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Mount & Blade: Wind of War — Chapter 91 Orcs without armor, are they still them?


A terrifying creature with a boar head but walking upright like a human charged forward with two heavy shields in both hands.

This wild boar man was covered in heavy wooden armor and wielded two shields. At this moment, the heavy armor and large shield were filled with crossbow bolts, but he still successfully stepped on the city ramp to attack the city.

Rhodes held a shield in one hand and a sword in the other and struck him diagonally. Although he used the angle very cleverly, he was still hit by the opponent with a strong shield and was knocked away.

“Damn it, the strength attribute is so different. If I gather all my fighting spirit and explode my strength, I should be able to fight, but now, how is it possible?”

“Resist it and protect the lord!”

Seeing that their lord was repulsed, the auxiliary soldiers wearing iron armor on the city wall shouted to encourage themselves, and then attacked him with sharp spears. However, even if they besieged and wrestled, they still could not push this guy down.

During this period of time, more and more coalition soldiers rushed towards the city behind the wild boar warriors. If this continued, they would successfully gain a foothold.

“Get out of the way, get out of the way!”

At this moment, under the inner city of our own side, a group of soldiers armed with large shields, sabers and spears ran up in neat formation: the elite of Redwood Town, the fourth-level soldier Shire, the senior swordsman.

As soon as they saw these soldiers, the surrounding auxiliary soldiers took a long breath and felt that they could let go of their worries.

The extremely tough elite wild boar warrior seemed to have sensed this change in the atmosphere. It roared, raised the two shields in its hands, and launched a sudden attack on the senior Shire swordsmen around it.

However, these terrifying elite soldiers were not in a hurry. First, the formation spread slightly, and they thrust out their spears almost simultaneously to use force to resist the opponent’s pig protrusions. The next moment, several of them suddenly rushed forward and drew out the sabers from their waists. Only a few cold flashes were seen. The light flashed past, and the sword light slashed into the gap in the wild boar warrior’s armor and shield, and the attack was completed with a gesture of no thickness.

This quilboar warrior may be an elite template, but it has no chance to continue to grow.

Crimson blood spurted out like a waterfall.

Behind the senior long swordsmen of the Shire, there are also Haidam infantry and Shire archers. They all cooperate with each other very well. With big swords, spears, arrows, and waist knives, these human warriors have improved their basic attributes and quality. Finally, with crushing martial arts and cooperation, he drove the orc warriors in front of him off the city wall.


Kress has been paying attention to the changes in the war. She saw blood, corpses, and broken arms all over the city. However, she did not feel frightened by this. Instead, she felt stimulated and invigorated.

At this time, Kress, who had been holding a telescope, suddenly found a fire looming in the mirror, and she immediately looked at it intently.

The next moment, Kress could no longer care about anything else. He only had time to shout loudly and run away. Then he supported the city wall with one hand, turned over and jumped off the arrow tower.

Before the other crossbowmen in the high-rise arrow tower could realize what was happening, they saw a dark red fireball suddenly crash into their field of vision.

Boom, an explosion.

The entire arrow tower immediately burst into flames, and the flames spread in all directions, blazing crazily and licked by tongues of fire.

“Huhu, almost, almost died.”


Kress, who jumped down to the city wall, turned his head and looked back, roared out of extreme fear, and tried to cheer up.

Who would have thought that those shamans did not choose to attack Fatis, who was still active on the city wall, but moved their attack target to the high arrow tower.

Without the brass telescope, Kress might have been enveloped in flames.

Rhodes did not bother to comfort Kress at this time. He believed that a person with heroic talent would not die so easily.

If there is luck in this world, then the luck of heroes is often higher than that of ordinary people, at least when it comes to survival.

“Move up all the elite troops. The shaman casters of the coalition forces have already suffered heavy losses in the previous battle. Now after two rounds of intermediate magic, they can at most only fire one or two more rounds. We can bear this loss.” ”

You have to endure it even if you can’t bear it. As the same saying goes, there is no one who is immortal on the battlefield.

Following Rhodes’ instructions, many crossbowmen swarmed up the city wall, no longer dodging the shots, and the crossbow arrows suddenly became much more violent.

As mentioned earlier, crossbowmen are a typical “low-level, high-death unit”, especially for the orcs who lack armor and equipment.

There was once an old proverb circulating on this continent called “Orcs have no armor, elves have no city.”

It describes the toughness and bravery of orcs. Whenever they face a battle without armor, their fighting spirit will not decrease even if they are covered in blood and bruises. Their strong vitality and survival instinct also make ordinary armor a redundant burden.

Elves are natural controllers of magic. Even if they enjoy life and do not practice, they can instinctively master several basic magics after they reach adulthood. Therefore, wherever elves live, whether they are large towns or small villages, they can use layers of magic lavishly. Magical barriers establish a safe space, eliminating the need to build fortifications such as city walls.

However, this is already an old proverb from ancient times. As time goes by, things change. With the development of longbows, heavy crossbows, and heavy armors, the orcs who continue to maintain their unarmored glory often do not want to Wear it because you are too poor to afford it.

Although the Centaur tribe in the wilderness maintains certain contacts and transactions with the Orc Kingdom, basic weapons and equipment, such as armor, are also rare in the Orc Kingdom, which is inferior to humans in terms of craftsmanship and iron ore smelting. Yes, of course it is impossible to equip the centaur tribe in large quantities and occasionally give them as valuable gifts, which is great.

“General, continuing to carry out such a forced siege will cause too much damage to us! If this continues, our morale will collapse soon.”

“Why don’t our army give in temporarily and besiege the city or think of other methods, it is worse than continuing to attack like this!”

Within the Centaur coalition, at this time, a Centaur deputy general came to Sao Feng Mulila and said this.

Although the orcs are brave, they have a limit. If they continue to die like this and survive the rain of enemy crossbows and arrows, they will eventually become psychologically unbearable as time goes by.

However, in the face of the suggestions of his trusted lieutenant general, Sao Feng Mulila, the commander of the coalition forces, did not pay attention to it and just said some cold words:

“Order Kuta, Tu Ke, and Morova to organize the most heroic warriors and prepare to attack the city.”


“Excuting an order!”

“Yes, General.” The lieutenant general couldn’t understand why the general who always treated his soldiers well would make such a decision. In the end, he could only turn around and convey this order that would turn countless centaur warriors into bones. .

However, the adjutant did not notice that all the harpies and jackal guards in his own army had disappeared.

General Sao Feng Mulila stared at the position where the troops disappeared, with a proud smile on his lips.

“A new era is coming. As long as we can occupy this fortress, our race can take the lead. Brave children, your sacrifice is worth it.”


Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Status: Completed Author:


The immortal gods fell in the dusk, and the civilization of elven magic and goblin technology also disappeared in the long river of history.
Millions of years have passed, and with the tide of fate surging again, these former greats who are dead but not stiff once again open their eyes in the abyss, greedily peeking at this vibrant world.
On this day, Rodhart from another world became a pioneer noble.
Fight against the wilderness race, resist the conspiracy of the imperial nobles behind him, explore the ancient ruins buried in the dust of history, when he finally thinks he has enough power to protect himself, looking back, he finds that he has come to the highest peak of this world step by step.
ps: You can also read without obstacles even if you have not played Mount and Blade games


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