to hide in the middle of the team to retain some of his strength. He was good at poison spells and could inflict huge damage to living creatures. However, at this moment, he had nothing to do with the bloody ghosts around him. Good response.

The Wraith Ghost was originally not considered a high-level unit of the Necromancer system, except for the elite (Day Wraith), so no matter how superbly Nattier used it, Vladimir could defeat and suppress it. After these years of fighting, on the contrary, It’s that he has more advantages.

However, this time the entire plane world has undergone major changes. Vladimir was a step later than Nadir and failed to break through the legendary realm in time. As a result, Nadir developed the bleeding ghost unit first. Not to mention the double-high attack speed and resistance. The nature is still amazing, at least Vladimir’s poison spell has no effect on them at all, and he can only use the stupidest and most magic-consuming method to force them to disperse.

After being forced into the formation by the fifth-level Blood Ghost, and after several interruptions in spell casting and command, Vladimir could not remain undefeated.

Vladimir, who had been aware of this for a long time, had been paying attention to the changes in the surrounding situation. After reflecting a spell from his opponent Natir into the sky, the five-skull bird fell diagonally.

Vladimir quickly decided to drag five people into the water, and the strength of these five people was far stronger than he imagined, whether it was Rhodes’s spear and sword, Kress’s blood spear, or Yaros’s sword light. , Ruier’s spells can all cause effective damage to the fifth-level blood ghost. For a moment, Vladimir almost thought: Should he recruit these five people to fight back against his opponent and win the victory?


At this moment, a loud eagle call sounded in the sky.

Vladimir looked up and saw three giant griffins with armor and one without armor rushing down.

“No, I can’t just let them go. These five people are amazingly powerful. If I can keep them to help me deal with Nadir…”

Although Nadir was promoted to a fifth-level legend, he was at the end of his strength after defeating the undead army that Vladimir had accumulated over the years. But if this battle ended here, the opponent who had been promoted to the fifth level would definitely recover faster than himself. Even improve quickly.

Vladimir began to wonder whether he should take this opportunity to gamble.

There wasn’t much time for him to think carefully. The four huge griffins had already rushed forward, with such power that even the Blood Ghost couldn’t stop them.


At this moment, when Vladimir made up his mind to plot against a gryphon and force several people around him to stay, Rhodes, who had been following him, suddenly flew up and kicked Vladimir on the back. Go up, kick him away from the blast, and then jump up.

“Go and leave him alone.”

Although Kress felt a little regretful that he lost the strong support, he still obeyed the master’s instructions and ordered the griffons to fly quickly.

Among the four griffins, except for Gale, the remaining three are all elite griffins, and they are already of a very high level. They flutter their wings and fly straight into the sky.

Vladimir was still chasing below and shouting: “Take me one, take me away, I have treasures to share with you.”

He didn’t know that everything he did had fallen into the eyes of Rhodes, and he felt aggrieved and wondered why he was suddenly plotted in the first place even though he had done nothing.

“The treasures he is talking about may be a large number of stored corpses. Among us, apart from having some value to Ms. Onila, they are useless to others.” Sitting on the back of a gryphon high in the sky Go up, Rhodes said.

“Vladimir, this guy, has always been known for his greed and shamelessness in the Wailing Mountains. I can’t believe his promises. The reason why I didn’t remind you Rhode just now is because he is greedy enough. It may also be because of your huge sum of money. He is hired to go to Gushan Castle, but if the dragon is successfully slain, it will be difficult to divide the spoils with him. “

Death Knight Onila sat on Big Gray’s back and said this. Everyone is even more glad that they didn’t save this guy.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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