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My love simulation with them — Chapter 30

I put down my phone and waited for almost a minute before a reply came from my phone.

Probably dead (Goto Kazuri): Huh? Um, Senior Nanxiang… is there something wrong?

Tokyo’s most beautiful boy: That’s right. I’ve recently started cooking at home. After all, it’s not healthy to eat food from convenience stores all the time. Since it’s my first time cooking, I may not have mastered the degree well and I’ve cooked a little too much. Tomorrow Are you free at noon? I would like to ask you to help me taste it.

[System prompt: You have obtained the specialty ‘Lie LV1’]

Nanxiang Shi glanced sideways at the system prompt that suddenly popped up, but didn’t pay much attention to it.

Probably dead: Huh…? Try it?

Goto Ichiri on the other side of the phone looked very hesitant.

The most beautiful boy in Tokyo: Please, Goto-san.

Probably dead: Yes, is it tomorrow at noon?

The most beautiful boy in Tokyo: That’s about it. Do you need me to call you in your class?

Probably dead: Never! That… right in the atrium.

Probably because he was afraid that a top predator like Nanxiang would cause trouble when he came to his class, Goto Ichiri reacted very fiercely this time, but his tone was still soft and weak, like a frightened hamster.

But in Nanxiang, it didn’t matter at all.

They are now an old married couple, and Nanxiang Shi is born with an inexplicable psychological advantage in front of her.

The most beautiful boy in Tokyo: That’s it.

Talking to himself, he closed LINE. Nango Toki didn’t even look at Goto Ichiri’s last reply, and instead went to study what to do tomorrow.

And on the other side not too far away.

The pink-haired girl carefully wrote the last reply and sent the message.

After receiving no reply for a long time, she played with the hair around her ears uneasily.

Senior Nan, Nanxiang hasn’t replied yet…

The white and pink toes crossed restlessly.

Yes, are you disliked?

She couldn’t help but think wildly.

There’s nothing you can do about being hated, right?

Ichisato Goto thought.

Because starting from tonight, she felt something was inexplicably wrong.

There are always some inexplicable impressions, or memories, flowing into my mind.

How could someone like me marry Nanxiang senior…

Although it is a fantasy, it is too much.

When he thought of certain contents in his memory, Goto Ichiri, who covered his flushed face with a pillow, leaned on the sofa——

The body is twisted…


Chapter 45. Shall we eat with everyone?

At six o’clock in the morning the next day, Nanxiang Shi started running to exercise.

There are two projects in the simulator where he died before Kazuri Goto.

Although these two deaths were natural deaths, from a certain perspective, it actually shows that his current physique is flawed.

So he simply decided to get up early to exercise.

Starting from home, I would like to run for a few kilometers.

After a full circle, I glanced at the simulator page when I returned to the rental house in Nanxiang.

[Your physique has increased slightly, and your current exercise value is 6. 】

very good.

Nan Xiangshi nodded with satisfaction as he leaned against the small refrigerator and took a sip of water.

Although he is already good enough, no one will refuse to make himself better.

This is just the first day of training, he will become more and more perfect in the future!

“Come on. Your looks are 9. I will become the big brother of a perfect man from now on.”

Nanxiang, who warned himself in the mirror and was determined to continuously improve himself, was satisfied and started preparing today’s lunch.

He took out the ingredients from the refrigerator and laid out the chicken breasts flatly with ease.

First, use a diagonal knife to slice the chicken breast into pieces of about 4 to 5 mm.

At the same time, marinate the chicken breast with salt, garlic, and black pepper in precise proportions, seal it with plastic wrap, and set it aside.

Then, while you’re waiting for the chicken breast to marinate, prepare some side dishes.

“Stew…potato stew seems pretty good.”

Nanxiang Shi murmured to himself and quickly took out the potatoes. His peeling hob moved very quickly.

Perhaps this is the ability of LV4’s cooking skills. Just by glancing sideways, he can instantly bring out all the processing methods and methods of countless existing ingredients, and he can even sense the quality of the ingredients.

It has to be said that LV4’s cooking skills are definitely at a professional level.

It is estimated that even in the professional level, he is considered to be top-notch.

Even Nanxiang Shi, who barely cooks, can easily handle ingredients that he has never handled before.

This also made him curious about Ichiri Goto’s real cooking skills in the simulation.

It seems that the other party has more than just Guitar Hero talents.

She also seems to have her own unique talent in cooking.

Set up a hot oil pan and throw the marinated chicken pieces covered in batter into it.

The tempting fat coats the chicken pieces and swells up and down.

First fry slowly in medium oil, then raise the oil temperature and fry again for ten seconds after frying until almost done. This will make the outer skin crispier.

Wait until the bento is completely ready——

【You made a perfect home lunch with 4.3 points. 】

The system prompts.

Nanxiang Shi couldn’t help but take a look.

The chicken pieces are cooked just right, and the alluring aroma oozes out from the gaps between the meat.

The light sauce-colored potato pieces are piled up like square building blocks. Under the light, the sauce-yellow edges are slightly transparent, exuding an alluring heat.

Judging from the appearance, the bento in front of you looks like a very ordinary family bento.

But… I really want to eat it! I want to eat it for no reason! Why do you want to eat it so much?


Relying on his good habit of self-discipline over a long period of time, Nanxiang Shi finally suppressed the strong desire in his heart to have a taste.

He exhaled and closed the lid of the lunch box.

This time, I mainly wanted to see the specific effects of ‘Nango Ichiri’s happy cooking techniques’, and this was also a bento I wanted to try out for Gotou Ichiri.

Why are you so anxious?

Anyway, since the hands are on my body, can’t I just do it after I want to eat myself?

After carrying the lunch box, Nanxiang Shi looked at the time.

“It’s almost time.”

Going out and going to school, it doesn’t take long to take the train from my home in Nanxiang to Ocha High School.

Along the way, I nodded and greeted the Ocha High School students who took the initiative to say hello.

Nanxiang sat down at his place and waited until noon.

I don’t know what the perfect home lunch box with a system score of 4.3 (on a 5-point scale) tastes like.

There wasn’t much to say about the morning session.

For Nanxiang Shi, who has a LV4 learning specialty, an academic score of 8, and has already mastered the entire Ocha High School knowledge.

He just listened briefly for a while, and then he memorized the key points that needed to be remembered, and then continued to wait for noon in his seat.

But maybe it just happened to be true to the saying that God does not fulfill people’s wishes.

Just before the last class ends at noon.

When he was ready to go to Nanxiang in the atrium, he was stopped by the math teacher teaching the class.

“Nanxiang-san, please go to the principal’s office after class. Principal Gangno seems to have something to talk to you about.”

Principal Gangno is looking for him?

Stopped in Nanxiang.

“It should be about exempting tuition fees. Nanxiang-san is really amazing.”

When he saw Nanxiang, he was a little confused. The female math teacher gave him an extra explanation with a friendly smile on her face.

Older single female teachers like her are most attracted to young male students like Nanxiang who are good-looking and have top-notch academic performance.

“So that’s what happened. Teacher, please explain.”

After hearing what the other party said, Nanxiang thought that Ocha High School would indeed exempt those with good grades from tuition.

It’s just that the simulator suddenly popped up recently, making him almost forget about it.

This is a good thing.

You should know that the tuition fees of Ocha Private High School have always been very high. Reducing the tuition fees will also reduce the financial pressure on the Nanxiang family.

Although I really want to see the effect of “Nanxiang Yili’s Happy Cuisine” on the spot.

But tuition exemption is also very important.

After Nanxiang Shi thought for a while, he made a decision.

He took out his phone.

The most beautiful boy in Tokyo: Sorry, Goto-kun, I have something urgent and I may not be able to go to the atrium for the time being. I’m sorry. (Hands clasped together to apologize)

Probably dead: Ah… never mind.

The most beautiful boy in Tokyo: So I left the lunch box on the bench in the atrium. If you don’t mind, Goto-san can take it away and tell me what you think after tasting it.

Presumably Dead: …Okay. You have worked hard.

Why did I work so hard?

No matter how you look at it, it’s just me causing trouble for you, right?

He looked at Goto Kazuri who was a bit groveling even when chatting.

Nanxiang Shi couldn’t help but shook his head and closed LINE.

I hope that after more exchanges in the future, this little girl can gradually change.

Putting the bento on the bench in the atrium, Nanxiang breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the principal’s office.

But what he didn’t know was that after he turned around, a pink-haired figure huddled on a pillar behind the school building timidly poked his head out.

“Ugh – I thought about so many embarrassing things yesterday, and I’m really embarrassed to meet him face to face today.”

“sorry Sorry sorry!”

Goto Ichiri, who was hiding behind the pillar, bowed several times in succession towards Nango who had gone away.

Then, she walked forward with some curiosity and picked up the lunch box that Nanxiang had placed on the bench.

Is this the bento made by Nanxiang-senpai?


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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not work with dark mode