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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 379 Dragon Slaying Bloody Battle 2

Inside the golden palace, the ground was covered with low-level demon flesh and blood. At least 400 low-level demons and horned demons were forced and driven by the demon general Vohes to attack the Purgatory Dragon. They didn’t even want to hurt it, but just to consume some of its power.

First, the eight-armed snake demon that had turned from violent to sober was bitten off the head by Trass, chewed, and swallowed. Then 400 low- and middle-level demons were killed as cannon fodder. Finally, the Purgatory Demon General Vohes charged with an axe.

He chopped the side of Trass’s neck with an axe. Just the dragon flames covering Trass’s body triggered the dark curtain protection around Vohess. Finally, Trass swung his dragon head violently, shattering the dark curtain protection. With the sound of broken glass, Vohess was smashed and flew backwards, embedded heavily into the wall, no… punched through.

“Pah, pah, pah, pah, awesome, really awesome, the actual combat capability of the Purgatory Dragon is far stronger than I thought.”

“So, are you ready to start the second round?”

At this time, Rhodes slowly walked out of the corner of the palace, trampling on the blood and broken corpses on the ground, but his eyes revealed a yearning and fanaticism:

Even the dragon in front of him is far from reaching the pinnacle of extraordinary life evolution. In this world, it can pursue such great power, how can it not make people… fear, excitement, panic, ecstasy!

“Rhodes, I don’t like your eyes, you wait, I will let you and your Lonely Mountain Castle be trampled to the ground forever!”

After saying that, Tras flapped his wings and flew into the sky. In the previous battle, it deliberately protected its wings, and would rather have its neck, abdomen and chest pierced by swords and axes than let its wings be injured. Although it is not impossible to fly with magic in terms of its rank, the speed would be too slow.

In fact, with the weight of the dragon, it is difficult to fly purely by wings or by magic. The reason why dragons can be called sons of the sky is that they fully combine the two.

The dragon flapped its wings and flew, seemingly just flapping its wings, but in fact, their wings and even the scales of their entire body were densely covered with magic runes, so they could drive the huge body to fly flexibly and freely at high speed.


In this formation, even flying consumes a lot of magic power, but Telas doesn’t care. With his powerful magic reserve, this consumption can be fully supported in a short time. The reason why he didn’t fly just now was because he was entangled by the eight-armed snake demon. At that time, if he forced to fly up, it would be easy to be cut by the sword blade storm.

Soaring into the sky, the entire golden palace exploded. Of course, at this moment, neither Rhodes nor Telas cared.

However, the next moment, Telas, who flew high in the sky, fell into a state of doubt.

Because, at this moment, in the entire Lonely Mountain Castle, except for Rod Hart below and the knights following him, there was no one left. The natives and army of the Lonely Mountain Castle were gone, and the 20,000 magic beasts that he brought with him were gone.

Looking far away, Trass found that after leaving the Lonely Mountain Castle area within a certain range, everything around was dark and silent.

This is the first function of the Golden Twelve Palaces: the alien space.

“As long as you don’t kill me, you will never be able to leave here. In this world, your power will be constantly drained and consumed until you are completely exhausted here.”

Right below the magic dragon Trass, Rod opened his arms and said this.

Of course he was lying. Even if there was an elemental tower, even if there was a source of replenishing magic power, even if there were other mages of the Green Language Elves to help, the time that Lady Isriel could hold on was limited, and it was even more impossible to exhaust Trass to death. Lady Isriel would definitely die first due to exhaustion of blood.

However, Trass had no interest in trying it out. The reason why it flew up and tried to leave was not because it couldn’t win, but because dragons always prioritized preserving their own lives. They were naturally gifted and had no need to gamble their lives with any creature.

Many old dragons didn’t even care about the gods. The dragon race was naturally strong and had their own gods, so pride was natural.

But at this moment, Rhodes succeeded in angering the other party.

“I can’t leave without killing you? Well, then I’ll smash you to pieces!” With a flap of wings, it suddenly swooped down from a high altitude.


Accompanied by a terrifying dragon roar, a red beam of light shot out of Trass’s mouth.

However, this dragon breath was different from the previous majestic and destructive dragon breath. Instead, it condensed and refined, and even suddenly exploded in the air and split into dozens of beams that shot down from all angles, which was weird and fierce and difficult to resist.

The Golden Twelve Palaces suppressed Trass’s burst limit, trying to pull it to the same level as the group of humans below.

However, the legendary top dragon’s super energy control ability could not be restricted. Trass’s learning and adaptability were also very strong. It quickly reacted and stopped using its usual energy burst and oppressive style of play. Instead, it began to control the unit’s energy lethality.

However, at this moment, a huge sword light broke through the air and slashed, accompanied by a wave of sweeping, and most of the dragon’s breath that split into at least dozens of them was wiped out and exploded in the air.

As for the other dragon breaths, they could not cause any harm to the crowd even if they hit the ground, because they were originally used to cover the dodge range.

Among the seven people, the only one who had such swordsmanship ability was of course Alos, who was holding the Nashir Holy Sword. Among the Seven Warriors of Dragon Slayer, I am afraid that only she and Fatis, who was burning her life, had the real strength to fight the dragon.

However, in this battle, the core of everyone was Rhodes, even Alos and Fatis.

If Alos’s temperament was completely followed, she would have definitely found an opportunity to tear the dragon’s wings. The dragon with wings and the dragon without wings have completely different combat and survival abilities. However, this choice was stopped in advance by Rhodes in the pre-war meeting.

“In the subsequent battle, everyone should maintain enough threat, but don’t really go all out to attack Tras’s wings. Sometimes, it seems that there is a way out for the opponent to survive when you surround three of them on the battlefield, but in fact, that is where the real dead end is.”

At this moment, this terrifying dragon waved its wings and swooped down as if covering the sky and the sun.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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