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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 9 Everyone, victory!

After upgrading, the new soldiers of the Charr have two advancement routes, one is the second-level soldier of the Charr Hunter, and the other is the second-level soldier of the Charr Spearman. From the names, we can see the difference in their ability tendencies, one is good at long-range attack, and the other is good at close combat defense.

When Rhodes first met Raymond, this guy was already a third-level wild hunter. He had chosen his own path, so Rhodes did not see another upgrade and advancement route.

Moreover, if Rhodes were allowed to choose, he would probably choose the hunter route for Raymond, because this guy is an elite template, with bonuses in all aspects of ability. Becoming a generalist is of greater strategic significance to the current Redwood Town.

As for Mad and Su Xiu, they are more suitable for upgrading to the Charr Spearman. The promotion to the Charr Hunter consumes 8 dinars, and the promotion to the Charr Spearman consumes 12 dinars. From the price, we can also see the strength of the two, and which promotion will increase the combat power more.

Although this promotion route cannot be promoted to the sixth-level military branch like the hunter route, it is too far-fetched to consider such a thing now:

Charr recruits, Charr spearmen, Charr senior spearmen (not yet achieved), Charr senior long swordmen, and Charr guards.

The 19 Redwood Town militiamen have lived and eaten together for a long time. They are familiar with each other and have a general idea of ​​their respective levels.

At present, Mad and Su Xiu both hold their spears again. With a little demonstration, they show strength, agility and even martial arts skills far beyond their usual days. Raymond, who is the most cautious and alert, even runs over and punches Mad in the chest. Feeling the other party’s obviously improved physique and strength, at this moment, even he can’t help but believe it. This is no longer an explanation for other reasons except the “God’s Blessing Ceremony”.

Chasing powerful power and chasing one’s own individual evolution is the instinct of any life to admire the strong, and the normal desire in the deepest part of the heart.

Therefore, the Redwood Town militiamen who had not yet been promoted looked at each other. Even though it was a little unbelievable, their eyes were more eager to try.

“Lord… Lord, I am the one who has killed the most for you and made the most military achievements for you. Why haven’t I obtained the power of God’s blessing yet?” At this moment, Raymond hated himself for always being disrespectful to the Lord. At this moment, all kinds of past events came to his mind, making him deeply hate and regret. Therefore, he looked at Rhodes tremblingly, and could not accept the cruel future that he would be surpassed by his militiamen one by one.

“Don’t worry, my Raymond, the reason why you can’t be promoted yet is that your potential is much higher than theirs. Therefore, if you want to obtain the power of God’s blessing and stimulate your potential, you need to be more loyal and fight harder.”

Rhodes took two steps forward and patted the red-haired young man on the shoulder, letting his strongest general feel at ease. Although it was just an elite template, for now, there was no one under his command with more potential for training.

The Lord of Silver Frost Town led the coalition of pioneer lords to defeat the counterattack of the Wild Plains bandits. This was certainly a hearty victory, but many troublesome and trivial things followed. The Wild Plains bandits gathered more than 2,000 people. Even if they were defeated, there were at least 1,000 defeated and scattered soldiers.

Although this was a once-and-for-all matter, at least it brought 20 years of peace to Silver Frost Town, but solving 20 years of work in one day at least meant that there was something to do in the short term.

On the front battlefield, the powerful Lord of Silver Frost Town led many powerful pioneer lords to wipe out and kill the wild barbarians. Killing alone was of course inefficient, so there were many slave-catching teams in the human coalition. They captured many dog-headed wolves and sold them to farmers and mine owners as hard labor.

In recent years, the upper-class noble circles within the Styak Empire have begun to popularize the trend of keeping goblins in captivity and fighting goblins. This game has even gradually become popular among the citizens. They use wooden fences to surround these dirty green-skinned little guys, and even prepare simple weapons for them, and then watch them fight each other in the fences to bet on the outcome.

Goblins are extremely timid and cowardly creatures. As long as they are not in groups, an adult farmer with a dung fork can easily deal with two or three of them. However, these green little guys who have the same skin color as the ancient orcs but have almost the opposite temperament are particularly brave and fierce when dealing with their own kind.

Now the goblins near the inland cities have greatly reduced their fighting ferocity and wildness, and almost no trump cards in the goblin arena have been born. Therefore, the slave-catching team can only rush to the wilderness from distant big cities. It is said that there are still strong and wild goblins who dare to confront a hound alone.

Rhode knew this information, but apart from the professional slave-hunting teams, ordinary people had no sales channels, not to mention the long distance and complicated procedures. There were many tricks involved, and it was not a way to make a fortune in a territory.

Therefore, even if he encountered some armed goblins that looked good, Rhode did not ask to capture them, but killed them all.

With Mad and Su Xiu as examples, the morale and fighting spirit of the Redwood Town militia soared, even Raymond was the same, but as the commander of the army, Rhodes always tried to keep a clear mind. He led everyone to hide in the dark in the forest. He did not attack those who were too many and powerful, but chose to let them go, and only attacked those who were few and weak, using high frequency to reduce danger and increase benefits.

Because of this cautiousness, the militia of Redwood Town has never suffered any losses. Even as time goes by, four of them gradually accumulate experience and upgrade to second-level soldiers. Two days later, the number of defeated soldiers appearing in this direction is getting smaller and smaller. It is obvious that the stranglehold of Silver Frost Town on the Savages is gradually coming to an end.

However, after several days of fighting, the morale of the Redwood Town militia did not drop at all. Those who have upgraded still want to continue to upgrade, and those who have not yet upgraded are even more angry, and their eyes are red with envy of their companions who have become stronger.

The end of the attack and defense stranglehold of Silver Frost Town, at dusk

In the forest near the quarry, Rhodes, Raymond and others were watching a group of barbarians passing by from a relatively high place.

The leader of this group was a wilderness ogre, with dark blue skin, fat and tall, holding a thick iron spike mace in his hand, which was the kind of craftsmanship that inlaid broken iron pieces into huge wood, but even with such a simple craftsmanship, it was enough for these terrible blue fat men to become the top hunting race in the wilderness.

It was followed by two jackals, a dog-headed man and a group of more than ten green-skinned armed goblins. With such a scale, it was a bit difficult for the team to eat, and one of them might die.

Even so, from Rhodes’ perspective, he could clearly see that there was a huge wound in the abdomen of the ogre, which was obviously the injury left by the human cavalry after the frontal charge.

“Lord, don’t hesitate, let’s eat them!”

“Lord, the head of an ogre is worth ten gold coins!”

“Lord, we will definitely be able to get it.”

Because almost everyone around him was whispering like this, Rhodes’s originally hesitant mind gradually became firm.

Now it is the end of this war. If he does not try his best to gain more and greater war benefits, the 500 gold coins owed by the predecessor to the Atlan Chamber of Commerce will never be settled. What’s more, he has to prepare food for the territory for the winter. The financial collapse of Redwood Town has no surplus food for the winter. This is also the main reason why the predecessor finally chose to take risks.

“Go, annihilate them!”



Accompanying Rhodes’ order, the soldiers roared excitedly, and at the same time activated the trap, and the horizontal wood smashed towards the barbaric tribe below.

The ogre was really ferocious. Although it was seriously injured, it still swung the iron spike mace in its hand violently, smashing a piece of crossbar that was hit into pieces. In addition to the crossbar, there were also arrows and crossbows.

The four second-level soldiers who were promoted in the past two days, two were advanced to the level of Charr Spearmen, and two were advanced to the level of Charr Hunters. Now these two Charr Hunters used the bows and arrows captured in the battle to cooperate with Raymond to continuously shoot arrows downward.

The attack power of a bow is usually not as high as that of a crossbow, but the attack frequency is several times higher. Therefore, the top archery masters are basically all archers who use bows and arrows, because the attack power of a bow can be improved by strengthening the bow itself, while the attack frequency of a crossbow is almost impossible to improve.

The faster the gnolls and kobolds rushed up, the more they were targeted by the archers. Even if they managed to rush up the slope, they could not break through the shield and spear defense formation of the Redwood Town militia for a while, and finally fell under the continuous arrows. With the death of the gnolls and kobolds, the morale of the armed goblins collapsed. As for the blue fat man?

With serious injuries, after climbing up the slope with difficulty, he fell into the concealed trap pit with a bang, and only death was waiting for him.

Terrible howling sounds continued to come out of the trap pit. At this moment, even Rhodes, who had been vigilant, relaxed.

At present, this trap was arranged very delicately, and the cover on it had a strong load-bearing capacity. The gnolls, kobolds and even humans would not fall down when walking on it. Only big guys like knights and ogres would find it difficult to climb up again after falling down.

But at this moment, a “wow” response suddenly came from the distance. Moreover, the roars were approaching rapidly.

“This is… trouble!”

Because they were standing at a relatively high place, even if the big guy in the distance had not yet approached, everyone could already vaguely see it clearly.

It was a terrifying ogre equipped with spiked shoulder armor, heavy wrist guards and cast breastplate, holding an all-iron mace. The dog-headed people in the wilderness also had a certain smelting ability, but both the craftsmanship and productivity were ridiculous in the eyes of humans. However, this also reflected that the ogres who could be equipped with these iron tools were powerful warriors even in the ogre tribe.

And this guy was not just one of them, but also followed by a larger number of vassal barbarians. If they were allowed to successfully rush nearby: everyone would die!

At this moment, Rhodes regretted his decision very much. He could just kill the jackals or hobgoblins. With his current strength, what kind of ogres would he provoke?

“Back off, everyone retreats into the forest, uses traps to slow them down, and we retreat to the quarry.”

“No sir, that ogre warrior charges too fast, even small and medium-sized traps can’t stop it.”

Everyone only had time to dig out one of the large deep pit traps like the one just now. Now there is already a seriously injured ogre inside, and this large trap cannot be used again.

Seeing that the ogre warrior has quickly surpassed his vassal race and charged at the front, these seemingly fat blue fat men have extremely terrifying physiques and super explosive abilities. Under their thick fat, , all of them are strong muscle tissue, otherwise it would not be enough to support that kind of weight.

“Bring me my horse!”

Rhodes knew very well that if he did not respond correctly in this situation, everyone would die. Such an ogre warrior could not be stopped with the formation of shields and spears. With one charge, more than a dozen Redwood Town warriors would be killed. Militiamen would fly like pieces of paper.

“The only way to survive now is to lure it away.”

“Sir, let me go.” Among the crowd, only Raymond quickly understood what Rhodes was going to do. His face turned pale, but he gritted his teeth and finally said this.

If it were Rodhart before, he would not be worthy of his allegiance at all, but now this lord, this lord who is willing to eat and live with everyone, and who will steal things from noble dinners to share with his brothers, in Raymond seems to be worth it.

Of course, without the “Divine Blessing Ceremony”, Raymond’s loyalty would not have increased so quickly.

“Go away, how many times have you ridden a horse in total?”

At this time, a militiaman led a black traveling horse. Compared with the heavy pack horse, this kind of horse was captured by horse thieves and ran relatively faster.

Rhodes pulled the reins and got on his horse. At this moment, he was panicking and sweating on his forehead. However, looking at the heavily armored ogre warriors running quickly in the distance, he finally reined in the horse and charged forward.

“After I leave, everyone will obey Raymond’s orders. All the kings, win the battle!”

“My lord, Wan Sheng!”

The Redwood Town militiamen present raised their heads and stared at the lord who was riding a charge. Looking at this lord who was a noble but willing to fight for his people, there was heat in their hearts, because in fact they all knew that, sir, You can completely run in the opposite direction. Although you may not be able to outrun the ogres, you will definitely be able to outrun them. But no, Lord Rodhart of Redwood Town charged in the direction of the ogres. He even lost his head. No reply.


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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