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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 68 Bloodline Awakening, Success! (Additional chapter for the reward from the rich reader

When it was discovered that our own side was not very advantageous in long-range shooting.

At the request of the witch, the red-winged harpy directly grasped the conflict and threw herself into a close-quarters fight.

There are no males in the Harpy family, but they believe that their strength and bravery are not inferior to any male creatures, or even stronger.

This violent and martial tradition affects all aspects of the harpy’s behavioral choices.

There are both advantages and disadvantages.


The collision of steel and blood, the fight between barbarism and more barbarism.

The senior spearman of the Shire in front was half-kneeling, leaning against the shield with all his strength on his shoulders.

The physical fitness of many jackal guards has also been greatly weakened. After all, most of them are injured in continuous battles. At this moment, they can no longer even occupy an absolute advantage in strength, and they cannot activate the effects of trick enchantment and cruel strikes. .

At this time, the Haidam infantry, whose morale remained relatively intact, led by Rhodes and Fatis, stepped on the shoulders of the half-kneeling spearmen in front and charged out ferociously.

This set of coordination has been done once or twice between the spearmen and the Haidam infantry. Since it is easy to use on the battlefield, it will naturally be used repeatedly, and even repeatedly studied and introduced.

The infantrymen swooped down and attacked fiercely with their swords from top to bottom, moving forward without any room for retreat.

The lethality at that moment was considerable, and even many red-winged harpies stabbing with spears in mid-air were cut down.

Stomping on the blood splattering on all sides, Rhodes, who was covered with weak fighting spirit all over his body, stepped violently, causing blood mist to scatter. He raised his left hand straight and pushed straight, with his forearm straight, he held the iron shield and violently bombarded the chest of a jackal man!

He was stunned for a moment, and the next moment he swung his sword with his right hand to kill.

The whole set of movements is like flowing water, neat and smooth.

Boom, boom, boom.

With bloodshot eyes, he fought with all his strength. Every step he took was very hard and heavy, as if he was going to crush the ground before he would give up.

He is like a small tank. Wherever the battle is fierce, he will rush towards it. Wherever the opponent is difficult to deal with, he will stride towards him.


A three-headed flail with huge power and fierce winds came ferociously. Rhodes, feeling alarmed in his heart, threw himself diagonally and rolled to avoid it.

At the same time, he swung the long sword with excellent body coordination and scratched the crook of the jackal guard’s leg. The feedback felt like he had cut into tough cowhide, and his muscles were so strong that they were almost leather. A, flesh and blood should hardly have feelings.

“Elite Gnoll!? The leader level among the Gnoll Guard.”

It was clear that a deep sword mark had been cut, but the attack of the jackal guard in front of him did not pause at all, as if it had not been injured at all.

At this moment, the head that resembled a jackal was staring at its target, and the fierce and terrifying attack was extremely terrifying.

Facing the powerful enemy in front of him, Rhodes did not dare to be careless at all. He did not even dare to stand up completely. After rolling to dodge, he retreated continuously and opened a distance of seven or eight meters to avoid the opponent’s attack.

Raymond was always paying attention to the status of his lord, so he seized this momentary opportunity, quickly nocked an arrow with his bow and fired, shooting the arrow like a meteor into the eyes of the jackal guard.

However, the jackal didn’t even look at it, and directly placed his fist on the side of his head. The arrow hit its wrist guard and bounced away with a clang.

This guy’s combat level is definitely the highest except for the harpy!

Raymond cursed in a low voice, pulled out an arrow again, aimed and shot, but the jackal guard roared and charged at Rhodes again.


There was a crisp sound of metal colliding, and Fatis came close at some point. He suddenly burst out with fighting spirit and slashed the jackal guard with his sword.

Even if Ephatis is pedantic, he will not talk about chivalry on the battlefield with foreigners.

Therefore, his sword slashed through the metal armor on the back of the elite jackal guard and penetrated deeply into the bones. This was already a sign of the opponent’s quick reaction, otherwise his head would have been lost immediately after the sword strike.


The elite jackal guard turned around and struck hard. After receiving the heavy blow, its reaction speed was so fast that even Fatis was caught off guard. Although he drew his sword and struck back at the iron chain of the shackle, But he was still swept to the shoulder by the three-chain head, and the blood mist exploded.


Rhodes saw the opportunity and let out a low cry. He took a deep breath and the bright holy flames around him expanded. The moment the elite jackal guard hit Fatis, he held the sword with both hands and slashed violently at the opponent’s neck. bone.

Clang, with the metal fire splashing, the ancient cross sword cut through the slightly thin chain armor defense, and then the tough skin was cut open by the sword edge, but when it penetrated the opponent’s neck bone, it was directly stuck inside, It can be seen how strong this guy’s body is.

The elite jackal guard let out an angry roar and punched Rhodes in front of him with his backhand.

Bang, click!

Along with the crisp sound of fractures, the heavy force knocked Rhodes away.

But this guy counterattacked again in the next moment with almost no pause, wildly waving the long sword in his hand, slashing down with one sword after another, from top to bottom, slashing and slashing violently, as if to pay New Year’s greetings.

The elite gnoll guard held by Fatis roared horribly, but the blood from the wounds on its body kept gushing out. Its speed and strength gradually weakened, and blood gushed out, and its whole body was covered in blood.

[Kill the leader of the gnoll guards, experience +580]

After a short breath, Rhodes and Fatis looked at each other, and then continued to rush towards the alien warriors who were already somewhat demoralized.

One, two, three, four, five…

As more and more gnolls and red-winged harpies died under Rhodes’ sword, the morale of the soldiers in Redwood Town gradually recovered:

Dominance: Morale within the range +10, every time the sword master kills an enemy with the sword, morale +1, and morale within the upper limit +20.

Not only that, the sacred fighting spirit spreading from Rhode was also constantly eliminating the mental influence brought by the dark magic. With the recovery of the morale of the whole army, even some soldiers who were stung by the poisonous bees no longer felt so painful.

Seeing that the human war situation was about to collapse, Magna, the harpy witch, who was almost always invincible under the combination of four dark magics, subconsciously held the spear and flew closer to the battlefield.

She didn’t believe that there was a human army in this world that was continuously attacked by four layers of dark magic and its morale was not completely collapsed.

Of course, this was because she was shallow-minded. In the era of the glory and prosperity of extraordinary power, her magic ability could only be regarded as the level of a small army wizard.

“Ahem… Fatis, help me! If we don’t kill her, we will never complete our mission.”

Rhode, who was covered in blood, leaned on Fatis, who was in a similarly bad state, and pointed to his target.

At this moment, both sides have fought to the point where they have almost exhausted all their trump cards. Whoever can hold on and bite off the last piece of flesh and blood of the opponent will win!

Rhodes understands the truth, and Fatis also understands it.

“With my sword, I will definitely cut a path for you.”


Don’t think that the howling is unpleasant. When you reach the limit of your physical strength and still try your best to squeeze the last bit of physical strength, 80% of the noise you make will not sound like a human.

The pure white light shines brightly around him again. Fatis charges with the sword, swinging the sword faster and faster, and more and more blood is spilled around him, some of which is his own, but more of it is the enemy’s.

Because Fatis’s edge is directed at the harpy witch, the surrounding red-winged harpy witches and the few remaining jackal guards are frantically blocking him.

When he reached the edge of the platform, relatively close to it, although Fatis succeeded in breaking through, his physical strength was completely exhausted. Therefore, although he faced the harpy witch Magna, he could only helplessly fall down and slide to the edge of the platform under the action of inertia.


Sliding in the flesh and blood, Fatis had already discarded the long sword, picked up a shield from the ground, and placed it across his body.

And until this moment, the harpy witch Magna discovered that behind Fatis, there was someone with a white and gold glow that was getting more and more condensed.


Fiercely stepping on the kite-shaped shield that Fatis raised with all his strength, Rhodes jumped into the air and rushed straight to the harpy witch Magna who was unable to react in time, and under his feet was dozens of meters high, where he would definitely fall to death if he fell.

With a bang, a violent collision.

The flying harpy witch Magna and Rhodes collided heavily.

“You can’t kill me, you can’t kill me! Why, why…”

“Whether I can kill you or not, I have to try.”

Grabbing Magna’s arm with his left hand, Rhodes raised his sword with his right hand. At this moment, the ancient cross sword in his right hand was already burning with a blazing platinum flame.

Light-based extraordinary sword skills: Slaying evil!


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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