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My love simulation with them — Chapter 236

I also bought a Valentine’s Day gift for Yamada Ryo, Ijichi Hikaru and Kita Ikuyo.

This request seemed a bit incomprehensible to Nanxiang Shi.

But now I see my wife

“I…I just want everyone to have a happy Valentine’s Day with us.”

Nanxiang Yili laughed: “Otherwise… Valentine’s Day without gifts… would be too lonely.”

“Little loneliness…”

Seeing the appearance of Nango Ichiri, Itachi Hongxia and Kita Ikuyo were a little moved.

The other person is always thinking about others behind his back.

Even in a certain place, it is always so delicate and able to detect the feelings of others…

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Nanxiang chose Nanxiang Yili…?

Hold the gift in your hand.

Ichichi Hongka and Kita Ikuyo thanked Nango Ichiri and Nango Toki softly.

And Ms. Yamada on the other side?

After also expressing her gratitude, she was already opening gifts.

When she saw clearly that what was inside was the Bluetooth headset she had always wanted, she made a happy sound of “Oh——”.

This person is still…the same from beginning to end.

Seeing Yamada Ryo’s actions, everyone couldn’t help laughing and shaking their heads.

But maybe that’s exactly what it is.

It’s never a dull moment in a band.

Everyone always communicates easily and happily.

And this laughter is gradually enriched by the happy and warm atmosphere in the air…

The time is half past seven at night.

“See you tomorrow then.”

“Okay! See you tomorrow!”

Standing at the door, I bid farewell to Yamada Ryo, Kita Ikuyo, and Itachi Chihongka.

After working hard for a long time, Nanxiang Shi and Nanxiang Yili returned home contentedly.

The two of them looked at the time.

It was quite early to realize that Nanxiang Yili was tidying up the things on the table, turning his head and asking in a low voice:

“Ah Shi, do you want some tea?”

She knew that her husband had always had a habit of drinking a cup of tea to warm his stomach before washing up and going to bed at night.

“Not urgent.”

Nan Xiangshi blinked his eyes and looked at his wife’s busy and hard work. He couldn’t help but stretched out his hand and took her into his arms: “Sit with me for a while first, Yili.”


Nanxiang Yili’s face turned slightly red.

She was so meek by nature that she didn’t dare to resist her husband’s sudden attack.

And until then.

It was only in Nanxiang that I had the opportunity to formally take a look at what Nanxiang Yili will look like when he matures.

Her long pink hair is slightly scattered, and when busy, she will tie it into a single ponytail for easy movement.

The long bangs on her forehead that were too long when she was a student have long been trimmed completely, giving her a virtuous and dignified look.

Exquisite facial features and small cherry pink lips.

Skin that is too fair.

If you smell it carefully, you can even smell the fragrance of the shampoo on the other person’s hair.

But what attracted people’s attention was the other person’s figure that was as beautiful as a cherry blossom in spring.

As early as when he was a student, Nanxiang Yili’s figure was already crushing all the girls in the band.

At that time, she was still a little green.

But now it is completely different.

Her mature body and girlish heart made Nan Xiang gently caress the side of her face.

“Ah Shi…”

Nanxiang Yili lowered his head shyly and spoke in an inaudible voice: “Notake is still awake.”

The meaning of her words was actually very clear.

He had no intention of rejecting Nan Xiang.

I’m just saying that if the child is still awake, the movement should be a little quieter.

Regarding his wife’s obedience and docility, Nanxiang Shi also smiled, gently held his wife’s palm, and whispered into her ear:

“I was learning to compose music with Ryo early this morning. Notake was already tired and fell asleep just now.”

As he spoke, he asked his wife to sit on the sofa nearby, took her hand and said, “Yili, sleep later today.”


It seemed that he already knew what was going to happen next.

Nanxiang glanced around, and after finding no one, he held Nanxiang Shi’s hand tightly and nodded softly and shyly: “Yes.”

at this time.

The night outside Nan Xiang’s house was deep.

Occasionally, a car horn pierced the silence of the night sky.

The Milky Way pours down from the Tokyo night sky.

I don’t know whose heart it will fall into in the end…

Chapter 185. A happy ending for everyone hidden in the personal simulation

When all the movement stopped, Nanxiang gently stroked a mile of Nanxiang’s hair and looked at her smooth and white back that was as beautiful as a snow-capped mountain.

I was satisfied when I was in Nanxiang.

Satisfied indeed.

I have a wife with such a gentle personality.

There is also a daughter who is extremely talented in learning.

Nanxiang was contented.

But don’t know why.

Nanxiang Shi always felt that something else seemed to be hidden under his wife’s beautiful and dignified face.

It’s just that the other party considered his own feelings and didn’t speak out his words.


Taking a deep breath of his wife’s scent, Nan Xiangshi stroked her smooth back and asked: “Yili, are you worried about something?”


When her husband suddenly asked her, Nan Xiang’s fair face turned red obviously: “No, it’s nothing, Ah Shi – um -“

The last moment of her voice was prolonged because Nan Xiangshi’s lips blocked hers, and her blue eyes widened in panic.

“Say it.”

He let go of his mouth and spoke when Nanxiang spoke.


Nanxiang Yili lowered his head shyly and opened his mouth hesitantly: “Well… um——”

The tail sound is drawn out again.


She left her husband’s arms with a blushing face.

He was forcefully kissed one after another.

Even in Nanxiang, there is a bit of food and shelter.

With watery blue eyes, she finally put aside her hesitation and expressed her thoughts: “I was actually thinking about Liangsang, Hongxia-chan and Kita-chan…”

“Think about their affairs…?”

Nanxiang Shi looked at Nanxiang, waiting for her to continue.


Nanxiang Yili responded in a low voice, even in this posture, it looked very beautiful.

“Ryo, Hongka-chan and Kita-chan are all thirty or thirty-one this year. Toki must also know about this.”

“…Ok, I know.”

Probably knowing what Nanxiang Yili wanted to say, Nanxiang nodded.

“The three of them are still single even now…”

When Nanxiang Yili said this, he couldn’t help but let out a small sigh.

She is not a fool.

Naturally, we know the reasons why Yamada Ryo, Itachi Hikaru and Kita Ikuyo remain single.

It’s not that there aren’t good men pursuing them.

But these men’s pursuits, Yamada Ryo, Ichichi Hikaru and Kita Ikuyo basically rejected them all.

And the reason why they refused…

Nanxiang Yili gently raised his head and looked at his husband.

Even if you are already over thirty.

Nan Xiangshi’s face is still handsome, and his eyes are still so bright, clean and penetrating.

It was just like when I first met him and got to know him more than ten years ago.

It was as if time had not left any trace on that face at all.

On the contrary, something that has settled down has turned into the mature charm of a man, making it easier for him to attract women’s attention.

“So I have been thinking, is it really okay for me to be happy alone?”

Nanxiang Yili approached Nanxiang’s chest and murmured.

“The guys who ended the band were and still are one.”

Life is indeed very happy now.

But whenever I see Yamada Ryo, Itachi Hikaru, and Kita Ikuyo.

There is always an indescribable feeling of regret in Nanxiang.

Is it really good to only achieve happiness by yourself?

Even if Ryo Yamada, Hikaru Itachi, and Ikuyo Kita didn’t care and sent their blessings to her, it’s equivalent to living with her now.

Their single situation has not changed at all.

“To be honest, Ah Shi, I actually don’t care if they share it with me.”


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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