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My love simulation with them — Chapter 23

I believe that the members of the band that ended will have a way to get through it.

This is outrageous to say.

Nanxiang Shi couldn’t help but shake his head.

There is a saying that goes well – when people are forced to be anxious, they can do anything except math problems.

Rely on them to solve it independently?

Just based on Goto Ichiri’s academic ability, even if he works hard, he can only get into an ordinary university? Just rely on Yamada Ryo’s single-core brain processor?

It was indeed not that Nanxiang Shi didn’t want to believe them, but that the academic abilities between the two of them really didn’t give Nanxiang Shi the confidence to believe them.

Thinking of this, Nanxiang Shi almost had the answer.

He chose the second option.

Although it is a bit reluctant, it is safer to take care of everyone here.

At least they have to avoid the risk of repeating a grade.

[You considered the balance of the overall academic ability of the band and decided to tutor the four of them with one person, and you also felt very confident that relying on your own level of being the first in the country in deviation value, it would be no problem to tutor the four of them. 】

[In the stars, the daily musical instrument practice activities are still continuing, but after the musical instrument practice, there is an additional tutoring activity. 】

[In academic guidance, you are not strict, but carefully and meticulously guide the members of the band. 】

[Ijichi Hongka and Kita Ikuyo asked for advice many times. You patiently explained their questions and waited until they fully understood before answering the next difficult point. 】

[During this process, Hikaru Itachi and Ikuyo Kita were amazed at your rich knowledge reserve. Similarly, they were also concerned that tutoring would affect your academic performance. 】

[Their worries are not groundless. You must know that in order to help the band members finish tutoring, you deliberately freed up your own study time. Although you are still ranked first in the grade, your academic performance has indeed declined, but you have Didn’t care at all. 】

[For you, helping the ending band get through the difficulties as soon as possible is the most important thing. 】

[You forced yourself to be exhausted and told Ijichi Hongxia and Kita Ikuyo so that they don’t have to worry. 】

At night, the stars display in the performance hall and practice room.

“Nanxiang-san…is it really okay?”

Ichichi Hongxia looked up at the young man in front of her uneasily: “In order to help us with tutoring, your own grades are already declining, right? It’s obviously such a critical period for you.”

“I also feel that it is too reluctant to help the four of us.”

Kita Ikuyo’s voice was filled with guilt, and even his usually energetic red hair dimmed: “I heard that Nango-senpai’s score in this exam has dropped. Is it really because of us?”

As we all know, although Japan has always promoted happy education, in fact, if you want to get into the university of your choice, there is no such thing as “happy education”.

Most Japanese high school students who want to go on to college will start signing up for various cram schools in their sophomore year of high school and start preparing.

In other words, Nanxiang Shi was actually in the same stressful period as them, facing college preparations.

He spared no effort to help them, and while they were grateful, they also felt a sense of guilt that was dragging him down.

Nanxiang Shi put down his textbook and rubbed his brows tiredly.

He could see the concern between the two of them, but he just forced himself to speak tiredly: “Don’t worry, it’s all something I am willing to do. I have never felt that you owe me anything.”


“It’s okay, don’t worry.”

Nanxiang yawned constantly, doing intensive tutoring, daily guitar practice and taking care of his own academic performance.

This kept his spirit in a state of tension, but he still comforted Kita Ikuyo and Ichichi Hongka: “Instead of caring about my academic performance, Hongxia and Ikuyo should think about how to do better next time.”

He smiled heartily: “Come on.”

These are undoubtedly the most difficult times.

But for some reason, with Nango Shi’s encouragement, Iji Chihongka and Kita Ikuyo, who were a little uneasy at first, regained their confidence.

But looking at his tired mental state, the two of them could not suppress their inner concern.

Nanxiang paused the simulation and rubbed his temples, clearly sensing something was wrong.

Wait a moment, wait a moment.

what’s the situation?

Where are Kazuri Goto and Ryo Yamada?

Nango clearly remembers that in past simulations, Hikaru Itachi and Ikuyo Kita basically played the roles of the yellow-haired female passerby and the red-haired female passerby.

He is one of those people who, despite having a very good relationship with him, rarely appears in the simulation.

But this week seems different.

Although Goto Kazuri and Yamada Ryo still have roles, this week’s episode is an addition, and the frequency of their appearances has also increased.

Will using ‘Stars’ as the home court cause such a change?

So, what kind of ending will this route lead to in the end?

The simulation will be restarted in Nanxiang time.

[The tutoring time continues. Since tutoring will be late every day, you are not worried about the other band members going home after the end, so you will send them home one by one. 】

[You will say some comforting words to Goto Ichiri when she is nervous. She likes to follow you and listen carefully without saying a word. 】

[When Yamada Ryo feels bored, you will also use your two life experiences before and after rebirth to cheer her up by telling anecdotes that only you know. She, who has always been cold and narcissistic, thinks you are a very interesting person. 】

[Kita Ikuyo cares about you very much, and he and Ichichi Hikaru often bring you snacks to express their condolences. 】

[You gradually become an irreplaceable member of their hearts]

Chapter 34. Your relationship with them takes a further step

[You gradually become an irreplaceable member of their hearts. 】

[Although you are not a member of the ending band, all the members of the ending band have already regarded you as an equally important person as the band members. 】

[Eating cheap lunch boxes for a long time, while also taking care of studies, guitar practice, and tutoring for four people, your body accumulates fatigue in the process, and you often feel a tingling sensation coming from the depths of your brain. 】

[The end of the band comes at a critical period. If Hongxia Itachi and Ryo Yamada repeat the grade this time, they will have to take the college exam the year after next. You don’t want to delay them because of this trivial matter. 】

[The band members noticed that something was wrong with you. They were very worried about your situation. They wanted to ask several times, but you always smiled and used your words to induce them to go back. For you, coaxing and fooling these high school girls was simply a matter of course. Easier than drinking water. 】

[You hid the fact that you were not feeling well and continued to tutor the members of the band that ended. 】


Hiding something about not feeling well?

In reality, when Nanxiang Shi looked at this line of words, he noticed something was wrong.

Is it really too much for four people to be together?

Nanxiang sighed.

Although I was still as good as ever, I still couldn’t withstand the needs of four adolescent girls who had a strong desire to learn.

[In the ‘Stars’ exhibition hall, you guided them to study according to their different personalities. Although this was much harder than unified teaching, you didn’t care. 】

[Your attitude of not slacking off and not giving up on any of them moved them, and their relationship with you became better. 】

[Ichiri Goto, who dares not look directly at others and communicates naturally with others, will look at you secretly when no one notices her. 】

[Yamada Ryo, who has always been taciturn and occasionally speaks a few words, will take the initiative to find some interesting topics to talk to you. For her, chatting with you, who speaks humorously, is the only relief from the boring study life. 】

[Ijichi Hongxia, who is always paying attention to the feelings of others, has been silently caring about your physical health. After tutoring, she will always bring you a cup of hot coffee, stay with you in a low voice, and tell you some things that you can read online. How to take care of your body】

[Kita Ikuyo seems to have already regarded you as a close friend, and she often talks to you for heart-to-heart chats. She seems to be a little concerned about whether you are single. 】

[The band members are relying on you more. 】

[As time goes on, you will often feel physically uncomfortable, but you are still giving them targeted tutoring. The band members trust you very much and they will always complete the study plan you arranged seriously. 】

[During such an intensive tutoring process, the academic abilities of the band members improved rapidly. In the latest final exam, Iji Chihongka, Yamada Ryo, Kita Ikuyo, and Goto Kazuri all achieved ideal results. 】

[They are very happy about this, not only because they have achieved excellent academic results, but more importantly, they have not let your efforts go to waste. 】

[On this day, they who got good grades couldn’t wait to come to ‘Stars’ and wanted to tell you, who had been working hard for them, about their achievements. Even Yamada Ryo, who has always been aloof, took the initiative to buy a cake and prepared to celebrate today. . 】

[They waited for a long time that day, but they didn’t wait for you who came to ‘Stars’ on time every day. 】

[Cheap daily lunch boxes, too bad daily accommodation, long and heavy guidance and study tasks will make you physically and mentally exhausted. 】

【You are sick. 】

You have today too.

Outside the simulation, Nan Xiang was gloating over his misfortune.

As someone who can feel simulated memories, he naturally knows how popular he is in the simulation.

Goto Ichiri, who dared not look at others, could only have the courage to speak when facing him. Yamada Ryo, who was taciturn, would find some topics from time to time and take the initiative to talk to him.

Itachi would often come over to care about his health, while Kita Ikuyo would talk to him from time to time.

The days spent with the girls were so enjoyable and fulfilling that during the simulation, he completely forgot about fatigue and took care of his body.

As for the too bad living environment?

Nanxiang glanced at the rental house where he lived.

The systematic evaluation is undoubtedly correct.

In a one-bedroom apartment, the living room is the bedroom. There are always mold spots on the ceiling of the bathroom, and a strange smell comes out when the weather gets a little hotter.

The original conditions for eating and drinking were average, and the living environment was also the same, so it was reasonable for him to fall ill in the simulation.

Nanxiang was thinking about whether he should really think of some way to make some money to improve his living environment and dietary conditions.

As he thought this, his men were not idle and continued the simulation.

[Itachi Xingge brought the news of your illness to the band members. 】

[The members of the band are all a little surprised by your sudden illness and the end of the band. They never thought that you, who always looked healthy, would fall ill. 】

[Under their concerned inquiries, Yi Ji Xingge then told your story. 】

[Until then, Yijizhi Hongxia and the others realized that you, who had never shown any negative emotions in front of them, had actually been living alone in a cold, low-cost rental house with some drafts. At home, you only ate Look at the cheap lunch boxes from convenience stores that are not nutritious. 】

[Similarly, at this time, they also realized how labor-intensive it is for one person to take care of the academic guidance of four people and teach students according to their aptitude. 】

[Take care of your own studies, ensure the progress of guitar practice, and have one person to guide four people… You are also made of flesh and blood, so of course you will feel tired. 】

[On the hospital bed, you were as talkative as ever. Facing the guilty and remorseful looks in Yiji Zhihongxia’s and others’ eyes, you didn’t complain at all. You just smiled to express your comfort and told them not to take it to heart. 】

[But you forgot one thing. 】

[You cherish and love them, and they do the same to you. 】

[After discussion, Ijichi Hongxia decided that they will take care of your daily life. 】

[This time, even Goto Kazuri, who has never been good at contacting others, and Yamada Ryo, who found it troublesome to take care of others, agreed to this proposal. 】

[The relationship between you and them has taken a further step. 】


Nanxiang was stunned when he saw this line of characters popping up and was waiting to see the subsequent results.

At the end of this route… what exactly does it lead to?

At present, everyone seems to have a high opinion of him…

Chapter 35. You stood up

[In order for your body to recover as soon as possible, Ichichi Hikaru, Yamada Ryo, Goto Kazuri, and Kita Ikuyo decided to take turns taking care of you. 】

[You will undoubtedly reject this. 】

[Because whether it’s Hikaru Itachi, Ryo Yamada, Kazuri Goto, or Ikuyo Kita, they have achieved their current results with great difficulty. 】

[You tell them that whether it is a band that has just started to improve or a performance that has been improved, it will take a lot of time to stabilize. Your body is just weak and does not require them to spare the already urgent time to take care of it. 】

[But this time, your excellent words did not fool them as usual. 】

[The band that keeps moving forward and the performance that improves are of course very important to them, but your weight in their hearts has never diminished. 】


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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