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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 87 The second system task, the dark hero joins the camp

Although there were inevitable losses in the battle to wipe out the advance troops of the Centaur coalition, compared with the results of the battle, the related losses were almost equal to nothing.

This caused a series of chain reactions.

First, the enthusiasm of the people to join the army was unprecedentedly high!

After all, they had experienced the blessing of miracles and the great military victory. All the civilians in the city felt that going to the battlefield was to gain honors and enjoy relevant welfare policies.

At the same time, the natives and slaves also became much more obedient. Taking advantage of this change in mentality and emotions, Rhodes signed and promulgated the “Slave Emancipation Act”.

Of course, it was not to directly liberate the slaves, which would be too cheap for them, but to announce that although the Lonely Mountain Castle recognized the slave system, every slave could be liberated under the guarantee of the freeman on the premise of working for 20 years and having no criminal record.

At the same time, they obtained the status and all corresponding rights of the freeman of the Lonely Mountain Castle.

In this world where all races are lined up, although Rhodes is a human priority in his heart, he can’t expose these too obviously, otherwise he will directly bear a lot of hostility.

Slavery can be implemented, but it will also create a loophole, causing the slaves to have internal divisions, and even in the future, if necessary, some slaves will be used.

When Rhodes was in the office, considering the future development direction of the territory.

A system message suddenly popped up in front of him:

[Task Log]

[Coalition Assembling:

Due to the means you used in the process of occupying the mountain fortress.

Your rule was not recognized by the natives of the wilderness, and now they have formed a coalition to attack you.

The commander of the Centaur Coalition has received the news that his advance troops were almost wiped out. Now he has become more cautious but also more determined.

Be careful, he will be a very scary opponent.

Mission goal: Repel the Wilderness Coalition.

Mission reward: Horn of Harvest, optional arms equipment and armor of level 3 and below. 】

“It’s known so quickly. There were still Centaurs escaping that night? I thought they were all killed.”

Rhodes was not surprised to receive this mission message.

So far, in addition to the tasks brought by the famous heroes, the system has only given me one task [Survival in the Wilderness], which is the same as the current [Assembly of Allied Forces] task. The problem has already appeared and has developed to a certain extent. The system senses it and generates tasks for me.

Originally, whether there is this task or not, I have to solve the problem, unless I give up everything and choose to escape.

In that case, I don’t have to complete the task anymore.


At this time, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

The next moment, Cress pushed the door in, and the little maid said, “Master, outside… the witch in the underground mine before came out, and she wants to see you now.”

“It’s not a week yet, there are still two days. It seems that our performance has exceeded her expectations, so Aunt Caitlin can’t wait.”

Rhodes’s thoughts turned quickly, and he soon figured out why Caitlin showed up early.

The battle a few days ago was so beautiful. Just as Caitlin said, she was very familiar with military affairs, so she judged based on her own experience:

The army led by the young lord Rodhart has enough investment value. In this case, investing one day earlier is more valuable and sincere than investing one day later.

“Well, let’s go meet her and see what Ms. Caitlin can bring us.” Rhode said so and stood up and walked out.

Rhode knew in his heart that Caitlin’s actual strength was not as profound and powerful as she showed to Janis.

A necromancer who had some experience but was not senior was waiting for a price and raising his own value. Rhode understood all this, but objectively speaking, Caitlin, a famous hero with the necromancer profession, did have a soaring personal value.

Her potential may not be as huge as that of Fatis and Kress, but at least it is better than Raymond, both in terms of current strength and future potential.

In the reception room, Caitlin lowered her attitude much more than before, because she also figured out that the young noble lord in front of her, who was full of magical items, was probably not like most people in the world, who were full of ignorance and natural fear of spellcasters.

And Caitlin herself objectively needed sufficient support.

“My lord, the battle two days ago was really wonderful. I didn’t expect you to be proficient in mysterious mathematics. I was amazed by your use of crossbow arrows at multiple angles and double crossbowmen’s alternate shooting tactics!”

“Now, I am willing to pledge my loyalty to you in advance, as long as the treasure you bring out can satisfy me.”

At this moment, compared to the first meeting a few days ago.

Now, as long as Rhodes does not take out the “Sword of Strength” and “Thunder’s Military Hammer” which are obviously not very suitable for spellcasters, he can get Caitlin’s loyalty by taking out the four-leaf clover necklace and brass telescope. This is because Rhodes and his army have demonstrated their ability and potential and have won Caitlin’s recognition.

“Then, among all the treasures in my hand, this should be the one that can help Lady Caitlin the most.” As he spoke, Rhode took out the golden spear.

The golden scepter, the weapon and staff carried by the previous generation of harpy witches, has the effects of both spell power and sharpness amplification, and is a very valuable magic treasure.

“This person has passed the exam, which is different. I remember that in the stand-alone version, it only takes 100 dinars to subdue Caitlin, and the starting value of the golden scepter is 4,000 dinars. With a necromancer qualification certificate, his worth has increased by 40 times!”

Although he kept a smile on his face, Rhode’s heart was bleeding.

At this moment, Caitlin took over the gorgeous golden scepter. Although she felt a little regretful that she could not obtain the will-obliterating ring with stronger magic aura, she was also satisfied at this time. In a sense, what Rhode said was not wrong. This scepter is indeed more suitable for her now.

[Ding! ]

[Growth hero Caitlin, apply to join the team, do you agree? ]

[Yes. 】

Of course I agree. I have already invested a lot of money.

[Name: Caitlin

Level: 12

Strength: 4

Agility: 2

Intelligence: 8

Charm: 4

Remaining attribute points: 0

Skills: Power Attack 1, Running 1, Guide 1, Tactics 1, Looting 1, Item Management 5, Necromancer 4+2+2.

Remaining skill points: 0

Weapon proficiency: One-handed weapon 42, two-handed weapon 35, long pole weapon 9, bow and arrow 9, crossbow 40, throwing 6, Necromancer 64.

Remaining weapon proficiency: 14]

Hero characteristics:

Death fanaticism. Due to her fanatical belief and worship of the world of death, Caitlin has improved the proficiency of negative energy skills and reduced the damage caused by Holy Word magic.

Twin spirits. Caitlin dug her two children out of the grave and made them into mutant skeleton warriors. With the protection and companionship of the twin spirits, Caitlin has improved the proficiency of negative energy skills and Necromancer +2.

So far, the highest-level dark hero under Rhodes has joined the camp.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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