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My love simulation with them — Chapter 13

[But because your relationship with other girls has been getting better and better recently, it seems that the distance between you and her has become farther and farther. Recently, you have not been able to say more than two words to her. 】

[Having been with her for so long, you will naturally know that she is a slender and insecure girl. She has always been eager to communicate with others. Rather than waiting, it is better to take the initiative]

[You decide to ask Ichiri Goto out. 】

Well done.

Nan Xiangshi sighed inwardly while watching the simulation.

All he can say is that he is worthy of himself and his self-discipline is indeed strong enough.

Even in the face of the band ending and all kinds of beautiful girls among the stars, I can still stick to my original intention.

[It was not difficult for you to invite Ichiri Goto. It was just a phone call and she agreed. You can tell from the voice on the phone that your invitation made her happy. 】

[On the day we met, Ichiri Goto’s outfit made your eyes light up. 】

[You never thought that she is so beautiful when she dresses up seriously. 】

Her fair and translucent skin sets off her hair that looks like cherry blossom petals, and her well-proportioned pale white lace top paired with a black mid-length skirt makes Goto Kazuri extraordinarily charming today.

But what’s even more attractive is her figure that people can’t take away from, which is plumper than the average high school student.

[Because she usually has a hunched back and sportswear that is too loose, her beautiful figure has never been fully exposed in front of others. The overly fancy dress recommended by Kita Ikuyo made her even more uneasy. This is the first time she has shown her appearance apart from her family. 】

[But when she saw your eyes that were actively attracted to you for the first time, she could only lower her head happily and shyly. 】

[Because you don’t have any money, you can only take her shopping briefly and sit in the park. 】

[But even if there is no decent gift or even a decent date venue, she is still very happy following you. As long as she can be with you, she is already very satisfied. 】

[In the end, you chose to eat at a family restaurant on the roadside. 】

[During the meal, in order to prevent the atmosphere from being too silent, you, the talkative person, did not forget to liven up the atmosphere, but as you were talking, you found that Gotou Ichiri started crying unknowingly. 】

[Under your concerned gaze, she finally whispered the reason. 】

[In the past two weeks, your relationship with the band members has been getting better and better. This result was originally a very happy thing for her, but while she was happy, she was also struggling with the relationship with them. The contact with you is too dazzling. 】

[If you touch the sun with your hands, you will be burned all over your body. 】

[She is very kind. She has never complained or doubted you or the other partners in the band. Instead, she feels extremely disgusted with herself for having such gloomy and negative thoughts. 】

[You didn’t speak, just patted her back gently to help her calm down, and listened silently as she vented all the uneasiness and negative emotions she had felt in the past two weeks. She is like a piece of fragile porcelain, and you protect her well. 】

[You helped Goto Kazuri untie the knot of anxiety she had been feeling, and handed over a guarantee that could effectively alleviate her anxiety – a marriage registration form with your signature and seal]

[Although you are not yet an adult, and your signature and seal on the marriage registration form have no legal effect for the time being, you have keenly noticed that Goto Ichiri’s uneasy mood has dissipated a lot. 】

[Since then, she has become much more relaxed, but the day when she will officially perform on stage is getting closer and closer. Everyone who finished the band was also more involved in practicing. 】

[Iji Xingge tells you that there is a reason for their hard work. It has always been their dream to perform on stage. 】

[You know how much effort Goto Kazuri and the others put into performing on stage, and you have no complaints about it. 】

[Ichi Xinge has always admired you. She specially asked her friend to borrow her old guitar that she hadn’t used for a long time and gave it to you to practice without one. 】

[Although you don’t have the guidance of Ichisato Goto, you have made rapid progress as a self-taught student. You are not stage frightened. You often perform on the street when you have enough time. Your outstanding appearance and excellent solo playing and singing skills attract people. Many girls stopped by. 】

[You have a deeper understanding of the guitar. Occasionally, you will replace Ikuyo Kita who cannot spare time to help with rehearsals. Your excellent guitar skills impress Hikaru Itachi and Ryo Yamada. 】

[Time passes day by day, and the day when all members of the ‘End’ band officially take the stage for the first time is getting closer and closer. 】

[And this is also the most important moment to end the band. 】

[You have always seen the hard work of everyone in the band. 】

[You have always wanted to help, but you can’t find the opportunity. This time, maybe it’s your time to show off, and you decide——]

[1. Leave it alone and be content with the situation. 】

[2. After playing on the roadside for a period of time, you have a certain number of passerby fans. You may be able to ask them to come over and help warm up the next time you play on the roadside. 】

[3. Take precautions before they happen and actively practice the music they are about to perform on stage to avoid accidents. 】

【4. Simulate in person. 】

These pop-up options caught Nanxiang Shi’s attention.

There is no doubt that this is a far-reaching option.

Chapter 19. Reluctance and uneasiness

Ending the band’s first official performance on stage.

The result of this performance will definitely have a huge impact on Goto Kazuri and even the entire band.

In the simulation, it took them more than three months to prepare for their official performance on stage, from rehearsing to taking the stage now.

If it fails, it means the band’s three months of hard work will be in vain. (In the animation, it did take several months from passing the first rehearsal to designing the team uniforms and then officially performing on stage)

The most important thing is that the band’s unity, which was finally gathered, may be lost a lot.

[1. Leave it alone and be content with the situation. 】

[2. After playing on the roadside for a period of time, you have a certain number of passerby fans. You may be able to ask them to come over and help warm up the next time you play on the roadside. 】

[3. Take precautions before they happen and actively practice the music they are about to perform on stage to avoid accidents. 】

【4. Simulate in person. 】

There is no doubt that the options before you will determine the final direction of the entire simulation.

When I was in Nanxiang, I started to think.

The first is the second option.

In this simulation, in order not to disturb the band’s rehearsal and at the same time to improve his guitar experience, he played on the roadside. As a result, he accumulated a certain number of fans from passers-by.

So, as it says in the options, should we invite them over to warm up?

After Nanxiang Shi thought for a moment, he shook his head and rejected it.

As a new rock band, except for Yamada Ryo, none of them have much experience on stage.

Excessive attention from fans will only increase their psychological burden and prevent them from performing to their original level, causing the quality of their performance to plummet.

The second option is obviously inappropriate.

What about option?

Nanxiang shifted his attention to one option.

Just giving up, doing nothing, and just taking things as they come is too negative an attitude.

Nanxiang Shi’s eyes repeatedly jumped between one and three, and finally he chose three.

Preventive measures.

If something unexpected happens during the performance, he can come to the rescue in time.

This option is undoubtedly very safe.

The simulation continues——

[Ending the band’s painstaking practice, you, as a bystander, have always seen it, and their efforts are impossible to ignore. You decide to practice ending the song the band is practicing to avoid any surprises and to prevent them from happening before they happen. 】

[You practice very seriously, and sometimes you will even sit in and put on headphones to cooperate with them at the end of the band’s rehearsal. 】

[With your terrifying learning ability, you have practiced the three songs that ended the band’s appearance with great proficiency. And because you have been watching from the sidelines for a long time, you have gradually understood everyone’s playing styles and habits. Therefore, you are very confident, even if you encounter No matter what accident happens, you can use your excellent coordination skills to reverse the situation. 】

[The days continued to pass, and finally, it was the end’s turn for the band to take the stage for the first time. 】

[On this day, a typhoon struck suddenly, and the raindrops fell heavier and heavier, creating an anxious atmosphere. 】

[In such a depressing atmosphere, you keenly discovered that everyone who had finished the band was in a low mood, not only because of the nervousness of going on stage for the first time, but also because of the heavy rainstorm, which might affect the number of listeners at the Stars Performance Hall. . 】

[Time gradually moved forward with some uneasiness, but the time to go on stage finally arrived. 】

[You watch the four girls take the stage, silently praying in your heart that the performance will end perfectly. 】

[However, it was as if they were dragged down by the negative atmosphere of the heavy rain, and as if they were too nervous in front of the audience, everyone who ended the band could not perform to their original level. 】

[The bass aura was lacking, the drum beats sounded messy, and Ikuyo Kita, the lead singer, even had a broken voice at the end. Only Goto Kazuri’s level was relatively stable. 】

[The atmosphere at the scene was very awkward. 】

The text displayed on the simulator was so crude and simple, but Nanxiang, who actually kept gaining memories, saw——

Yamada Ryo, who has always been calm and collected, was fingering stiffly.

Because of his broken voice, Kita Ikuyo had a rather embarrassing smile on his originally energetic face.

Behind it is Yijizhi Hongxia who is too anxious to smooth things over.

Under the stage, there were audience members who had to come early despite the heavy rain. They were full of complaints.

Nanxiang watched all this.

[The end of the band’s debut can be described as horrific, but you had already expected this to happen, and the preparations to prevent it before it happened worked. 】

[You used the humorous words you had prepared to resolve the embarrassing situation of ending the band, and at the same time played the guitar. 】

[There is no doubt about your guitar playing skills. Even Ichiri Goto was surprised by your improvement when you suddenly appeared on the stage. What surprised them even more was that you seemed to know their playing style well. 】

[Your arrival is like a conductor suddenly appearing in the originally scattered orchestra. 】

[At this moment, both Ryo Yamada, Ikuyo Kita, who was nervous and embarrassed just now, and Hikaru Itachi, who couldn’t find the rhythm, have all found their own level. 】

[The excellent level of continuation made the audience who were full of complaints just now retract all their prejudices. The psychedelic lights dropped by the lighting engineer were an action that they were willing to applaud to end the band. 】

[The girls on the stage hugged each other happily, and Ijichi Hongxia smiled. 】

[Ending The band’s first performance had its ups and downs, but was as successful as you could hope for. 】

[After the performance, Iji Hoshige, the boss of Fanxing, personally sat down to treat the guests. At the dinner table, everyone showed smiles. The adult group exchanged cups, while the underage group drank carbonated drinks. 】

[Ichichi Hikaru and Kita Ikuyo excitedly discussed the details just now, while Yamada Ryo remained taciturn. 】

[Goto Ichisato holds your hand tightly and whispers with a red face what you want to eat. 】

[Everything is silent in an atmosphere of joy, and you should think so. 】

[Perhaps because of the influence of the atmosphere, you, who have always been observant, did not notice this time. Hidden under the joy and happiness was the reluctance and uneasiness in the hearts of the band members. 】


Nanxiang Shi, who was still feeling the joyful emotions of everyone in the simulation, felt bad when he saw these words.

But why?

Isn’t everything smooth sailing?

Ending the band’s first performance was barely a success.

And it was also recognized by the audience.

Logically speaking, there are no flaws or mistakes.

Nanxiang Shi couldn’t help but think.

Are there any details that went wrong?

Chapter 20. She was so beautiful at the wedding banquet

What exactly is the problem?

When I was in Nanxiang, I couldn’t help but think.

Whether it is for him or for the ending band, it should be the best result to save the first messed up performance and gain the attention of the audience.

There is no use in thinking all the time.

Nanxiang Shi decided to continue reading, maybe he could find the answer to the question from the subsequent direction.

[The first performance is officially over. After the band is over, the band returns to daily life, and you continue to learn guitar with Ichiri Goto. Under Goto Ichiri’s careful guidance and strong learning talent, your guitar level has improved. Soon it will advance by leaps and bounds]

[Your fingering, which was still somewhat flawed at first, has become very proficient, both in terms of technique and style. It has become increasingly mature. In terms of guitar skills alone, perhaps Ichiri Goto is just one step ahead of you. 】

[Things are going in a good direction, but you are in a band environment, but you are keenly aware that something is wrong]

[Recently, Ichichi Hongka has taken the initiative to talk to you more often. She mainly asks about ending the band. 】

[You feel a little strange. Hongxia Itachi, who formed this band, should be the core of this band]


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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