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My love simulation with them — Chapter 279

As a result, not a word has been touched in the test paper until now.

Nanxiang yawned.

I have been busy for most of the day at ‘Li Ke Li Ke’.

It rained again.

He is not an iron man, so he will naturally get tired.

Originally, he was thinking of just lying on the bed and starting Futaba Rio’s simulation.

Go straight to bed after finishing.

But Nanxiang Shi thought about it carefully.

I feel that the band test paper at the end of each day cannot be left vacant.

After all, the results of the band’s two best friends, Kazuri Goto and Ryo Yamada, have finally improved.

It’s time to go all out.

If only he would relax.

Doesn’t this undermine their momentum?

“Let’s ask some questions.”

Nan Xiang Shi braced himself up, pulled the question outline next to him, briefly glanced at the questions on it, and leaned over to start writing the questions.

have to say.

After having the [Teacher LV2] specialty.

His ideas for formulating questions were obviously much clearer than before.

Coupled with his already strong knowledge reserve.

It usually takes an hour to write the questions.

Today it only took half an hour to complete.

“Oh, it really is me…”

Look at the test paper laid out in front of you.

A slightly satisfied smile appeared on Nan Xiangshi’s tired face, and he shook his head and sighed.

Not only can he be admitted to Dongda University.

I can take a step back and do a good job as a teacher.

There are very few outstanding and perfect teenagers like him in the world, right?

“Okay, perfect.”

Put the test papers away.

Nanxiang shrank into bed.

It was probably because of my tired mental state that I had a problem.

When I was in Nanxiang, I could clearly feel that my body today was much heavier than before.

But he didn’t care either.

After yawning a little.

Nanxiang Shi stretched out his finger and opened the simulation page.

The test papers have been issued.

Then what to do next is very simple.

Keep an eye on Futaba Rio’s name in the simulation object list.

Nanxiang Shi felt that he would succeed this time.

Chapter 210. What the hell is Lily’s route? (4000 words!)

There was no rush to simulate when I was in Nanxiang.

Before the simulation, as usual, he took a look at the remaining heartbeat value.

Remaining heartbeat value: 660.

Because I had some contact with Futaba Rio today.

Therefore, the total number of heartbeat values ​​has also increased, reaching 660 points.

“That’s enough.”

Looking at the total number of heartbeat points, Nanxiang was satisfied.

Heartbeat value of 660.

This shows that even if the simulation goes wrong this time.

He also has one simulation opportunity left to correct.

In this case…

“Then there’s no need to hesitate.”

Nangotoki pointed his finger behind Futaba Rio’s name.

[Simulated object: Futaba Rio, status: Have a favorable impression, slightly concerned. 】

Nanxiang Shi nodded secretly.

Futaba Rio’s entry of ‘desire to be saved’ has been unknowingly eliminated.

This also shows that his efforts today were not in vain.

[Start simulation? whether? 】


Click OK.

Nanxiang immersed his consciousness in the simulation.

[In the evening at the end of autumn, she invites you to become friends. 】

[This is her first step, and it is also her attempt to get out of the haze of junior high school. 】

[You can never imagine how much effort it took for her, who has always been withdrawn, to just say these words that she wants to be friends with you. 】

[During her period of self-loathing and self-conflict, you who are willing to lend a helping hand to her are much more important in her heart than an ordinary friend. 】

[You gave her courage, so of course she wants to respond to your feelings. 】

【Your relationship with Futaba Rio has deepened. 】

【You became friends with Futaba Rio. 】

“It started as a friendship from the beginning.”

Nango couldn’t help but nod as he observed the changes in his relationship with Futaba Rio.

Compared with the lukewarm relationship between Zhou Mu and Futaba Rio in the first three years, it can be said that he has made rapid progress this time.

And just look at the emulator instructions.

You can understand that his status as a friend should be very valuable.

But just like that, we can’t take it lightly.

The knot in Futaba Rio’s heart was indeed partially undone by the combined efforts of him and Nishiki Chishu.

She is also trying hard to accept herself.

But even if this is the case, it does not mean that everything can be done without worries.

Nanxiang Shi really understands the urinary properties of the simulator.

If you want to completely untie the ‘knot’ in Futaba Rio’s heart, just relying on one night of heart-to-heart talk is not enough.

This can only settle slowly over time.

Thinking of this, Nan Xiangshi continued to look down.

[You actually know quite well in your heart that just doing this cannot relax your vigilance. 】

[This delicate and sensitive girl, although under your influence, has begun to work hard to accept herself. 】

[But the heart of an adolescent girl is sensitive and changeable, like a restless bomb. It will undoubtedly take time to completely disarm the ‘bomb’ in her heart. 】

[In order not to be abrupt and to speed up this process steadily, you decided to look for external help——]

[This is a special and far-reaching option, please choose carefully. 】

[1. Futaba Rio and Nishiki Chishu seem to get along quite well. Girls-to-girls interactions are indeed the best! Choose Chisu Nishiki and Takina Inoue as your helpers! 】

[2. When it comes to opening your heart, the power of music is the most inspiring! Even a girl like Ichiri Goto can come out of her isolation! Choose to end the band as a helper! 】

[3. Sure enough, it still takes time to resolve the knot, and the most time spent with Rio Futaba is undoubtedly in school. Choose Akane Shinjo and Rikka Takarata as your helpers! 】

【4. Simulate it yourself! 】

“Huh? Special options? What does that mean?”

Nan Xiangshi frowned and looked at the text marked ‘Special Options’.

From the time I got the emulator until now, there have been only two options for the emulator.

One is a common option, which can affect the simulation direction to a certain extent.

The other is a ‘far-reaching’ option, which can greatly affect the direction of the simulation, and even wrong choices can directly lead to the collapse of the entire simulation.

And the ‘special options’ that suddenly popped up this time… were of a type that I had never seen in Nanxiang.

Don’t know what it means.

“But just looking at the simulated text…you can kind of understand that this option is important.”

Nanxiang stared at the simulation page while lying on the futon.

This was the first time that he saw the prompt “Please choose carefully” displayed on the simulator.

This was the first time that the simulator took the initiative to tell him that this option was very important.

In this case…then we must seriously consider it.

Although he was in poor physical condition due to the cold.

But in Nanxiang, the speed of brain operation did not slow down at all.

First of all, the second option [Ending the Band] can be eliminated directly.

He has not forgotten that last week he chose to force Futaba Rio to make friends, which ended in mediocrity.

In the previous simulation, the person he chose to make Futaba Rio befriend was the Ending Band.

It is true that the two yang angles of Itachi Nijika and Kita Ikuyo can fully enliven the atmosphere.

But forcing Futaba Rio, who knows nothing about music and is not interested, to join the circle that ends the band is unrealistic in itself.

Cross out the option to end the band.

So the same thing.

The third option [Akane Shinjou and Rikka Takarata] can also be crossed out.

Recently, Miss Shinjou and Rikka Takarata have become real friends. According to Miss Shinjou, because they are neighbors, Rikka Takarata often goes to her house to watch special photography films.

It seems that the recognition she received at the cultural festival made her become interested in acting.

The relationship between Rikka Takarata and Akane Shinjo can be said to be close.

If Futaba Rio is inserted into it…this is obviously a bit too forced.

Special photography films are not something Futaba Rio is interested in either.

Then follow the rule of elimination…

“It’s just an option.”


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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