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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 40 This time traveler comes from Yanhuang

The Holy Light Qi Heart Technique is a fighting qi cultivation technique developed by the goblin civilization that collapsed in the previous era, with the purpose of strengthening the weak body of the clan and in the spirit of scientific inquiry.

When this set of exercises is still in the preliminary stage, it is of course impossible to directly hand it over to the goblin citizens with noble lives to practice, which would seriously violate the sacred law.

Naturally, more suitable experimental subjects were selected from the weak races among the hundreds of races on the mainland at that time.

In the previous era, humans were a weak race, and they were also a race with excellent adaptability and compatibility, suitable for fighting spirit cultivation, and a race with low lifespan and potential, making it easy to control.

At that time, in order to create this set of mental methods, I did not know how many experimental subjects were trained to death before I accumulated enough experimental data to scientifically perfect this set of mental methods.

However, technology could not save the goblins, nor could fighting spirit. In the end, this set of exercises failed to be widely promoted. Instead, countless years later, after many twists and turns, it fell into the hands of a human named Rhodes. His fate was truly mysterious and difficult to describe.

There are countless fighting spirit techniques in the world, but the holy light energy technique from the goblin civilization is definitely at the top of the world in terms of rigorous logic and exquisite structure.

The sacred fighting spirit cultivated by this set of exercises is gentle, strong, yet has endless potential. This is a masterpiece.

However, this comprehensive work still has a shortcoming, which is also the biggest shortcoming of the scientific and technological civilization route. This set of exercises is extremely perfect in terms of reasoning and structure, but it lacks true meaning. After all, the goblin civilization does not have real fighting spirit weapons. The Master of Learning, a cross-border research study by a group of goblin sages, is already perfect in theory, but in reality it’s still a little bit behind.

Of course, even so, the Holy Light Qi Mind Method is still the best in the world, far superior to most fighting Qi Mind Methods that are full of empiricist fallacies.

Therefore, Fatis can be said to have picked up a big bargain this time.

He got such a good mental method right from the beginning of his enlightenment, which is many times better than the one he created by forcefully breaking through on his own. It can be said that the holy light energy mental method directly greatly improved Fatis’s future potential. .

However, he was not the only one who benefited. In the process of Rhodes trying his best to help him stabilize the circulation of holy power in his body, his body and mind also gradually became “on the same frequency” with Fatis due to their high degree of cohesion. In other words, This was originally Fatis’s epiphany and breakthrough gained through years of hard work and self-torture, and now Rhodes also got a share of it.

As an earth traveler, although Rhodes has always been self-controlled and hard-working, there is still a layer of separation between him and this world and the skills of this world. Today, this layer of separation was broken by Fatis.

In a daze, Rhodes felt as if his soul was gradually flying away from his body. He “saw” Gunnather’s hostility, saw Yalos’ threat and obstruction, and saw Riel’s faint response. .

Then, he saw that in the entire underground temple, large areas of dirty and mottled murals fell off, and an extremely strong platinum-gold light shone from them.


There was obviously no sound around, and it was even more impossible for such a strong wind to occur in the underground temple, but Rhodes could clearly feel it all in his ears, mouth, nose, body, and every inch of his skin.

His soul suddenly left the underground temple and came to the outside world, and at an astonishing speed that became faster and more terrifying, it shot straight into the sky – to be more precise, straight into the wheel. sun.

“What’s going on! What’s going on!!”

Such thoughts surged crazily in his mind, but then all these thoughts disappeared, because Rhodes only felt that he was rushing towards the eternally rotating sun at a speed so crazy that it was faster than the speed of light.

In the end, what he saw was an endlessly majestic, endlessly great, endlessly sacred Sun Palace stretching across the void, sucking in all light, all brightness, all flames…

The vast universe, the endless void, is dotted with stars, all covered in darkness, restraining their sharpness, but the great sun remains forever.

“This is a temple where ancient humans worshiped the ancient sun god. The holy light energy method originated from the sage civilization’s research on the ancient sun god. In other words, I accidentally inspired something… Calm down, calm down.” At this moment Every thought he turned was extremely painful, but Rhodes tried desperately to keep his thoughts, because he was worried that if he completely let go of his mind, he would really lose himself completely in an instant: I think, therefore I exist.

Finally, as the spiritual time continues to pass. At the same time, the Holy Light Qi Heart Technique in Rhodes’ body was running over and over again. In front of his “eyes”, in the Sun Golden Palace that spanned the universe, a giant of light composed entirely of light gradually gradually Condensed and formed.

The huge ancient god of light who resides high in the Golden Palace of the Sun and on his throne waved his hand. The next moment, the brilliant white-gold divine light penetrated the heaven and earth, and then dispersed into a net, forming a rain curtain of light. Finally, it swayed freely, Gathering and dispersing from the heart, the divine light that covers the sky and the sun purifies and annihilates everything.

In the overwhelming divine light, Rhodes seemed to be able to see the mountains below being pierced, the lakes and seas drying up, and everywhere the divine light of the sun passed, everything was indestructible and nothing was destroyed.

The Ancient God of Light took a step forward, and slowly opened his arms. With it as the center, the surrounding area hundreds of thousands of feet away turned into an ocean of light, forming his own light domain.

——In the light domain, all existences other than the white-gold sun light are as if they are rejected by the entire world.

——In the light field, Rhodes saw the undead monarch from the ancient era roaring unruly and then turned into powder; he saw the demon lord at the bottom of the abyss, then burned to pieces; he saw countless sky cities rising into the sky, and then They were annihilated together and turned into ashes under the divine light…

The light gathers and disperses freely…the light and shadow turn into rainbows and fly away…the fire burns all the wasteland…the sharp light destroys everything…

Wherever the light of the sun passes, heaven and earth are invincible!

This is the core, this is the true meaning, and this is what is most lacking in the Holy Light Qi mind method that has exhausted all the ingenuity of the great sages: the most powerful mind that dominates heaven and earth and suppresses it for eternity and endless years.

If Rhodes were not the Rhodes he is now, if he was still the same Rodhart he was back then, his heart and mind would not even be able to bear such thoughts: Because, how can a man become a god! ?

However, as a traveler from Earth to China, in Rhode’s original concept: Gods are not all human beings.

Therefore, the former cannot be carried. Even if you have such an opportunity, you will only collapse and eventually die. The latter, however, can survive and benefit from its help.


The palm that originally seemed to be embedded in Fatis’s back could finally be put down at this moment.

Rhodes’s body was soaked with sweat from his inner and outer clothes, and he took two steps back, panting.

At this time, Fatis also leaned forward two steps and stopped. Then he stared blankly at his hands, feeling almost as if he had gained a new life.

Then, he slowly turned around, looked at Rhodes who was almost holding on to the wall to stand, and couldn’t help but walk over to help him.

“Lord Hart, you actually taught me such a precious fighting spirit. Fatis is willing to repay your deep kindness to me with his life.”

At this moment, Rhodes received a row of system prompts. Fatis’s favorability directly surged to 90, and at the same time, his strength, agility and other combat attributes were improved. His original professional level was cleared and he was transferred to a first-level Holy Knight/Paladin.

The level was cleared, but his personal combat power increased instead of falling. In other words, his potential exploded.

A person’s early career also greatly affects consumption potential. Like Kress, if Fatis’s teachings hadn’t transferred her to the Imperial Knight advancement system from level one, according to her original career system: Xia The new recruits, the spearmen of the Shire, the senior spearmen of the Shire, the senior swordsmen of the Shire, the Guards of the Shire, the Scorpion Assassin of the Shire, Kress’s attributes in all aspects are definitely far inferior to what they are now.

Of course, if you really want to take the assassin route, you should find an assassin to teach Kress instead of a knight.

Hidden advanced profession: Charles Scorpio Assassin, it is completely conceivable that he must be extremely powerful, but Rhodes does not want Kress to take this path, even if it is the best choice for him.

“Lord Rodhart, how are you? Are you feeling better?” At this time, Alos stepped forward and asked.

The first moment he saw Yalos again, Fatis’s first reaction in front of Rhodes was to block him, and at the same time, he subconsciously stepped back slightly.

When Rhodes saw this scene, something strange flashed in his eyes. But he quickly stretched his body with all his strength, showed his most normal appearance, and replied with a smile: “Thanks to Mr. Jaros for protecting me just now, everything is fine now.”

“In that case, let’s leave here. We have wasted so much time, and there seems to be no other gains here.”

Yaros was obviously very knowledgeable and did not ask Rhodes or Fatis anything, because the state of enlightenment just now may be caused by a flower, a tree, a sentence, or a scene. For those who are deeply inspired, It means a lot, but to others, it is of no use at all.

Both Yalos and Ruier understood this, so they no longer paid attention to the Sun Temple. Only Gunnather looked around. He urgently wanted to find clues that caused Fatis to understand the fighting spirit in the surrounding murals. The result was of course There was no gain. The same mural with the same content was shown to him, but he felt nothing at all.

As for what Rhodes just experienced, he guessed that after the intensity of the holy light in his and Fatis’ bodies was superimposed to a certain extent, he activated the ancient human sacrifice to the ancient sun god in this temple tens of millions of years ago. I have a strong intention, so I allowed myself to see the scene just now. This is also a coincidence. Even after that time, the intention here may have dissipated completely, and I will never be able to create such a scene again. What a coincidence.

“Fatis, why did you just block Steward Alos in front of me?” On the way back, riding on horseback, Rhodes asked his companion, the original wandering knight, now the holy knight Fa Tis.

Paladin, this profession is so common that it is almost ruined, but don’t think that this profession is not strong enough. In fact, this profession itself is one of the strongest professions for Fatis in Wind of War, and it is still very difficult. It is achieved that it is not difficult for other NPC heroes to switch to Paladin. They are kind-hearted and have no serious misdeeds. However, it is very difficult for Fatis, who has huge obstacles in his heart, to switch to this profession. .

“I don’t know why, but I did this action subconsciously at the time. It’s like… I’m very afraid of Lord Alos. I didn’t feel this way before, but I started to feel this way after changing jobs.”

“Then do you hate her?”

“Well, that’s not the case.”

“Huh, that’s good.”

It would be great fun if Fatis subconsciously hated Alos after he became a paladin, which means that Alos is probably some kind of dark creature that hides deeply.

If this is really the case, including myself, there are probably not many people in the entire Atlanta Chamber of Commerce caravan of more than 200 people who can survive.

As the three leaders returned to the caravan safe and sound, everyone in the caravan burst into cheers. The little girl Kress immediately ran to the side of Rhodes’ horse and was rubbed by Rhodes with a look of happiness and enjoyment on her face. He rubbed his head.

Yaros announced to everyone that all the swamp murlocs were dead, and the beast that killed them had been expelled by the five people, and now everything was safe here.

After learning this news, the morale of the caravan was greatly improved. Then everyone excitedly went to the Temple of the Sun, took back all the supplies that originally belonged to them, and continued on their new journey.

“Tell a big lie and let the world dance around you. Lord Alos is also growing up. It seems that she also understands that strong force is the easiest way to solve problems, but it is not the best way.”

While riding alongside the female knight Riel, Rhodes seemed to say this inadvertently.

The beautiful and delicate female knight with long aqua hair nodded excitedly, excited and happy for her master’s every bit of growth.

When “…Master she” was happy, Rui’er wanted to say something, but she controlled herself and held it back. He pursed his lips and rode forward with a smile.

However, Ruier didn’t know that by not saying anything at this time, she was telling Rhode a lot of information.

“Big shot. Either it’s some kind of treasure, or Lord Alos himself has some kind of powerful power. It should be… a sword, right?” Rhodes rode on horseback and made a strange move in a covert manner. posture, the next moment, the sword of power originally hanging on his waist fell into the palm of his hand, and the next moment disappeared from the left finger ring.

“Now that I know it, let’s think about what to do. Only through invisible guidance can I get the most suitable benefits.”


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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