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My love simulation with them — Chapter 390

“I know.”

Nan Xiangshi’s fingers intertwined with hers.

“I really… really miss her…”

Akane Shinjo’s voice was filled with longing.

Nanxiang Shi hugged the pink-purple haired girl into his arms and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with his lips.

“I know.”

Nanxiang Shi raised his head and whispered: “I miss her too.”

Listening to Nanxiang Shi’s words.

Shinjou Akane, who had been somewhat restrained at first, was no longer restrained at this moment.

She pulled Nan Xiangshi’s collar.

Tears soaked his chest.

But Nanxiang didn’t say a word.

He just quietly endured the girl’s turbulent emotions.

In order to take care of Akane Shinjo who was a little out of control.

Nanxiang made a special call to Fanxing and told them that he would not be going back tonight.

As for this phone call from Nanxiang, Hiroi Kiuri complained a lot.

After all, she had to eat at Nanxiang’s house every day at the expense of not drinking.

Moreover, her current mouth is completely spoiled by Nanxiang Shi.

She used to love eating out, but now she can hardly eat anything when she goes out.

He looked like a social loser who didn’t know how to live after losing Nanxiang.

However, it was precisely because she stopped drinking that the number of times she destroyed equipment gradually decreased.

At the same time, I began to gradually accumulate some spare money.

This allowed her to gradually become arrogant in front of the Ichichi sisters.

After all, she used to be dependent on others.

I was often short of money and couldn’t afford the water and electricity bills, so I had to use the bathroom and eat at the homes of Ijichi and Otsuki Yuyuko.

Now that she has money, she is naturally more wanton.

Now I even dare to complain about Nanxiang Shi.

As for the complaining words of Sister Jiu Mengzi, Nanxiang Shi didn’t care at all.

After all, it makes no sense to care about what a Jiu Mengzi says.

In the past, this guy didn’t have any airs of seniority.

Let alone now.

He brushed off Hiroi Kiuri with a few perfunctory words.

Then he hung up and turned to look at Akane Shinjo.

At this time, Akane Shinjou was probably stimulated in some way.

Viewed from Nanxiang Shi’s perspective.

He could see clearly.

The other party was staring at the parenting manual on the phone screen and studying it carefully.

This person…doesn’t really want to be a mother now?

Chapter 270. At this time, no man can suppress his gun. 4,000 words

Because of Akane Shinjo’s emotional instability.

So Nanxiang decided to stay and take care of her for one night.

This was originally a very normal thing.

After all, if his girlfriend is in a bad mood, it’s okay for her boyfriend to stay with her.


“How did things come to this?”

Nanxiang looked helplessly at Akane Shinjo, who was soaking in the bath with him, showing off the most beautiful figure of a girl, and his expression was a little dumb.


Why did things become like this…?

he thinks.

My mind also went back to an hour ago at this moment.

Because I’m worried about Akane Shinjo’s mental state.

At that time, Nanxiang Toki decided to stay at Shinjo’s house.


“Since you’re staying overnight, Toki-kun must be buying new pajamas, right?”

Shinjou Akane, who was just watching videos on her mobile phone about parenting, suddenly mentioned it.

“It’s not necessary.”

Nanxiang Shi raised his eyebrows and waved his hand: “It’s not a big deal if we just make do for one night.”

He didn’t like fussing over such details.

After all, I just wear my own men’s underwear to sleep, so it’s not a big problem if I don’t have pajamas.

He waved his hand indifferently and refused.

But Akane Shinjo here was not happy.

“How could this be!”

She sat up from the sofa, her pretty face full of seriousness: “This is Shijun’s first time living in our house! Of course I have to buy pajamas!”

Then she crawled next to Nanxiang Shi and raised her fair face slightly: “And it’s not just this time. Shijun might have the opportunity to stay at my house in the future. In order to avoid buying pajamas again, it’s better to do it now.” get ready.”


Nanxiang glanced at Akane Shinjo.

do not know why.

He noticed that Akane Shinjo’s face turned red when she said this.

But it’s no wonder.

She personally said to a boy of the same age, “You will have the opportunity to stay at my house in the future,” something similar to living together.

As a girl who has absolutely no experience dealing with men, it is quite normal for Akane Shinjo to feel embarrassed.


Go buy pajamas…

Nanxiang Shi looked at the clock.

It took a long time after sending Nanxiang Mirai away.

The time on the clock is now past seven o’clock.

Tokyo is already very cold in winter.

Going out directly without the protection of air conditioning and kotatsu… In Nanxiang, you can almost imagine what it means to be “cold wind like a knife”.

In addition, it was too comfortable to use the kotatsu to roast his feet. Nanxiang Shi didn’t want to move at all, so he found an excuse to refuse.

“I’ve spent a lot of money recently and I don’t have any money to buy pajamas, so let’s forget it.”

After saying that, he wanted to retract his body directly into the kotatsu.

But before he could completely retract his lower body.

Akane Shinjo on the other side had already stood up and pulled him: “Don’t say such things, Toki-kun, I’ll pay for it, let’s go out and buy pajamas. I happen to have some things I want to buy.”

“don’t want.”

In Nanxiang, my feet were feeling comfortable due to the heat, so I was too lazy to move at this time.

“Go ahead, go ahead -“

When Nango couldn’t be pulled, Akane Shinjo could only rock his body back and forth with her hands, acting coquettishly at him.


Nanxiang sighed silently, and then looked at Akane Shinjo: “It’s okay to go, but -“

His voice paused, and then he pointed at the side of his face.

Originally, he thought that this would make Miss Shinjo quit and give up her plan to drag him to buy pajamas.

After all, as long as you go out with girls.

Then there will be a high probability of changing from ‘buying pajamas’ to a hell-level copy of ‘shopping with my girlfriend’.

Nan Xiangshi, who has many simulation experiences, knows this very well.

Of course he didn’t want to go out.

But what Nanxiang didn’t expect was that Miss Shinjo didn’t hesitate and directly pressed her pink lips to the side of his face.

“Is that okay? Let’s go! Let’s go!”

Moving her lips away from the side of Nangoji’s face, Miss Shinjo said with a smile.

“…” Nan Xiangshi shook his head.

Sure enough, this method is only useful for Ms. Goto at best.

Facing people like Miss Shinjo and Miss Yamada, it has no effect at all.

So now…

Kissed too.

I agreed and I agreed.

Nanxiang Shi couldn’t continue to regret it.

I could only stand up slowly and put on my coat.

Accompanying Miss Shinjo, who was very interested, he went out.

Tokyo on a winter night.

Just a simple breath can produce an effect similar to white mist.

There was a chill in the air.

The cold air was wrapped in the cold wind and poured into people’s collars.

This made Shinjou Akane couldn’t help but shrink her neck.

“You know it’s cold, right?”

Nanxiang looked at Miss Shinjo with her neck curled up like a small animal, and smiled teasingly.

But he didn’t just watch Miss Shinjo suffer from the cold.

He simply stretched out his hand and put her palm into his pocket, using his own palm to warm her cold palm.

“What… Shijun still feels sorry for me.”

Shinjou Akane laughed “hehe” and moved her palms.


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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