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My love simulation with them — Chapter 130

‘She’s gone, I’ll probably never find her again. ’

The male protagonist in the novel speaks like this.

Even Hiratsuka Shizuka, who is outside the novel world, can feel the other person’s mood.

The regret of not being able to love.

The loneliness that I once had but finally disappeared.

Read all the original manuscripts of the novel.

Hiratsuka Shizuka closed her eyes.

All kinds of emotions were tumbling in her heart.

But what made her feel sad and heartbroken the most was——

“I’m obviously almost thirty years old, but I haven’t dated anyone yet.”

Tears seeped out from the corners of his eyes.

After putting down the manuscript of the novel, she murmured to herself extremely aggrievedly, almost sadly.

Even in the novel, the male protagonist, who is so slow and insensitive to emotions, can meet the love of his life, the girl Juzi.

But what about her?

She has nothing!

All I face every day is my empty home.

Drinking cold beer!

That’s all!

At this moment, an indescribable sadness and grievance emerged from deep in my heart.

And after the endless sadness emerged, it was an indescribable impulse.

She also really wants to fall in love!

Like in this short story.

Meet someone by chance and have an extremely romantic love affair!

correct! Find someone to confess to now!

Don’t hesitate!

Romantic love only comes once!

As an adult, you cannot be a coward!

I don’t want to die alone!

I want to boldly woo you! Even if the target is a student, we still have to take action as soon as possible——

“That’s weird!”

Standing up suddenly, Shizuka Hiratsuka shook his head vigorously.

It took a lot of effort to get rid of the thoughts of ‘wanting to find someone to express my feelings to’, ‘wanting to be alone all my life’, and ‘wanting to have a romantic and lasting love’ from my mind.

After completing this action, she let out a breath of relief.



A stuttering voice came from beside him.

It was only then that Hiratsuka Shizu noticed.

Next to them, Taketo Ishikawa and Omiya Na were looking at him with extremely strange eyes.

Mainly because Hiratsuka Shizu’s reaction just now was too scary.

I was obviously just reading a novel written by Nan Xiang, and I burst into tears while reading it.

That’s not all. Later, he suddenly muttered to himself, stood up suddenly, muttered to himself and made a fuss.

This situation is indeed very scary for those who are unaware of it.

It’s like some kind of mental illness is going on.

Even just now, Kento Ishikawa wanted to call 120.

If Omiya Na had not stopped him, Hiratsuka Shizuka would have been pulled into an ambulance today and taken to a mental hospital to have his mental condition checked.

Especially Kento Ishikawa is a bit regretful.

A good female teacher who is so beautiful actually suffers from mental illness. Really…

He couldn’t help but ask: “Um…Teacher Hiratsuka…are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

Feeling the “regretful” look from Taketo Ishikawa, even for a mature social person like Hiratsuka Shizuka, it was quite embarrassing.

She coughed dryly.


Kento Ishikawa was very suspicious of Shizuka Hiratsuka’s words, but he was too embarrassed to point it out directly, so he could only speak tentatively:

“But I just saw you…”

“I’m fine! Teacher Ishikawa! I’m really fine!”


Ishikawa Kento did not speak, but silently stepped back: “I believe Mr. Hiratsuka.”

“…” Shizuka Hiratsuka.


Did you take that step back seriously?

The corners of Hiratsuka Shizu’s mouth twitched.

But fortunately, she is already a mature social person. She did not point out Ishikawa Kento’s behavior, but focused her attention on the novel in front of her again.

It is different from the previous dislike, worry about Nanxiang Shi’s writing, and feeling that it is simply impossible for a male high school student to write good literary novels.

Hiratsuka Shizuka really believes it now.

I believe that geniuses really exist in this world.

Unlike Hiroi Kiuri who only knows how to say, “Okay!” Great! Great! ’ women are different.

Hiratsuka Shizuka, who graduated from a serious academic class and was employed at Sobu High School, had a completely different literary quality.

She can clearly understand that Miss Komako in the article can not only represent the hero’s love object.

It can also represent the loneliness of soul and the desire of contemporary young people living in big cities for something beautiful.


Contemporary youth long for love but dare not pursue it.

Yearning for a better life, but afraid to move forward.

I can only imagine my lost ‘Miss Komako’ in the memories over and over again, standing still and spending the rest of my life in memory.

This is a very real thing.

Don’t you have any?

The kind of thing where you miss someone, something, or something, and in the end you can only sigh with regret.

But perhaps just as the hero stood in the wilderness and called out——

“Gone! Gone! Everything is gone!”

What disappears never comes back.

She couldn’t help but look at Nanxiang and said, “Nanxiang, are you really the one who created this short story?”

“What’s wrong? Is there something wrong? Mr. Hiratsuka?”

Nanxiang had been watching Shizuka Hiratsuka for a long time.

After discovering that although the other party was sick, his condition was not serious, he felt relieved and replied.

“No… that… there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Hiratsuka Shizu opened his mouth.

Is there something wrong with this novel?

to be honest.

Even with her critical eye for literary works, she didn’t feel there was any problem.

Nanxiang Shi not only had a solid writing skills.

Even the arrangement and design of the plot are very clever.

This made her a little incredible.

You must know that Nanxiang was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

Based on his experience.

Hiratsuka Shizuka simply couldn’t imagine how the other party could create such excellent… even literary works that couldn’t find any faults at all.



The short story in front of me can definitely be regarded as a “literary work”.

“Teacher Hiratsuka, based on your impression after reading it, do you have any opinions or problems with the novel?”

Yesterday I just faced the unreliable three-person adult group in the ‘Stars’ performance hall, and today I finally found an educated adult.

Of course Nanxiang Shi would not be polite and asked directly.

You must know that the other person is a Chinese teacher, so he should have his own opinions on this type of work.

Questions asked when facing Nanxiang.

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who has always been casual and carefree and always got along with the students, was a little speechless.

What is the problem?

to be honest.

Hiratsuka Shizuka even felt that with her mere level as a Chinese language teacher, she was completely unqualified to raise questions about this novel.

I was moved to tears and heartbroken by it, completely immersed in the world of the novel.

In fact, it can already be seen.

This novel already received full marks in her mind.

But Nanxiang Shi spoke like this.

Hiratsuka Shizu thought for a while: “How should I say…”

“If I have a question…”

Shizuka Hiratsuka handed the manuscript to Ishikawa Kento, shook his head, and looked at Nanxiang with a sigh: “That is, for a high school student, this short story is too mature… and too perfect. ”

This is undoubtedly a compliment.

Likewise, Shizuka Hiratsuka is envious.

When Hiratsuka Shizuka was a student, she was actually very envious of people like Nango Shizuki who were talented in literature.

to be honest.

Who at that time didn’t want their article to be circulated back and forth by the whole class as a model essay? Don’t you want your articles to be worth thousands of dollars?

But obviously, Nanxiang’s level far exceeded her knowledge at that time.

This was also an important reason why she asked Nanxiang Shi who the author of this novel was.


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


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