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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 400 Shocking the World (Please collect and subscribe)


However, at this moment, at this moment.

An eagle cry suddenly appeared in the old general’s ears. General Trevor turned his head slowly and stiffly like a machine, and saw a steel-armored corps in the sky, shining in the sunset.

The heavy-armored war eagle knights, all light steel and heavy armor, dive bombing.

“Lonely Mountain Castle, invincible!”

Cress rode on the back of the wind, holding up the bloodthirsty spear, and had already opened his own violent state, exerting a thousand strength, like a thunder-like scene.

“Lonely Mountain Castle, invincible!”

All the members of the heavy-armored war eagle knights were also excited to the extreme at this moment. Although the knights had charge training all along, they had hardly used it on the battlefield. Because the air knight unit was too precious, this battle was the first time to use it.

The armored beasts of the sky flapped their wings and swooped down. The prey below them was only the first-level fourth-level soldiers at most. Although they were heavy cavalry with high combat power of the same level, what could the heavy cavalry do when they were unprepared, had not charged, faced the enemy from behind, and lost the initiative?

The heavy-armored war eagles were extremely powerful, and after being covered with steel armor, their lethality and destructive power were greatly increased.

During the dive bombing, the knights on the backs of the war eagles, like Kress, threw javelins with all their strength, and their own arm strength cooperated with the high attack, doubling the attack.

When they fell to a certain height, the knights uniformly changed to brittle wooden lances and charged to kill, just like the lance charge of heavy cavalry. The defense of the same-level soldiers was like paper in front of such an attack, and they would break and shatter with a poke. Even the soldiers of a higher level could cause terrible effective damage, not to mention that the opponents at this moment were far lower than their ranks.

Although there were only two hundred units of war eagle knights, these big griffins spread their wings and almost covered the entire rear main formation of Prince Grandhe. The heavy dive bombing swept past and plowed a bloody trench in a short time.

“It’s over, it’s over.”

Although the morale of the soldiers on our side has not collapsed at this moment, the enemy is fierce, but the number is too small after all, and Prince Grandhe himself has drawn his sword and fought, which further inspired the morale of the soldiers.

However, for the situation in front of him, the old general Trevor was lost and completely in despair.

Because with the shaking of the earth, the dark cavalry corps with extremely terrifying movement speed and attack power has already rushed to the front.

Facing such a terrible army, there are less than a thousand people in the first-level fourth-level heavy cavalry corps that have not charged, and less than a thousand people in the second-level infantry corps (no rank). Although there are nearly 5,000 troops on the battlefield in front of us, Trevor knows very well that he may not be able to resist the main force’s reinforcement.

Did General Trevor make a mistake in command that led to the outcome of this battle?

Of course, there was a part of the reason, but the most important reason was that the ranks of the two decisive armies were too different.

As a result, the mobility and offensive and defensive capabilities were very different. The dark cavalry unit had almost no cost in eating up the thousand-man light cavalry unit. Instead, their blood and souls enhanced the morale and even increased the power of the dark fire skill.

This time, during the charge against the enemy’s main formation, the second corps skill of the dark cavalry corps: dark spells and soul connection was activated. Four hundred people rushed forward like a whole under the blessing of spells, and the main force of two thousand people under Prince Grandhe collapsed in an instant.

The first-level fourth-level heavy cavalry that did not charge was even worse than the heavy infantry of the same level. The lances that they relied on the most were almost useless without charging. If they were reluctant to give up their horses, they would even be restricted by the existence of horses and affect their weapon swinging space.

At this moment, the battlefield was already in chaos.

Cress jumped off the war eagle and picked up the javelin that fell on the battlefield. She was gentle and obedient in front of Rhode when she was fighting on foot. She always took pleasure in opening the enemy’s head when she was on the battlefield.

So much so that the automatic retraction of the bloodthirsty javelin could not keep up with her killing speed.

Airen, Yannick and even the entire Dark Cavalry Regiment were not good people. They were just under someone’s command and suppressed their own murderous nature. At this moment, they could let go and kill without any consideration, showing the terrifying posture of demons.

Old General Trevor was old and couldn’t think straight. He went to meet the Dark Cavalry at the moment when the whole army charged.

At this time, he was no longer thinking about reversing the situation, but seeking death. It was not too shameful to die on the battlefield. He hoped that when future generations recorded this period of history, they would be able to get a better description.

Trevor wanted to die, but Prince Grandher didn’t want to die. He still didn’t understand why he was defeated inexplicably. He had an absolute advantage in military strength, and everything was fine half a quarter of an hour ago.

However, in the chaos, he encountered a fierce knight in black armor and holding a blood-stained mace. There was a centipede-like scar on the knight’s cheek:

Remo Mac, the senior adjutant of the Dark Cavalry Corps, an elite character template, is familiar with the high-level civilian knights of Lonely Mountain Castle, and is a good friend of Yannick, but he almost entered the military high-level of Lonely Mountain Castle.

“I’m lucky today, I caught a big fish!”

The next moment, the bloody mace in Remo Mac’s hand suddenly crossed a chopping trajectory and hit Prince Grandher’s cheek. Prince Grandher held a sword to intercept. His swordsmanship is good… but it depends on who he is compared with.

Prince Grandher only felt that the long sword in his hand was heavy and deflected, and the next moment the bloody mace hit his shoulder.

The design of the bloody mace is very good at chopping. Although it is difficult to reach a high martial arts ceiling, if the opponent’s strength or swordsmanship is not much higher than the user, it cannot be blocked with the weapon, and the defensive posture will be directly broken.

When the main force of Prince Grandher finally returned to rescue in a panic, they saw General Trevor’s half-head that had been chopped off and pierced by a spear, and they saw Prince Grandher, who was already injured and tied up, with a sword on his neck.

Under such circumstances, who could not put down their weapons when Prince Grandher personally ordered them to do so? How could morale not collapse?

In this battle, the Plains Cavalry fought a decisive battle. Lonely Mountain Castle defeated the tens of thousands of Virugatl’s army with 400 dark cavalry troops and 200 heavily armed griffin troops. The results of this battle were spread all over the world and shocked the world.

As for the number of Virugatl’s army, it was not that Lonely Mountain Castle deliberately falsified it, but that Prince Grandher himself promoted it when he went to war. Although such exaggeration is very normal in war, it also invisibly further strengthened the gold content of Lonely Mountain Castle’s victory in the battle with fewer troops.

The news reached Lonely Mountain Castle, and the morale of the castle was greatly boosted. This was originally a city with a military spirit, and after this battle, they were even more proud of being the God-blessed army and the invincibility of the continent. Every person and every family was honored to have a relative join the army.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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