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My love simulation with them — Chapter 10

“Uh…when I was in Nanxiang, the first class of the second year of Ocha High School.”


There was no sound from the other end of the phone for a long time.

After quite a while, a sound sounded like Ikuyo Kita taking a gulp of water to suppress his shock.

“S-Senior Nanxiang?”

“What’s wrong? Kita-chan?”

Itachi Hongxia’s pale yellow side ponytail trembled. This was the first time she saw the sunny and cheerful Kita Ikuyo like this.

She couldn’t help but ask: “Is Nanxiang very famous in your school?”

“He is not a famous person, Ichi-senpai, you should ask me who in our school doesn’t know him.”

Compared to Goto Kazuri, who always huddles in a corner, Kita Ikuyo, who has many friends, obviously knows Nanxiang better.

She clasped her fingers and started listing them one by one.

“He has ranked first in grade for two consecutive years. There are rumors that he can easily get full marks in the class even if he doesn’t listen to the class. Even if he takes a nap during class, he is recognized by the teacher. You know he ranked No. 1 in the last national deviation value test. How many?”


Ask questions and then answer them.

“That kind of person is a real genius. I overheard it once when I was delivering materials to a teacher. Senior Nanxiang, a second-year student, was admitted to Tokyo University even with his eyes closed.”

“Oh – so awesome!”

Even Yamada Ryo, who always had an expressionless face and seldom praised others easily, couldn’t help but blink his big beautiful eyes after hearing these words and started to praise.

After all, she has always regarded Dongda as her goal.

“If Goto-san is really bullied by him…even if we tell the teacher and discuss it with him…the teacher will probably only believe him and not us.”

Kita Ikuyo sounded worried, losing the confidence he had just now.


Yijizhi Hongxia was completely confused. She murmured to herself in confusion: “But such a powerful person…why would he bully Xiao Lonely?”

Shouldn’t these two people be parallel lines?

At this moment, everyone turned their attention to Goto Kazuri, who was about to get back into the trash can, looking lonely and pitiful.

Chapter 14. Three-eye simulation, start!

The discussions behind the band’s ‘end’ were actually not clear when they returned to Nanxiang in their rental house.

After all, from the beginning, he just wanted to have a good communication with Goto Ichiri.

In order to prevent her from escaping, he pretended to record the video – he originally planned to delete it directly in front of her.

As for the subsequent development of the ‘bullying’ route, he was unexpected.

The main reason is that people like Kazuri Goto, who have long-term social fears and low self-esteem, will always subconsciously lead the conversation with him in the direction of bullying.

Things like handing over your wallet, handing in your guitar—basically all of them were delusions of persecution dreamed up by Goto Kazuri, a sociophobe who felt pressured by simple interactions with others.

Seeing that he still couldn’t communicate with Goto Ichiri, who was so nervous that he didn’t even dare to raise his head, Nanxiang Shi accepted the other person’s guitar and planned to let her calm down and talk tomorrow.

The only thing to be thankful for is.

Different from the simulation plot, Nanxiang Shi took the initiative to contact Goto Kazuri this time and deliberately chose the atrium after school, and no one else noticed.

Therefore, ‘school gossip’ like in the simulation should not appear.

Although the contact process was not as smooth as he imagined, he still got what he needed.

It doesn’t refer to the guitar, but to Kazuri Goto’s LINE account.

Goto Kazuri simply couldn’t refuse and added his account.

Thinking of this, Nanxiang shook his head, thinking that it would be better to explain a few words so as not to make Gotou Ichiri feel uneasy.

He opened LINE and selected Ichiri Goto’s avatar.

The most beautiful boy in Tokyo: Don’t worry, the guitar is only temporarily borrowed and will be returned to you tomorrow. I didn’t keep any of your dark history videos, they have been deleted.

Put down the phone.

Almost two minutes passed.

[You get 20 heartbeat points from Ichiri Goto]

At the same time, it was Goto Kazuri’s words.

Probably dead: Yes, yes, sorry! I am sincerely afraid that I will make you feel unhappy this time. I will bring my wedding expenses with you tomorrow. Please accept it.

“?” Nanxiang time.

He could only explain again.

Tokyo’s most beautiful boy: That’s not what I meant.

Probably dead: just, my lifelong wedding expenses are not enough?

The most beautiful boy in Tokyo: I mean, you don’t have to be under so much psychological pressure. Can’t Goto-san play the guitar? I’m also very interested. Can I ask you for advice then?

Probably dead: that means not only money, but also my time will be…

“…..”Fine. Let it be what it is.

When I realized that I seemed to be describing the darker and darker Nanxiang, I decisively interrupted the online conversation.

He probably understood that for people like Goto Kazuri who dare not talk to others and have low self-esteem and self-abuse, they always seem to think about things in the worst direction.

There are many beautiful things under the sun, but she always casts her eyes on the shadows unconsciously.

This has been her living condition for a long time, having been alone since she was a child.

It is unrealistic to expect her to change in a short while.

For a person who is used to huddled in shadow corners, if you suddenly pull her into the sunlight, it will only cause her pain.

It seems that we can only do it step by step – hey, women are just troublesome creatures.

Put down the phone.

Nan Xiangshi re-examined the so-called ‘heartbeat value’ setting of the system.

The heartbeat value here probably does not only refer to the heartbeat in the sense of goodwill. Even if the simulated subject is a little worried and afraid like Nanxiang Shi did before, the ‘heartbeat value’ can be considered a heartbeat.

Nanxiang Shi shook his head and opened Goto Kazuri’s guitar bag.

Inside, is the electric guitar that Ichiri Goto often uses.

Without pickups and effects, I couldn’t practice any music for the time being. I could only borrow Goto Kazuri’s guitar to practice fingering and hand patterns.

According to the knowledge about guitar in the music LV1 provided by the system, Nanxiang Shi lowered his head and practiced for almost an hour and a half. It was not until his fingertips started to tingle when pressing the strings and his wrists became sore that he gave up practicing.

For an hour and a half, I just barely got started with fingering.

Nanxiang Shi was actually not too satisfied with this speed.

Although he did not use the Rock Queen’s study card, he himself was assisted by the special skill of Music LV1.

And it wasn’t until this moment that he understood what kind of efforts she had put in after he left Goto Ichiri in the simulation.

There is no doubt that ‘Guitar Hero’, who has 30,000 subscribers, has superb guitar skills.

But if I want to go one step further from ‘Guitar Hero’ and reach the pinnacle of national rock queen in a short period of time…

It’s no wonder that Goto Ichiri in the simulation suffered from all kinds of mental stress, and at one point needed to take psychostimulant drugs to survive.

In the end, he died of illness…

This woman, in a sense, is indeed so stupid that it makes people feel bad…

Nanxiang Shi turned to look at the love simulator and fell into thinking.

Although he and Goto Kazuri became lovers in the second week, and indeed entered into marriage, the process was not smooth. Goto Kazuri practiced guitar without sleep and food, and his body collapsed at an early age, and he also chose Going to an ordinary university and working in an ordinary company after graduation, this is not a good result for both of them. In addition, Goto Ichiri’s social phobia symptoms have not alleviated even into adulthood.

The only way she could deal with people normally was to end her band and her family. Even when she faced the media, it was only Hikaru Itachi and Ikuyo Kita who came up for interviews. Occasionally, there were interviews that required her to appear, and she would only use her superb guitar. SOLO cleverly disguises himself and rarely speaks directly in interviews.

In the end, Goto Kazuri died of regret due to physical burden, and he tragically committed suicide by throwing himself into a lake because he could not accept the reality of his wife’s death.

In the end, nothing was resolved. If it were to end with some word games, it would definitely be a BAD END.

No wonder it only received a low passing score of 67 points.

Nanxiang Shi was thinking, his fingers sliding through several options.

In the second week, it was because he paid too much attention to Goto Kazuri and ignored the gossip in the school, which led to the subsequent tragedy.

So change the strategy this time.

So what if we temporarily look away from Goto Isato, change our thinking, and extinguish the source of the rumors?

【Do you want to start the last simulation process? 】

【yes! 】

[Number of remaining simulations: 1]

Memories from the simulation began to flash back in my mind.

[After traveling through a year, you came into contact with Ichiri Goto from Class 2 of the first year. You shamelessly got in touch with her under the pretext of learning guitar and became friends with her. Day after day, she was Infected by your humorous words and cheerful attitude towards life, the original gloomy expression became less and less, and the smiles on her face became more and more. With your encouragement, she concentrated on guitar activities outside school, but with you She has never forgotten the agreement. 】

[Everything seems to be developing in a good direction. 】

【You decide–】

[1. Ichiri Goto’s situation still makes you uneasy, please continue to pay attention to Ichiri Goto’s situation]

[2. Occasionally, you should also focus on other things, and temporarily take your eyes away from Goto Ichiri]

[3. It’s too boring to fall in love all the time. Let’s study instead. 】

[4. Personal simulation]

The system page is different this time.

The first option dims, which means that this simulated route has been traveled and cannot be selected again.

But Nanxiang didn’t care either.

His finger slid toward the second option, waiting for the simulation to change this time.

[You think Goto Ichiri’s situation has stabilized. Although she still needs you to worry about, if you interfere blindly, it will only deepen her dependence on you. You will move your eyes away from Goto Ichiri and focus on other things. 】

[With keen observation, you discovered that during this period, because you spent a long time in school talking and laughing with Goto Kazuri in the music room, the seeds of rumors between you and her had vaguely appeared on campus. 】

[Faced with the seeds of rumors sprouting in the school, you decide——]

【1. Great! There are already rumors circulating outside that I am dating Yili! This is the time to fan the flames, drum up rumors, and wait for an opportunity to express your feelings]

[2. They are just some school rumors. Every school will have them. If you leave them alone, you should be able to calm them down.]

[3. Prevent rumors from spreading]

[4. Personal simulation]

Brand new options popped up, making Nanxiang Shi’s eyes light up.

Sure enough, after choosing this route, new options appeared that were not available in the second week.

Chapter 15. Loneliness is actually a very romantic word

For Nanxiang Shi, these options are actually not difficult to choose.

The first option is simply to avoid chaos in the world, and actually want him, the person involved, to fan the flames – it is simply because he is afraid that Goto will not be autistic.

The second option is actually to simply let it go.

If you choose this option, there is a high probability that you will follow the tragic path of the second week.

Considering this, Nanxiang Shi decisively chose three.

[In the face of rumors, you who have always been at the center of rumors actually don’t care, but you are worried about the impact this matter will have on Goto Kazuri]

[So you found the source of the rumor]


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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not work with dark mode