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My love simulation with them — Chapter 264

Nan Xiangshi stretched out, leaned on the edge of the bed, and exhaled heavily.

Only then did he realize how troublesome Futaba Rio was.

It is different from Goto Kazuri’s obvious “inferiority” and “social fear”.

Futaba Rio’s ‘self-loathing’ and ‘feeling of need’ are deeply hidden.

Even with Nango Shi’s eyes, the usual Futaba Rio is just a science nerd, and there is no sign of any psychological problems in her.

Headache, headache.

Nanxiang Shi thought this, and turned his head to the side to see Ryo Yamada sleeping comfortably on his bed.

He’s having a hard time here.

This guy was lucky enough to occupy his own bed and fall asleep!

Thinking of this, Nanxiang couldn’t help but stretched out his hand and grabbed Yamada Ryo’s delicate and delicate face.

“?” Yamada Ryo.

Yamada Ryo, who was originally in a light sleep, quickly opened his inorganic amber eyes because of Nanxiang Shi’s movements.

She tilted her head and looked at the palm of the person she liked, blinking.

If it were Gotou Kazuri and the others.

His cheeks were probably red and he was feeling shy because of Nanxiang’s sudden intimate gesture.

But Yamada Ryo didn’t care.

She didn’t quite understand what Nan Xiangshi was doing, so she even moved her face closer to him understandingly, and gently rubbed Nan Xiangshi’s fingertips with her face.

“What’s wrong? Shi?”

“Thought of something.”

Nanxiang Shi’s fingers gently slid across Yamada Ryo’s white and soft chin, like stroking a kitten.

He followed the memory in his mind.

It was easy to find the acupuncture point that made Yamada Ryo the most comfortable.


Yamada Ryo narrowed his eyes comfortably: “What happened? Shi?”


Nan Xiangshi retracted his fingers, thought for a while and then said: “It just so happens that since you are here, Ryo, you can help me with some ideas.”

He thought about the wording for a moment and said, “I have a friend…”

Yamada Ryo likes to think about things, and he always wants to help him “get” Futaba Rio. It is safer to start the sentence with “I have a friend” here.


“Is it Futaba Rio?”

“…” Nanxiang Shi.

Should we say that she is worthy of Ms. Yamada who scored 89 points in just one simulation?

Suddenly, he thought of Futaba Rio, whom he met today.

“is her.”

Since Miss Yamada had guessed it, Nanxiang didn’t hesitate and simply nodded and admitted.


Yamada Ryo was obviously interested: “How is it? Are you really interested in her?”

She has always been concise and concise, but she becomes particularly talkative whenever she talks about topics that interest her.

She stretched out her finger with a serious expression:

“I knew I was not wrong before. Shi, you really like Futaba. That’s right. She is so big here -“

She said, and made a “so big” gesture on her chest.

“Among the people I know, only Xiao Lonely can compare with her… Sure enough, do you prefer big breasts?”

Yamada Ryo tilted his head, then pointed to his chest: “Would you like to touch mine? Although it’s not big, it’s in very good shape…”

“Stop, stop, stop.”

This guy is really getting more and more outrageous as he talks. If Nanxiang Shi doesn’t stop her momentum, I feel like she will even take the initiative to grab his hand and let him give it a try.

“What I want to discuss now is not a physical issue…it’s useless for you to show such a blatant expression of disappointment. What I want to talk about is a psychological issue.”

Nanxiang ignored Yamada Ryo, who had an obviously disappointed expression, and continued:

“Ryo, what do you think of a person who hates himself but craves attention from others…but after receiving attention from others, he feels uneasy because of other people’s attention?”

“Huh? Ordinary people think this person is really troublesome.”

Yamada Ryo frowned with disgust.

“…” Nanxiang Shi.

After all, he agreed very much with what Miss Yamada said.

But…this is not a discussion about Futaba Rio’s level of trouble.

And when it comes to the level of trouble… to be honest, Ms. Yamada is actually no less generous.

So he simply changed the subject: “Beyond the trouble, what do you think can be done to change the other party’s mental state?”

To be honest, Yamada Ryo is not someone who cares too much about these emotional issues.

Because she is very confident, she never, or rarely, is in such a state.

But this was the first time Nanxiang asked her a question.

If only it could be solved neatly and neatly.

Will you look at me with admiration?

With this thought in mind, Ryo Yamada desperately dug into his single-core processor brain.

She thought for a long time before she finally managed to say: “Then what does the ‘self-loathing’ I mean when I read it probably look like?”

After saying this, she could clearly feel her head getting hot.

“What does it look like…?”

Nanxiang Shi thought for a while: “I just hate my own thoughts. I feel that a selfish and hateful person like me is not worthy of being friends with others…Is that so?”


It’s this troublesome topic again.

Yamada Ryo patted his head expressionlessly.

The already heated brain cannot assemble words.

But with her efforts and persistence, she still managed to say:

“I think…this…isn’t it good?”

No more.

After Yamada Ryo said this, he looked away guiltily and regretted a little.

Originally, such complex emotional questions were not suitable for asking her single-core brain processor.

The words she forced out made no sense at all.


Nanxiang Shi is silent now.

I guess you were a bit confused by her incomprehensible words, right?

Thinking of this, the expressionless Yamada Ryo felt even more guilty and turned his gaze completely.

It was also when she was thinking about how to explain to Nan Xiang.

“So that’s it…that’s it.”


Yamada Ryo looked at Nango with a surprised expression.

“Liang, I probably understand what you mean. I see…”

Nan Xiangshi squinted his eyes and spoke thoughtfully:

“You want to say that hating yourself is not a bad thing, right?”

“Huh?” Yamada Ryo looked at Nanxiang in confusion.

On the other side, Nanxiang Shi had an expression of ‘I completely understand’.


He got it.

I understand the meaning of what Ryo Yamada said.

“Hating yourself is not a bad thing. Giving up on change and positivity is also a choice. There is no need to demand perfection, let alone perfection.”

As he spoke, he knocked on the table: “Liang, what you want to say is that it is impossible for a person to be perfect every moment, right?”


Yamada Liangying’s pink lips moved and she looked at Nanxiang Shi in astonishment.

She now really feels that Nanxiang deserves to be ranked first in the national simulation test.

Because she didn’t think that much at all.

It was Nanxiang Shi who relied on his “please analyze the author’s thoughts and feelings here” answering skills.

She said things that she had not considered at all.

And it sounds…


Pretty reliable?

She couldn’t help but rub her head. Unable to answer Nanxiang’s words, she could only respond with ‘um um um’ and ‘ah ah ah’.

“I didn’t expect Ryo that you could even think of this.”

Nanxiang Shi found the general direction of saving Rio Futaba and did not hesitate to praise Yamada Ryo.

Because he was thinking about Futaba Rio, he didn’t notice anything strange about Yamada Ryo.

And the other side.

Yamada Ryo was extremely guilty.

Normally, she would probably be expressionless, and even accept Nanxiang’s praise with some pride.

But now I see Nan Xiang looking so serious…

Ms. Yamada, who received a compliment for no reason, felt a little uneasy about her conscience.

She hesitated for a moment, then simply stretched out her hand and pressed Nan Xiangshi’s palm on her chest.

“What are you doing?”

Nanxiang, who was still thinking about the problem, obviously did not expect that Miss Yamada would suddenly make such a move.


It’s like repaying something through this action.

Miss Yamada contentedly removed Nanxiang Shi’s palm from her chest: “Shi can continue to praise me.”

“…” Nanxiang Shi.

What nonsense is this woman talking about?


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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