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My love simulation with them — Chapter 51

Yijizhi Hongxia looked surprised. The answer Nanxiang Shi gave was exactly the same as what her mother said in the novel.

Then she asked several questions from different chapters.

But Nanxiang Shi was still able to answer casually, without feeling stuck at all.

“…What kind of monster is this?”

Yiji Xingge, who had made a mocking sound just now, looked at the library book in his hand with a blank look on his face, a little doubtful about life.

She asked the question more than a dozen times, but Nanxiang Shi could always repeat the passages she said word for word.

“Nanxiang-san is so awesome.”

When Hongxia Yijizhi next to her returned the library book to Nanxiang, her clear voice was full of surprise.

Is this the strength of being number one in the national deviation value test?

“No big deal.”

Faced with Yi Jihong Xia’s disbelief, Nan Xiangshi just responded casually.

“No, no, no, it’s already amazing, right?”

Sitting on the chair, Yi Ji Xingge’s mouth twitched: “Your memory can be said to be at the level of a monster.”

Can you believe it?

Just by briefly flipping through the book, you can remember everything above.

This is too exaggerated.

“Are you right? Lonely?”

Itachi Hoshige turned his attention to Goto Kazuri who had been silent.


Goto Ichiri, who was suddenly called out, was panicked for a while, and then he opened his mouth and said, “Well… I, I think… it’s not bad.”

Among the memory fragments she obtained, Nanxiang Shi not only had a terrifying memory, but his learning ability and practical ability were both beyond the reach of others.

Therefore, regarding the memory ability displayed in Nanxiang.

She was actually not as surprised as everyone else.

“Huh? Is it okay?”

Goto Ichiri’s plain answer was beyond Ichichi Hoshika’s expectation.

But Nanxiang Shi on the other side didn’t care about this.

He put the library book back, raised his head and said, “Actually, compared to such trivial matters, I actually have other things I want to discuss with the store manager.”

“It’s such an insignificant thing…You guys, you can easily get on TV just by relying on this memory skill, right?”

Yi Ji Xingge rubbed his temples, is this the world of genius?

She really didn’t understand at all.

But since there are still problems in Nanxiang…

“If you have any questions, just ask them directly.”

Yi Ji Xingge sat down again and spoke.

“I’m going to have an outdoor performance soon. Is there anything I need to pay attention to?”

Nanxiang Shi spoke.

“Is there anything I need to be careful about when performing an outdoor performance…”

Idizhi Xingge touched his smooth chin, thought for a while, and finally shook his head: “There is nothing to pay attention to.”

Shimokitazawa Commercial Street is essentially a pedestrian commercial street.

If you plug in a speaker and effects device here to perform, the Japanese patrol police will actually not care.

“I have to say something that needs attention…probably the nervousness you feel when you go on stage.”

Although he had been teased a lot by Nanxiang Shige, when it came to business, Ichi Hoshige still had a serious attitude: “As you said before, you only played the guitar for more than two hours.”


“It’s completely different to formally perform on stage for others to practice casually, so I only have one suggestion.”

Yi Ji Xingge raised a finger.

“Don’t be nervous.”


Don’t be nervous.

This may sound simple enough.

But in fact it is very difficult.

Even for some well-known bands in the industry, some members will be nervous and perform poorly when they go on stage.

And the probability is not low.

“I understand, thank you store manager for your suggestion.”

Nanxiang nodded thoughtfully.

“I’m actually a little surprised.”

Looking at Nanxiang and nodding, Yiji Zhixingge couldn’t help but said: “Anyway, you have such a strong learning ability, why don’t you practice more and then perform in the open air? It’s not in a hurry anyway.”

“There must be some reasons why I have to do this.”

Nanxiang Shi smiled.

He couldn’t tell the other party directly about the character card of ‘Queen of Rock’ Goto Ichiri, right?


When he met Nan Xiang, he had already made up his mind, and Yi Ji Xingge did not continue to persuade him.

She just yawned, holding a carton of strawberry milk and asked: “Speaking of playing in the open air…have you decided which piece you want to play?”

She was quite curious about this.

“The music for the performance…”

As soon as Yi Di Zhi Xingge raised this question, Nanxiang Shi was really stunned.

Yesterday, he was busy with Yamada Ryo’s IF line, and he really hadn’t thought about this issue in depth.

to be honest.

Before picking up the guitar, Nanxiang Shi didn’t have much interest in music.

In addition to studying, I usually study.

listen to music?

He’s done nothing of the sort.

He has no impression of today’s hot rock music or other songs.

Therefore, Yi Ji Xingge’s sudden question really made him unable to answer it.

But soon, Nanxiang, who was conducting a thorough search in his mind, came up with a piece of music that he was very familiar with and could not forget at all.

“I’ve already decided on the songs I’m going to play.”

Nanxiang answered when he got the answer.

“Really? What’s the name? Which band’s music is it from?”

Yiji knew Xingge was interested and asked a question.

“It’s not a band’s song.”

Nanxiang Shi shook his head: “To be precise, it should be an original song by a friend of mine.”

“Original song?”

Ichichi Hongxia, who was helping Nan Xiangshi clean up the dishes, turned her head and twitched her ponytail slightly: “What’s your name?”

They ended the band and just got on the right track recently. They finally passed the test of their sister and were ready to go on stage to perform, which happened to be their own original song.

At this time, I heard that Nanxiang Shi also had some original songs. Of course, I was a little curious, and at the same time, I felt a little bit competitive.

On the other side, Goto Kazuri, who also lowered his head to help clean up, was also a little curious. His ears perked up and his eyes secretly looked towards Nanxiang.

Then, she heard Nanxiang Shi’s voice.

“It’s a song written by some of my friends, and it’s called “I Don’t Want to Die in Loneliness.”

Bang! ! !

The crisp sound of a dinner plate sliding down.

“Huh? What’s wrong? Lonely?”

Hearing this sound, Yi Di Zhi Xingge looked back in confusion.

But at this time, Goto Ichiri could no longer hear clearly what Ichichi Hoshige said.

All she could think about was what Nanxiang Shi said just now.

“I don’t want to die alone.”

that is not…

Is it the track in the vague memory she obtained a few days ago?

Why does Nango-senpai know this…?

She looked at Nanxiang blankly.

The huge shock left her speechless.

Chapter 68. Regret Guitar in Life (4100 words!)

The memory of spending time with Nanxiang and realizing the dream together with the band that ended suddenly came to mind.

It is a secret that Goto Kazuri has never mentioned to outsiders. It belongs only to her.

After all, the content of these memories is really embarrassing in a sense.

Although Goto Kazuri usually has a tendency to have delusions.

I often fantasize about becoming a national rock queen and performing in a Budokan.

But…living with others, falling in love, getting married, and even having children in the end…this kind of memory is really hard for Goto Kazuri to talk about.

If there are no unexpected circumstances.

Being timid and timid, she should keep her head down and keep this secret deep in her heart.

But what did Senior Nanxiang say just now?

“I don’t want to die alone”?

Isn’t this the song hidden in the extra memory in her mind?

Goto Ichiri closed his eyes.

She clearly remembered that this song was sung at the end of her performance at the Budokan – sung to Nanxiang.

A bold idea that had appeared in my mind countless times came up again.

Is it possible that Senior Nanxiang also has those scattered memories like her?

A strong desire emerged from Goto Ichiri’s heart to pull Nango Toki aside and ask.


Pull him away.

Ask him about his memory!

A look of seriousness and confidence gradually appeared on Goto Kazuri’s beautiful and timid face.


My love simulation with them

My love simulation with them

Status: Completed Author:


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Wait—why are the simulated subjects all difficult two-dimensional heroines?


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