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My love simulation with them — Chapter 389

This made Nan Xiang raise his head subconsciously in the future.

Then she saw it.

Nango Toki and Akane Shinjo caressed her gently.

And the gentle and quiet smiles on their faces.

This smile made Nanxiang open his mouth in the future.

She always wanted to comfort Nango Toki and Shinjo Akane through words.

Let the two of them not feel lost because of her departure.

The result was unexpected…

The last person to be comforted…

It turns out it’s me…

She thought so.

Closed his mouth.

Choose to quietly accompany your young parents through this last time.

Three hours of time.

Say it quickly or quickly.

Not too slow.

It seems very long.

But it seemed like a moment.

That moment has already arrived.

It seems that he is aware that he is about to leave.

Nango Mirai, who had been silent all this time, first turned his head and looked at Akane Shinjo.

Then he looked at Nanxiang Shi again.

A smile appeared on the face that had become illusory and transparent.

I want to be in the arms of two people.

She shouted loudly: “Dad! Mom! You must give birth to me!”

Tears fell from his eyes.

It hasn’t touched the ground yet.

It has turned into a shadow.

But her shouting voice did not stop: “I still want to be my parents’ child! No matter it is now or in the future! So you must give birth to me!”

“Yeah! For sure! I will definitely give birth to you! Then I will raise you well!”

Shinjo Akane shouted equally loudly, holding Nango Mirai’s hand tightly, tears welling up from Akane’s red eyes.


Nanxiang’s voice of promise in the future began to become illusory and ethereal.

A last smile appeared on her lips:

“I believe mom.”


“The next time we meet…it will be eight years later.”

“Don’t miss others so much that you don’t take safety measures——”

“I love you all!”

The sound is elongated.


At the moment when Nanxiang Mirai’s last words fell.

The illusory shadow also completely disappeared.

Nanxiang Shi and Akane Shinjo felt that their hands were empty.

When I stretched out my hand again, I couldn’t catch anything.

They raised their heads subconsciously.


The pale shadow is slowly disappearing…

A person who once existed is gone.

But Nango Toki and Akane Shinjo gently held each other’s hands.

They raised their heads.

Know that this separation is not a permanent separation.

But to pave the way for the next meeting.

In the future, Nan Xiang felt as if he had been dreaming for a long time.

When she woke up again, there were tears in the corners of her eyes.

At the same time, what came into view were the concerned eyes of the pink-purple haired woman and the black-haired man.

“What’s wrong? Future?”

The pink-purple haired woman asked with concern: “I was discussing knitting sweaters with your Hongxia mother in the kitchen just now…and suddenly I heard you making a fuss…Why are you still crying?”

She stretched out her fingers and brushed away the tears from the corners of Nanxiang Mirai’s eyes with concern: “Is this a nightmare?”

Before Nanxiang could answer in the future.

The handsome black-haired man wearing a spring gown had already come over.

After just one glance at her, he showed a clear smile.

“Akane, don’t worry, it looks like Mirai is not having a nightmare.”

The handsome black-haired man said: “But I had a sweet dream.”

“is that so?”

The pink-purple haired woman who was called ‘Akane’ turned to look at Nango Mirai.

The concern in those eyes was not even half false.

“Yeah. Just like what dad said.”

Nanxiang stood up from the bed in the future, stretched out his hands to hug the man and woman in front of him.

He said in a sweet voice: “It was a good dream, a very, very beautiful dream.”

“Really…you kid…”

Nanxiang Mirai was slightly stunned by this sudden intimate action.

The pink-purple haired woman sighed and touched her head with her hand: “Okay, since it’s okay, just let go. Your mother, Sugar, will be here soon. You should be well prepared. The messy look is simply Not like a girl.”

She just said this casually.

But this sentence made Nanxiang Mirai, who was hugging her, show a look of surprise.


Her originally calm expression slowly began to waver.

Sugar mother? !

This means…

“Dad, success – uh -“

She immediately covered her mouth mid-sentence.

But the excitement inside was completely uncontrollable.

Dad…you succeeded.

She thought of times past, the words her young father had promised her.

His eyes were filled with excitement at this moment.

She subconsciously looked at the middle-aged father in front of her.

“What’s wrong? Future?”

The handsome dark-haired man holding a thick novel in his hand noticed his daughter’s mood.

He showed a gentle smile and reached out to touch her head:

“Why do you look like you just traveled back in time?”

he asked.

Nanxiang disappeared in the future.

Just like that, he disappeared in front of his eyes.

Akane Shinjo felt that her originally full heart seemed to have become empty at this moment.

She didn’t know until this moment.

She usually dislikes the noisy Nanxiang Mirai.

How much weight does it hold in her heart?

Now she has left here.

He will live alone in the Shinjo family’s mansion again.

That noisy sound is missing.

The rooms in the mansion became inexplicably deserted.

Akane Shinjo gently stroked the cushion that Nango Mirai was sitting on just now.

There was still some girlish warmth left on it.


Qian’s eyes turned to look at Nanxiang.

She held Nan Xiangshi’s hand and lowered her voice:

“I miss her so much…”

There was a bit of choking in the voice.

“I know.”

Nan Xiangshi gently stroked her back and comforted her.

“Obviously I only left for a few minutes…but I really miss her…”

Her tears couldn’t stop falling.

“I know.”

Nanxiang Shi’s tone was calm.

“If she can come back, even if she makes a fuss, I won’t be angry anymore.”

“I know.”

Nanxiang stroked her head.

“I don’t mind stealing snacks from my refrigerator.”


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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