Switch Mode

My love simulation with them — Chapter 40

The two looked at each other for a while, then turned to look at the rain curtain outside the platform.

The world has been enveloped in rain.

And they are trapped on the small island at the bus stop.

after awhile.

“I have already thought about what you just said.”


“I’ll be your girlfriend.”



Holding hands, the two looked towards the rain curtain again.

“It’s raining so hard.”

She suddenly spoke while leaning against Nanxiang.


Nanxiang Shi suddenly laughed.

do not know why.

Trapped in the rain, he actually hoped that the heavy rain would continue to fall.

Outside the platform.

It’s still raining…

Chapter 58. That night, she took the initiative to come to your room

[Yamada Ryo’s relationship with you has become closer. 】

【You became Ryo Yamada’s boyfriend. 】

“…” Nanxiang Shi.

He actually had the idea of ​​Miss Yamada performing stably before.

But to be honest, he never thought that the result would be so smooth.

From contact with Yamada Ryo, to active tutoring, to dating, there was absolutely no obstacle in the process.

quick! It’s so fast!

Even for Nango Toki, who played Miss Yamada steadily, he did not expect this process to be so fast and smooth.

“But if you think about it the other way around, this result is quite normal.”

Nanxiang Shi thought about it and suddenly felt normal again: “Excellent people will shine wherever they are, and an outstanding person like me will naturally not be able to find a girlfriend.”

Sure enough, as a person you still need to work hard to improve yourself.

If your abilities are mediocre and you don’t know how to improve, then even if you finally travel into the second dimension, you will just be accompanying these so-called animation protagonists.

Nanxiang Shi shook his head and got rid of distracting thoughts from his mind.

Close your eyes and continue to perceive the flashback scenes in the simulation.

[In order to avoid irritating Ikuyo Kita, you haven’t told her about becoming Ryo Yamada’s boyfriend yet. 】

[During this period, the relationship between Yamada Ryo and you has become increasingly close. Even among the stars, she has always been alone and has a free personality. She can not care about anyone’s eyes, say hello to you or turn red after practicing. The palm of your hand is stuffed into your pocket. 】

[But paper cannot keep fire after all. To cover up a lie, you must cover it up with another lie. 】

[The growing intimacy between you and Yamada Ryo was finally exposed. 】

[Although Goto Kazuri and Ichichi Hikaru were shocked that you became boyfriend and girlfriend, they said nothing more after seeing Yamada Ryo, who had always been cold to others, take the initiative to sleep on your shoulder. 】

[On the other hand, Kita Ikuyo, who has always been paying attention to Ryo Yamada, has actually noticed that your beloved Ryo-senpai has become a boyfriend and girlfriend with you, but she has been avoiding the fact during this period. 】

[Because she trusts you very much, and you also said before that you would tell her the information about Ryo Yamada’s boyfriend. 】

[In the end, you suddenly stood up and became the boyfriend of Yamada Ryo, who originally had no boyfriend. 】

[The sudden betrayal made her regret that she should have been wary of you earlier. 】

[But things have happened now. No matter how unwilling you are, Kita Ikuyo can only do nothing but send his blessings to the two of you. 】

[That day, Kita Ikuyo took the initiative to find you and chatted a lot with you. 】

[She hopes that you can take good care of her favorite senior Liang. Of course you did not hesitate and nodded in agreement to this request. 】

[After that, Ikuyo Kita’s beauty social account, which she updated every day, stopped updating for two weeks. 】

[It wasn’t until the expressionless Ryo Yamada took the initiative to find her and comfort her that she cheered up again – so what if her beloved senior Ryo had a boyfriend? She can also become Ryo-senpai’s close female friend. 】

“Female friend?”

Seeing this line of words emerge, Nan Xiangshi couldn’t help but rub his eyebrows.

For some reason, he always felt that this ‘female friend’ was in an unhealthy sense.

And it can be seen that Ikuyo Kita really likes Ryo Yamada.

Even if Yamada Ryo has a boyfriend, Kita Ikuyo will still never give up.

[Perhaps her mood has changed after dating you. 】

[After another round of tutoring from you, Yamada Ryo’s originally poor academic performance has improved significantly, and this time, she has not forgotten how to play the bass. 】

[I started to balance studying and playing bass. 】

[Even though she always had a calm personality, she called you as soon as she saw this result. You chatted with her for two hours. Her voice on the phone was still cold, but there was an unconcealable sense of gratitude in her tone. and intimacy. 】

[That night, she took the initiative to hold your hand and kissed you while walking on the road. 】

[Your first kiss was not as beautiful as you imagined. The reason was that the expressionless Ryo Yamada suddenly took the initiative. Your teeth touched together and your mouths started to bleed. 】

[When she came to Fanxing the next day, her pink lips were smeared with ointment. Her face was expressionless. She was very upset about yesterday’s defeat, and you could see it. 】

[That afternoon, you took the initiative to ask her out and gave her a kiss that satisfied her, who had always been expressionless. She still said she was disgusted, but she still took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the ointment from your mouth. 】

【Your relationship with Yamada Ryo has deepened. 】

[Time continues to move backward. 】

【In the process of dating, Yamada Ryo gradually stopped being alone. 】

[Every time she goes to the movies or goes to a medieval-style clothing store, she will always ask you to accompany her. 】

[She will also feel surprisingly lonely when you are not with her. 】

[But this is the world of exam preparers. While helping Yamada Ryo with tutoring, you also have to be careful not to let your grades drop.]

[You don’t mean to neglect her, but she still feels a little lonely. 】

[Emotions… are slowly building up. 】

[One night, she, who has a cold personality, sneaked into your rental house talking to herself. 】

[That night, she took the initiative to cooperate with you. Both you and her experienced the beauty of eighteen postures for the first time, and you couldn’t leave. 】

“…” Nanxiang Shi.

Forcibly suppressing the idea of ​​’simulating it in person’, Nanxiang looked at the words in the simulation and sighed at Yamada Ryo’s initiative.

From a certain perspective, Ryo Yamada is the opposite extreme to Ichiri Goto.

Will Goto Kazuri take the initiative to kiss him?


But when Nanxiang is needed, he needs a slightly tougher tone.

Will Goto Kazuri cooperate with him?

Of course it will.

But this also requires hard work and hard work in Nanxiang.

With a somewhat weak personality, she will actually meet any request from Nanxiang Shi.

But she would never be proactive like Miss Yamada, or even launch an attack on Nango.

The girlfriend who dared to sneak into her boyfriend’s rental house at night…

At least Goto Kazuri would never be able to do it.

In my mind, the simulation continues.

[After waking up in the day, you stroked her smooth back and looked at her scattered blue hair, becoming more determined to protect her. 】

[Feeling your movement, she turned around, staring at you with her amber eyes for a long time, then yawned slightly, and her white and soft body slipped into your arms. 】

[That morning, the two of you stayed up late until very late. 】

[The relationship between you and Yamada Ryo has deepened. 】

Chapter 59. Nanxiang Shi, why are you so depraved!

[After that, Ryo Yamada took the initiative to come to your room more often. 】

[On the first day, you studied with her, and she stayed in your room overnight. 】

[The next day, you studied with her and she stayed in your room. 】

[On the third day, you gradually realized that something was wrong. It was not good to continue like this. You explained your thoughts to her and felt that it was not safe to continue like this. 】

[She stayed over this night. 】

[On the fourth day, knowing that you cannot be so depraved, you decide to refuse her request to stay overnight the next time she comes again. 】

[On the fifth day, she has many tricks and still stays in your room. 】

[On the sixth day, stay overnight. 】

[Yamada Ryo’s happiness level has increased, and Yamada Ryo’s energy has increased. 】

【Your happiness has increased. Your energy drops. 】

[Your academic performance has dropped slightly, but you are still firmly at the top of the grade. Your academic ability is still unmatched. 】


Looking at the last line of words, Nanxiang in reality couldn’t accept it.

He just felt heartbroken.

Nanxiang Shi, Nanxiang Shi, why are you so vulnerable to temptation?

A man addicted to desire…


Anyway, cheer up!

Have you forgotten that you still need to improve yourself? Have you forgotten your goal of becoming the perfect man?

Nanxiang Shi, how could you be so depraved? !

Nanxiang felt very sad about himself in the simulation.

Finally, he sighed.

That’s all.

After all, it is the self in the simulation, which is not one ten thousandth as good as the real self, so it is natural that it cannot stand the temptation.

[This has lasted for a week, and you know you cannot continue like this, so you make a three-part agreement with her. 】

[Regarding the three chapters of your agreement, Yamada Ryo seemed to realize that it would not be good to continue like this, and reluctantly agreed, but at the same time, she also hopes that you can take time to accompany her. 】

[This request is not difficult to fulfill, you nod in agreement. 】

[The days of shopping with Ryo Yamada were actually very enjoyable. 】

[On her days off, she always watches movies at home, or goes out to find some second-hand clothing stores and old-fashioned record stores. 】


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


[Welcome users to use the love simulator]
[You can freely choose women who have a basic connection with your reality and whose appearance value is 7 or above (this score is based on a 10-point scale) for simulation]
[The entire simulation is free, players are invited to explore on their own]
[After the simulation is completed, the system will reward the simulation result evaluation]
[Current number of simulations: 4]
[The number of simulations is not fixed and can be restored with special rewards and time]
Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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not work with dark mode