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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 411 Bloody Battle, Only Me

The Dark Knights, when they were first established in the Lonely Mountain Castle, were selected and gathered little by little. All of them ate, slept, and trained together, and they were young men who stirred the same pot.

In addition, after years of fighting side by side, the relationship between these knights is not that of brothers, but better than that of brothers. You kill people, but you also kill people and suck blood?

Fuck your eighteen generations of ancestors!

Both sides are elite and strong armies. They are extremely tough and ruthless characters who fight to the death, so the battle is even more stalemate and tragic.

In the forest, blood spurted and limbs flew. A dark knight just pounced and stabbed an ancient orc with a sword.

He was chopped off his arm by an ancient orc behind him.

He roared and retreated in pain. The reason why he was not chopped to death by the sword was because his companions next to him fought to the death to block him.

Then he unconsciously glanced at the battle situation of his comrades next to him. During the sword-fighting, he instinctively pounced on them without thinking.

The orc’s blade pierced his chest directly, but the one who exchanged his life for his comrade who was supposed to die together with him, stabbed the other with a sword and preserved his full combat power.

The orc whose throat was pierced by a sword still didn’t believe it until his death, because the national teacher told them: “Occupying the most prosperous place on the continent, those humans are cowardly and incompetent, there are no warriors, they are born to be devoured and enjoyed by orcs.”

In a very short time, the strongest and bravest warriors of the two tribes turned this world into a purgatory.


Every time one of his brothers died, Yannick’s heart was dripping with blood. He was a hero unit, so his combat power was far stronger than his peers. At this moment, the fighting spirit burst out all over his body, holding the sword with both hands, and he actually split a female orc shaman in front of him into two pieces by charging.

Even in the most frantic battle, Yannick still retained rationality in his heart. No matter what, he had to kill the caster unit first on the battlefield, otherwise, you didn’t know what he/she could do.

“No, no! I forgot something, I forgot something very important!”

The thick and smelly blood sprayed Yannick’s face, and also made him sober up a little from the frenzy of killing.

“…Duke, Lord Duke of Rhodes!”

At this moment, Yannick finally reacted. Who could lead such an elite wolf cavalry?

The tragic war awakened the memories deep in Yannick’s mind. It reminded him again of how everyone lived when the Duke did not come to Lonely Mountain.

“Protect the Duke, protect the Duke! Remo, you take five groups of brothers to hold them back, and the rest of you are not allowed to fight and follow me.”

In such a crazy biting and fighting situation, it would cost a heavy price to withdraw, but Yannick could not care so much at this moment.

They fought bloody battles here not only for themselves. The members of the Dark Knights have parents, brothers and sisters, wives and daughters in Lonely Mountain Castle. As the most elite knights in Lonely Mountain Castle, almost every brother has a happy family, which is the driving force that supports them to fight to the death.

But if the Duke falls, all the good things will be gone.

Yannick is calm and clear-minded, so he is very clear about this: everyone present here can die, but the Grand Duke of Lonely Mountain cannot die here.

Therefore, even if Yannick’s order at this time is so unwise, even if Remo Mack, who is waving the mace wildly, knows clearly in his heart that he might die here if he takes this task.

But after a little hesitation, he still laughed wildly and waved the mace in his hand, shouting and roaring: “Brothers, follow me to stop these beasts! Lonely Mountain Castle…”


Calling for the warhorse, riding and galloping.

Yannick finally looked back at his brother, Remo Mack.

They were selected, trained together, tested together, and valued by the lord together. They have been together through life and death for so many years, but today is probably the time to say goodbye.

Yannick felt that his heart was like being cut by a knife, and death was not so painful. But he couldn’t look back. This was a choice that a general had to make:

On the battlefield, you need to make choices and sacrifices. Sometimes, the ones who are sacrificed are your brothers and comrades.

At the same time, on the other side, in the mountains and forests, the fierce fighting spirit entangled and spread, almost directly washed away the hills under his feet.

Rod’s fighting spirit, which was so pure and deep that it was not normal at all, finally showed a certain degree of exhaustion.

The two hundred heavily armored ogres and six hundred goblins were not all killed, but Rhode didn’t know where they were now.

As a weak person, he had no right to choose the battlefield.

And the two of them moved too fast. When the legendary extraordinary burst out with all their strength, the movement speed in a short period of time could be faster than a galloping horse, so that Mokali chopped and smashed fiercely. In the axe shadow like raging waves, when Rhode finally survived, he had completely left the army and didn’t know where he was at all.

“Hoohoo, hoohoo…”

“Hoohoo… hoohoo… You’re too strong. You haven’t been promoted to Legendary yet, you’re just relying on a Legendary weapon, but you can actually fight me to this extent. If I hadn’t worked so hard to get to this level, I would have suspected that I was just a fake.”

At this moment, Mokali’s face was covered with blood, and even one of his left eyes was blown up by the sword energy. However, while it was recovering quickly, it still looked pleased, or ecstatic.

“The harder you are to kill, the more it shows that you are the real thing, and the more it shows that it is worth killing you!”

Speaking in this way, this terrifying ancient orc once again raised the iron stone battle axe in his hand, and a huge dark breath once again swirled and enveloped like a deep-sea whirlpool.

This is the most terrifying thing about this guy.

Normal people, between consuming fighting spirit and saving one of their eyes, most would choose to consume more fighting spirit or slow down the rhythm of attack, but Mokali is not like that. In order to ensure that he kills the human duke in front of him whose absolute strength is far inferior to his, he will not hesitate to sacrifice one of his eyes.

Once the target is determined, this kind of persistent and stubborn character that will never turn back is also the reason why Kedar accepted it as a disciple. It’s still the same saying: “You can’t live without madness.” People in this world have not summed up this proverb, but they don’t understand this truth.

“Hu… Concentrate, be quiet, focus on myself, and leave the world behind.” After getting into a sword stance, Rhodes forced himself to forget everything at this moment. Apart from himself, there was nothing else.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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