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My love simulation with them — Chapter 258

[You undoubtedly occupy a place in her heart. 】

[One afternoon, you confessed your love to her. 】

[That was the first time she shed tears except when she was sad. 】

The memory in the simulation ripples.

The scene emerges.

It was an ordinary afternoon.

Nango breathed out a sigh of relief after eating the bento Futaba Rio brought.

Futaba Rio also stopped peeking at him at this time, and gently flipped through the physics books placed in front of her.

The next second.

Nanxiang spoke casually, as if he was explaining what to eat tomorrow.

“Speaking of which, Rio, please be my girlfriend.”

Futaba Rio, who was always submissive to Nango, heard this and thought he was explaining what he wanted to eat tomorrow, so he nodded in agreement.

“Ah good.”

The words came out of her mouth.

Only then did he react.


When Nanxiang… what did you say just now?

His white fingers stopped flipping through the physics book.

Futaba Rio’s golden eyes raised in surprise, looking at Nanxiang who was smiling teasingly at her.

“N-Nanxiang…? Did you just…”

The voice was full of disbelief.

But before he finished speaking, Nanxiang Shi had already taken the initiative to speak.

“I said, date me and be my girlfriend, Rio.”



A sudden surprise.

Futaba Rio was left at a loss.

She looked surprised.

“What’s so surprising? I eat such delicious lunch boxes every day and drink such delicious coffee. I don’t even need to wash the lunch box… I have been completely spoiled by Rio.”

The black-haired young man hugged her petite and plump body from behind, leaned close to her ear, and said in a slightly evil tone:

“Don’t Rio think you should be responsible for me?”


It’s obvious that the other party should be completely contrary to what he said.

But Futaba Rio’s fair face turned slightly red.

Those eyes that were usually intellectual and charming, like gold leaves, could not be opened at all because of shyness.

When Nan Xiang pushed her too far, she had no way to resist him and could only give herself to him helplessly.

“Say ‘yes’ to me.”

Caressing the girl’s smooth neck, Nanxiang Shi gently pressed against her ear, ordering the inexperienced science girl in a gentle tone.

The heat coming from the back of her neck made the science major girl feel hot all over.

The shy joy that surged in her chest made her unsure of what to do.

After a while.

After remaining silent all this time, she nodded gently and said ‘hmm’ in a low voice.

“What about ‘good’?”

Nanxiang grabbed the hand she was trying to escape from and interlocked her fingers.

“…” Futaba Rio.

She obviously knew that Nan Xiang was teasing her at this time.

But Futaba Rio, who was completely obedient to him and completely unable to resist, could only turn around gently.

She buried her head in his arms.

Parting her pink lips shyly.

“…Okay, Nanxiang.”

[There is no need for you to press forward step by step. 】

【Everything goes smoothly. 】

[As early as the last time, she was actually unable to escape from the surging river of love. 】

【Your relationship with Futaba Rio has deepened. 】

【You and Futaba Rio have become lovers. 】

Chapter 198. You guys slept until very late and didn’t get up until very late (4000 words!)

“Okay, very good.”

Watching the development of the simulated route, the real Nanxiang became energetic.

It seems that there is not much problem in choosing this route.

This developed directly into a romantic relationship.

And with Futaba Rio’s character, it would be impossible for her to ask for a breakup in the future.

It can be said that it is the kind of development that is stable and difficult to lose.

But apart from this…

I was still a little concerned about it when I was in Nanxiang.

Although he did take his relationship with Futaba Rio further and became a lover, fulfilling her desire to be ‘needed’.

But… just that.

He always felt that things were not over yet.

The need to be ‘wanted’ is only temporarily satisfied.

If Nanxiang ignored her for some time, maybe the other party would still feel uneasy later.

This is undoubtedly an unstable factor.

But the choice has been made, and there is little use in thinking about it.

Although the self in the simulation is not myself, not as perfect as the self in reality.

But presumably he should be able to think of a way to solve this unstable factor, right?

Nanxiang Shi patiently continued to look down.

【You and Futaba Rio have become lovers. 】

[Her eyes gradually only focus on you. 】

[After school, she will always stay alone outside the science preparation room and go home with you. 】

[The time after school with you is the most peaceful time for her in the day. 】

[The relationship between you and her is getting deeper and deeper. 】

[But similarly, you also know that the seeds of uneasiness hidden in her heart have not been removed. 】

[She actually still needs the feeling of being relied on by you. 】

[And in order to be satisfied, you gradually become ‘unscrupulous’. 】

[During the holidays, you will bring the uniforms you have worn and ask her to help you wash them. 】

[She washes every piece of clothing very carefully and irons it after washing. 】

[Similarly, you will also call her over when school is over and ask her to cook for you. 】

[She is also good at cooking, but she often takes out various rulers and measuring cylinders to cook, giving her an inexplicable aesthetic of an experimental girl. 】

[She would squat down carefully to clean the mildew spots floating on the wall. 】

[She is serious and meticulous, without any impatience or dissatisfaction. 】

[At this time, you will also get up and help. 】

【With your company, there is always a smile on her face. 】

[She is unconditionally tolerant of all your requests and is obedient without any impatience. 】

[In fact, just being able to pay for you is enough to make her happy, and she has never said a word of complaint. 】

[She enjoys her time alone with you. 】

【Just like you enjoy the time alone with her. 】

In simulation.

The memories I had with her in Nanxiang were calm and gentle.

The scene is a low-rent house in Nanxiang.

Just early in the morning, a girl with glasses and long silky hair opened the door of the low-rent house.

Take off your women’s leather shoes and put them in the entrance hall.

Look at his shoes scattered nearby.

A slight smile appeared on Futaba Rio’s lips.

Complain lightly about his carelessness.

Futaba Rio gathered his shoes and placed them neatly together with her own shoes.

After doing this.

She said “Excuse me” softly and walked into the room.

In the dim morning light.

Futaba Rio could see his sleeping face still sleeping on the bed.

I also saw the mechanical pencils placed on the small round table and the syllabus of various university examination papers.

Presumably the other party must have worked hard again here last night, right?

Thinking of this, Futaba Rio slowed down.

He knelt down and put away the mechanical pencils and question outlines on the small round table according to categories, then got up and started cooking.

Her movements are very light, but when she does things, she has a crispness and conciseness unique to science students.

Place salt, pepper and other condiments on a small electronic scale.

Strictly control the portion size.

Stir with glass rod.

Use the measuring cylinder to see how much water should be added.

Wait until everything is finished.

One juice and three dishes are complete.

She carefully arranged his chopsticks.


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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